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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771



To assess the prevalence of residual sleep disorders in

military personnel with PTSD.


A cross-sectional study was conducted and included 25

military consultants meeting the criteria of DSM-5 for PTSD. Sleep

disorders were assessed using the insomnia severity index (ISI).


The mean score of the ISI was 14. Fourteen percent of the

participants (


= 21) reported difficulty falling asleep. All patients

reported difficulties staying asleep. Nightmares were reported by

48% of the sample (


= 12). All patients were under hydroxyzine at

dosages ranging from 25 to 50mg per day. More than half of the

sample (


= 18) was under a combination of benzodiazepine and

hydroxyzine. Seventy-one percent of patients (


= 15) considered

that their sleep difficulties significantly disrupted their daily lives.


Insomnia is one of the most frequent and persistent

symptoms in PTSD patients. These sleep disorders can impede

remission and may be due in part to co-morbid depression.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Assessment of chronic pain in military

patients with PTSD

E. Ben Zina

1 ,

, M.W. Krir


, H. Bel Hadj


, A. Tajmout



C. Ben Cheikh


, H. El Kefi


, A. Omaya



Principal Military Hospital of Instruction of Tunis, Psychiatry,

Ariana, Tunisia


Principal Military Hospital of Instruction of Tunis, Psychiatry, Tunis,


Corresponding author.


Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

presents often with several concomitant physical and mental

health problems. Recent evidence suggests that pain is one of the

most commonly reported symptoms in patients with PTSD, regard-

less of the nature of their traumatic experience.

Aim of the study

To evaluate chronic pain in patients with PTSD

in a Tunisian military sample.


Transversal descriptive study of a sample of 22 patients

treated for PTSD in the Principal Military Hospital of Instruction of

Tunis during the period between August and October 2016.

The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), Hospital Anxiety and

Depression scale (HAD), and the Brief Pain Inventory Short Form

(BPI-SF) were administered for patients.


All the patients of the study were male. The mean age

of the sample was 29.6 years. Fifty percent presented with a co-

morbid major depression and 59.1% with chronic pain symptoms.

Locations of chronic pain were as follow: limb pain (69.23%), back

pain (38.46%), headache (30.76%) and torso pain (7.69%). Sequelae

from combat-related trauma were present in 31.8% of cases.


The results of this study illustrate a high rate of

chronic pain symptoms among PTSD patients. This suggests that

closer attention should be given to the interaction of medical

problems, especially pain, with PTSD symptomatology in clinical

management and in future research.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Self-esteem in military patients with

post-traumatic stress disorder

E. Ben Zina

, M.W. Krir , H. Bel Hadj , R. Lansari , H. El Kefi ,

C. Ben Cheikh , A. Omaya

Principal Military Hospital of Instruction of Tunis, Psychiatry, Ariana,


Corresponding author.


Maintaining self-esteem is a fundamental human

motivation. Trauma may lower self-esteem, which contributes to

the development and maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disor-

der (PTSD).


Assessment of self-esteem in Tunisian military

patients suffering from PTSD. Study of correlation between the

severity of the PTSD symptoms and the rate of self-esteem.


Transversal descriptive study of a sample of 22 patients

treated for PTSD in the TunisianMilitary Hospital during the period

between August and October 2016.

The PTSD Cheklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), Hospital Anxiety and Depres-

sion scale (HAD), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were

administered for patients.


All the patients assessed were male. The mean age of the

sample was 29.6 years. Fifty percent of the patients presented with

a co-morbid major depression. Based on the score of the Rosenberg

Self-Esteem Scale, patients had a self-esteem, which was very low

in 45.45% of case, low in 45.45% of cases, average in 4.54% of cases

and high in 4.54% of cases. The results also showed that lower lev-

els of self-esteem are significantly correlated to the severity of the

PTSD symptoms as measured by the PCL-5 score.


This study highlights the magnitude of self-esteem

deficiency among patients suffering from PTSD. It remains unclear

as to whether the relationship between trauma and depression is

consistently mediated by a negative cognitive schema, such as low

self-esteem, or whether trauma influences mood independently of

low self-esteem. Further studies are required.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Post-traumatic stress spectrum and

adult autism subthreshold spectrum

in parents of children with epilepsy:

Correlations and gender differences

C. Carmassi , M. Corsi , C. Gesi , C.A. Bertelloni

, V. P

edrinelli ,

G. Massimetti , A. Bonuccelli , A. Orsini , L. Dell’Osso

Azienda Ospedaliero, Universitaria Pisana, Department of Clinical

and Experimental Medicine, Pisa, Italy

Corresponding author.


Data that assess the co-morbidity between post-

traumatic stress symptoms and autism spectrum are scarce.

Nevertheless, some authors suggested that subjects with autism

spectrum disorder (ASD), due to their difficulty in understand-

ing the codes of communication, empathy, expression, are lower

resilience to traumas.


The aimof this studywas to explore in a sample of par-

ents of childrenwith epilepsy, the presence of correlations between

the symptoms of post-traumatic stress and adult autismsubthresh-

old spectrum.


Seventy-seven parents completed the Trauma and Loss

Spectrum Self-Report (TALS-SR), specifically modified for one’s son

epileptic disease, and 72 parents completed the AdAS Spectrum

(Adult Autism subthreshold Spectrum).


Eight subjects (11.1%) presented a total score

45 at

the AdAS Spectrum, corresponding to the satisfaction of a symp-

tomatic ASD criteria and indicative of the Adult Autism Spectrum

subthreshold. More specifically, a total score

45 was found in 7

(15.9%) of mothers and 1 (3.6%) of the fathers, with no statistically

significant differences between the two groups (


= 0.139).

Noteworthy correlations between TALS and AdAS, emerged only

in the subgroup of the fathers. In particular, a relevant number

of moderate to good correlations emerged between the Domain II

(reactions to the events of loss) of the TALS-SR and theAdASDomain

III (non verbal communication), Domain VI (restricted interests and

ruminations) and total score.