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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644


chotropic medications to people with ID without a mental disorder

to manage their behaviors. There are significant strains on mental

health services to manage people with ID and CB. This presentation

discusses. Describe people with CB and ID and their characteristics

including mental disorder, use of psychotropic medications, socio

demographic factors and financial costs to look after them. Social

and health care approach to look after people with CB in the UK,

Challenges to develop services for people with CB in ID in Germany

and Poland. Do we need specialist services for people with ID and

CB? Pros and cons.

Disclosure of interest

COI: Bhathika Perera, I have received travel

grants from pharmaceutical companies to attend ADHD confer-

ences and I have been a speaker at pharmaceutical company

sponsored events on ADHD.


Descriptive study of people, with

intellectual disability, presenting with

challenging behavior in north London,


B. Perera

, K. Courtenay

Barnet, Enfiled and Haringey Mental Health trust, Learning

Disabilities, London, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.

Prevalence of intellectual disability (ID) ranges from 0.05 to 1.55%.

A total of 10–15% of the people with ID present with challenging

behaviour (CB). This causes a significant strain on mental health

services. People with ID often end up staying in psychiatric inpa-

tient units for longer periods. Most people with ID move out of

their family home to various care settings due to severity of their

behavioural difficulties. This descriptive study shows characteris-

tic features of people with ID and CB and financial costs to look

after them in the community. This study highlights the importance

to improve services to manage challenging behaviour, which may

lead to better quality of life to the person with CB and reduction in

financial pressures.

Disclosure of interest

COI: Bhathika Perera has received grants to

attend conferences and speak at ADHD conferences by pharmaceu-

tical companies.


An evidenced based checklist to

support anti-dementia medication

withdrawal in people with down

syndrome (DS), intellectual disability

(Id) and dementia

R. Shankar

1 ,

, S. Ram



Cornwall Foundation NHS Trust, ID neuropsychiatry, Truro, United



Somerset Partnership Nhs Foundation Trust, Intellectual Disabilites,

Taunton, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.

DSwith aging is associatedwith greatly increased risk of developing

dementia similar to Alzheimer’s. Anti-dementia drug discontinua-

tion is recommended when clinical benefit is not determined. In DS

it is more complex as medication ill effects of stopping needs to be

weighed in balance to extraneous processes such as environment

changes, sensory impediments and physical ill health and natural

progression of dementia.


Can identified risk factors extracted from a comprehensive

literature review be developed into an evidence based check list

to support risk minimized person centered withdrawal of anti-

dementia drugs when considered not to be efficacious in DS?


A detailed literature review using Medline, PsychInfo,

Cinahl and Embase with relevant search terms in various per-

mutations and combinations without any date limit enquiring

current evidence base on anti-dementia medication withdrawal

was conducted. The review also looked to extract the common

risk factors in stopping medication. All risk factors were col-

lated, reviewed by a focus group of experts, developed into a



Thirty abstracts were obtained following the search.

Six papers were short-listed. No papers identified a structured

approach to medication reduction. An 18-factor checklist was

applied prospectively to 30 cases. The checklist was sensitive to

identify change to guide clinical decision-making.


Currently, decision to peg medication withdrawal

risk is arbitrary and clinical in dementia especially in DS

dementia. The evidenced based developed checklist is useful to

support and structure clinical decisions. It helps clinicians and

patients to focus on promoting safety, reduce harm and guide


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Descriptive study of patients with

intellectual disability attended in a

community mental health care center

S. Oller Canet

1 ,

, E. Pérez Sánchez


, L. Alba Pale


, E. Mur Mila



B. Samsó Buixareu


, C. Mizrahi Recasens


, S. Gasque Llopis



S. Castillo Maga˜na



Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addicions, Centre Emili Mira- Parc de

Salut Mar, Centre de Salut Mental Martí Julià, Santa Coloma de

Gramenet, Spain


Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addicions, Parc de Salut Mar, Centre

de Salut Mental La Mina, Sant Adrà de Besòs, Spain

Corresponding author.


The rate of mental illness among people with intel-

lectual disability is at least 2.5 times higher than in the general


[1] .


To describe the clinical and sociodemographic char-

acteristics of all patients with intellectual disability treated in a

community mental health care center (CMH) located in a city

of 120,000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Barcelona with a high

poverty index.


Documents and patient records were reviewed. Clini-

cal, sociodemographic and other treatment data of patients with

intellectual disability treated at the CMH were collected.


The sample consisted of 118 patients. Mean age: 39.5

(SD: 15), 54% men. 92% single and 23.7% legally incapacitated.

46.6% never completed basic education and 44.1% completed

primary school. Employment status: 14.4% unemployed, 14.4%

currently active, and 50% pensioned. Patients living mainly with

their family (parents:) 86%. 68.6% of patients showed aggressive

behavior, but the rate of hospital psychiatric admissions was low

(mean: 1.1 (SD: 2.3)). Organic comorbidity: 44.9%. Functional-

ity measured with GAF mean: 45 (SD: 12). Level of intellectual

disability was mostly mild (62%). Psychiatric diagnoses were:

psychotic disorders: 49.25%, affective disorders: 6.8%, personal-

ity disorder: 3.4%, Obsessive-compulsive disorder: 3.4%, autism:

11.9% and other diagnoses: 37.3%. Patients treated with anti-

psychotics: 78.8%, anti-depressants: 40.7%, and mood stabilizers:



Intellectually disabled patients from our sample

showed high comorbidity with psychotic disorders, were highly

medicated and often exhibited aggressive behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.