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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S3–S5

Lilly, Pfizer, BiolineRx, Roche, Abraham Pharmaceuticals, Pierre

Fabre, Minerva and Amgen.

Joint symposium: The value of treatment for brain

and mental disorders


Closing the treatment gap: The EPA

case study of schizophrenia

W. Gaebel

Heinrich-Heine-universität Düsseldorf, Germany


Schizophrenia still ranks among the first 10 leading

causes of disability worldwide. Recent analyses show that there

is a considerable treatment gap in schizophrenia in Europe and



To provide evidence-based information and give a

concise overview of what is needed to overcome the treatment gap

in schizophrenia.


Using a combined approach of systematic review and

health economics was used to assess the socioeconomic impact of

medical interventions (or the lack of thereof) for schizophrenia.


The case study analysis demonstrates socioeco-

nomic impact and health gains of best practices in specific

healthcare interventions for schizophrenia in comparison with the

cost burden of current care or non-treatment.

Disclosure of interest

Unterstützung bei Symposien/Symposia


– Janssen-Cilag GmbH, Neuss

– Aristo Pharma GmbH, Berlin

– Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg

– Servier Deutschland GmbH, München

– Fakultätsmitglied/Faculty Member

– Lundbeck International Neuroscience Foundation (LINF), Däne-



The cost of non-treatment

M. Knapp

London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United


There are large treatment gaps in relation to schizophrenia across

all European countries, either because the illness is not recognised

or because the response from treatment and care services is inad-

equate - not evidence-based. This could be because of resource or

other constraints. The consequence can be very damaging indeed

for individuals with schizophrenia, their families and for the wider

society. In this talk I will set out the economic consequences of not

identifying or responding appropriately to schizophrenia. Evidence

will be drawn from a number of studies, but will be channelled to

show new findings in relation to both England and Czech Republic.

These figures add to the argument for earlier and better treatment,

to benefit everybody including public and private budgets.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Joint symposium with the Italian psychiatric

association: Early intervention in psychotic

disorders: Comparing models and experiences


Assertive interventions for first

episode psychoses: The Danish


M. Nordentoft

, N. Albert , C. Hjorthoj , H. Jensen , M. Melau

Mental health services in the capital region of Denmark, university of

Copenhagen, Denmark

Corresponding author.

Early Intervention services with team-based intensive case man-

agement and family involvement are superior to standard

treatment in reducing psychotic and negative symptoms and

comorbid substance abuse and improving social functioning and

user satisfaction. The results of the OPUS-trial will be presented

togetherwithmeta-analyses based on similar trials. The implemen-

tation of OPUS all over Denmark will be presented together with

the Danish OPUS-fidelity study. Specialized elements are being are

being developed such as inclusion of new methods in CBT for psy-

chotic and negative symptoms, neurocognitive and social cognitive

training programs, interventions for supported employment and

focus on physical health. Results of long term follow-up studies

indicate that the prognosis of first episode psychosis is very diverse

with the extremes represented by one group being well function-

ing and able to quit medication without relapse; and another group

having a long term chronic course of illness with a need for sup-

port to maintain daily activities. The Danish TAILOR-trial–testing

dose reduction versus maintenance therapy will be presented. It

will be of immense value to be able to intervene in risk groups

identified in the premorbid phase, and there are few examples of

ongoing trial for children of parent with schizophrenia and bipolar


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Assertive interventions for first

episode psychoses: The Italian


A. Meneghelli

Solari 19, 20144, Milan, Italy

In Italy, despite the favourable conditions created by the 1978

reform law and the community psychiatry, at the end of the past

century there were no culture or initiatives oriented to innovative

and evidence-based founded interventions in early psychosis. The

watershed was the setting up in the MHD of Niguarda (Milan) of

Programma 2000, addressed to FEP and HR mostly inspired by

the knowledge of existing studies and experiences and with the

recommended characteristics of specificity, multicomponentiality,

assertiveness and doctrinal orientation. From the very start, one

fundamental aim was to disseminate information, training, super-

vision, and to raise consensus and initiatives throughout Italy, as

well as to improve international links. In many ways, the con-

sequences have been extremely positive. In 2005, Angelo Cocchi

and Programma 2000 team founded the

AIPP (Italian Association

for Early Intervention in Psychosis

), now named

Italian Association

for Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Health

. Over the