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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846


special role in society. Presented behaviours, reactions to stressful

situations, unaccepted emotional states that appear to bemaladap-

tive, are often intensified by the rules of monastery life.


The aim of this investigation was to uncover the most

significant issues in terms of the specificity of therapeutic work

with nuns.


The subjects were 12 patients (nuns) with the diagnosis

of depressive-anxiety disorder (F41.2 according to ICD-10 criteria).

Over the course of the last 10 years (since 2005) we observed the

therapy processes of 12 nuns. The psychotherapy group consists of

12 patients at our ward. Every time there was only one nun in the



This study gives an overview of issues and problems

reported by the nuns: their sex significantly determines their posi-

tion in the community of consecrated sociality, their obligations to

perform specific work, the rules to follow as well as the resulting

consequences for the functioning of mental health.


In the process of psychotherapy is important and

necessary to distinguish between theological and psychological

aspects, between what is secular and what is spiritual. The psy-

chotherapy group’s as well as the therapist’s perception of a nun

is of special importance as it is sometimes difficult to distinguish

between her social role and her needs, desires, difficulties and con-

flicts as a human being.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Outcomes assessment: Psychometric

properties of the Spanish adaptation

of the outcome questionnaire (OQ-45)

P. Penas

, I. Iraurgi , S. Gorbe˜na , B. Matellanes , M. Montero

University of Deusto, Department of Psychology, Bilbao, Spain

Corresponding author.


The outcome questionnaire (OQ-45) has been one

of the most frequently used instrument to measure clinical out-

comes in psychotherapy. Probably due to its subscale structure, its

applicability for a variety of disorders and life struggles, its sen-

sitivity to change by repeated measurements and its predictive

ability. Given its popularity, OQ-45 has been translated into several



As the Spanish version has not been published, through

this poster it is going to show the reliability and the dimensional

structure of the OQ-45.


One hundred and thirty-nine patients in clinical settings

have completed the Spanish version. Three different confirmatory

factor analysis have been calculated to analyze the construct valid-



The Cronbach Alpha of the instrument was adequate

.92, but also, in the three dimensions: symptoms distress (.90),

interpersonal relations (.78) and social role (.66). Through the

CFA was proved that the Four-factor bi-level model structure




= 3930.47,


< .001, AGF = .86, CFI = .91, RMSEA = .061(.049 to

.073)]suited appropriately, in fact, more properly than the three-

factor correlated or the three-factor with a second order factor



The three-factor bi-level model structure of the OQ-

45 is confirmed indicating an empirically and clinically relevant

measure of client functioning. In this model each item loaded on

one of the three subscales originally created. Besides, each item

also captures common variance represented by the general factor

of overall maladjustment, where this factormay indicate the degree

to which respondents are functionally impaired. Thus, OQ-45 is

an instrument that could be used for monitoring treatment effi-

cacy and for making informed decisions about clinically significant


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A prospective intervention in patients

with complicated grief

M. Pinheiro

1 ,

, N . C


2 , D.


2 , J. R




Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa CHTS, Departamento de

Psiquiatria e Saude Mental DPSM, Penafiel, Portugal


CHTS, DPSM, Penafiel, Portugal


CESPU, Psicologia, Gandra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Most reactions to grief are adaptive. However, there

is the possibility that some individuals present a complicated grief

disorder, where there is a pathological intensification of symptoms

lasting more than 6months, deserving special treatment.


Evaluate the effectiveness of two types of

intervention in complicated grief: group intervention (GI) and

cognitive-narrative (CN) therapy.


Patients in a complicated grief process were selected



= 70), and distributed in three groups: cognitive–narrative ther-

apy group (CNTG), group intervention group (GIG) and a control

group (CG). Inclusion criteria: adults, with a reference to mourning

situation, with personal meaning, for over six months and results

in ICG

30points (cutoff). The Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG),

the Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) and

the trauma questionnaire (ICD-11) were used. Follow-up was per-

formed 3months after the end of each intervention. Data analysis

was performed using the statistical package from social sciences

(SPSS 20).


With respect to complicated grief symptoms (CGx) and

depression symptoms (Dx) there were statistically significant dif-

ferences between the CNTG and the CG, but not with the GIG. There

was no statistically significant effect in post-traumatic symptoms

(PTx), even though both interventions had a slight decrease. When

the CNTG and the GIG were directly compared, there was only a

statistically significant difference between PTx.


In our single center cohort, CNTG was a more effec-

tive intervention in complicated grief patients for CGx and Dx

reduction. For PTx, no intervention was superior. Larger multi-

center studies are needed to validate these results.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cognitive behavioral therapy and

acceptance and commitment therapy

as augmentation treatment for

paediatric autoimmune

neuropsychiatric disorders associated

with streptococcal infections

(PANDAS): A case report

A. Pozza

University of Florence, Department of Experimental and Clinical

Medicine, Florence, Italy


Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders

associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) are a subgroup

of conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),

tic disorders, pre-pubertal and sudden onset, temporal associa-

tion between streptococcal infections and associated neurological

abnormalities. Some strategies were developed, including the

use of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent streptococcal-triggered

exacerbations, and immunomodulatory interventions for the man-