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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52



Non-systematic review of concepts and data regarding

the needs of women users of mental health services and their fam-



nequity and inefficiency of mental health resources affect

men and women all around the globe. Some important men-

tal health needs as well as barriers to care are gender-specific.

Women have specific needs in specific phases of life, e.g. the peri-

natal period, as well as specific risk factors, e.g. interpersonal

violence and sexual abuse. Developments of women only services

aswell as the implementation of gender-specific approaches in rou-

tine care are underway and need to be evaluated, amended and

expanded. Training as well as research requirements are numerous

and urgent. Family carers are an essential mental health resource.

Amajority is female with significant unmet needs. Family advocacy

in mental health is prominently supported by female activists as is

the psychiatric user movement. Because of the cumulation and the

interaction of gender-based and other forms of discrimination, leg-

islations such as those following the UN-Convention on the rights

of persons with disabilities include specific provisions for women

and girls with psychosocial disabilities.


Mental health stigma and discrimination interact

with gender inequality and the discrimination of women and girls

to their mental health detriment. Clinical and scientific responsibil-

ities in mental health essentially include gender-specific attention

to the needs of women and girls and their families.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Women mental health and trafficking

M. Schouler-Ocak

Psychiatric University Clinic of Charité at St. Hedwig Hospital,

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Berlin, Germany

“Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery”

have been used as umbrella terms for the act of recruiting, harbor-

ing, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled

labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or

coercion. Trafficking in persons is an insult to human dignity and

an assault on freedom, and robbing basic human rights (US Report,

2015). Reliable data on trafficking are difficult to obtain owing to its

illegal nature; the range and severity of trafficking activities; and

variations in how trafficking is defined. It is supposed that 49 per

cent of the victims arewomen, 21 per cent girls, 18 per centmen and

12 per cent boys. 53 per cent were involved in sexual exploitation

and 40 per cent in forced labor (UN, 2014).

Research findings show that the limitations of current method-

ologies affect what is known about human trafficking and health.

Moreover, findings demonstrate an urgent need for representative

and non–purposive recruitment strategies in future investigations

of trafficking and health as well as research on risk and protective

factors related to human trafficking and health, intervention effec-

tiveness, long-term health outcomes. The psychological impact

of victimization may be more severe than the physical violence.

Victims who have been rescued from sexual slavery, typically

present with various psychological symptoms andmental illnesses,

including the following: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),

depression, anxiety, panic disorder, suicidal ideation, Stockholm

syndrome, and substance abuse. In this talk current findings will

be presented and discussed.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Symposium: Improving physical health in patients

with severe mental disorders


Comorbidity of mental and physical

disorders: A major challenge for

medicine in the 21



N. Sartorius

Action for Mental Health, Geneve, Switzerland

Demographic changes and successes of medicine in preserving and

prolonging life are among the main reasons for the significant

increase of comorbidity of mental and physical illness. The simul-

taneous presence of these disorders leads to a worse prognosis of

both types of disorder, significant increases of cost of treatment and

heightened mortality.

Although these facts are becoming known among members of the

profession and among decision makers in the field of health lit-

tle is done to provide adequate and timely treatment and care for

all the diseases from which a person suffers. The fragmentation of

medicine into ever finer and more narrow specialties contributes

to the decreasing quality of care for people who have the misfor-

tune of having comorbid mental and physical illnesses as does the

stigma of mental illness which decreases the probability of timely

help and leads to well documented discrimination of those who

have mental illness in health services.

The paper will present some information about comorbidity of

mental and physical disorders and suggest reforms of health

care that might help to resolve the problems which comorbidity


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Exercise Interventions for Improving

Mental and Physical Health in


B. Malchow

Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Munich, Germany

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that carries a high per-

sonal and socio-economic burden. Especially negative symptoms

and cognitive impairments affect the long-term outcome and are

themain contributors to disability. An often underestimated aspect

of the disease are somatic comorbidities and the very highmortality

rates of those with the disorder. The life expectancy is approxi-

mately 20 years below that of the general population and there is

evidence that persons with schizophrenia may not have seen the

same improvement in life expectancy as the general population

during the past decades. Among others, lifestyle factors like seden-

tary behaviour, unhealthy diet, body weight and tobacco smoking

are considered modifiable risk factors contributing to this excess

mortality. Exercise interventions may be useful not only in atten-

uating symptoms of the disease but as well in help reducing risk

factors for somatic comorbidities.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.