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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S521–S582

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A literary exploration of British

cultural attitudes to psychiatry during

the late 1800s and their development

over the following century

A. Pittock

NHS Lothian, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Edinburgh, United



British psychiatry was in its embryonic stage in the

late nineteenth century. Early psychiatrists employed radical treat-

ments with little success and not much is documented about public

attitudes. Using fictional depictions of madness and physicians

allows us to explore cultural attitudes to psychiatry at the time.


First, to analyze the portrayal of madness and physi-

cians in the island of Dr. Moreau and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;

second, to use this to provide insight into the public opinion of psy-

chiatry and third, to evaluate the development of attitudes using

twentieth century media.


To provide an insight into the social perspective of mental

illness in the late nineteenth century and consider its evolution over

the last one hundred years.


Two famous, well-received novels of the timewere cho-

sen for analysis. Historical knowledge of the period was sought

using JSTOR, NHS Scotland’s The Knowledge Network and Google

Scholar. Novels and media depictions were analysed in relation to

the scientific understanding at the time.


The novels show two ways of control: surgical (Moreau)

and chemical (Jekyll). Both are unsuccessful, as were physician’s

attempts in reality. The narrators’ concerns mirror the cultural anx-

iety at the time surrounding containment and treatment of mental

illness. Media portrayal of cruel, unsuccessful treatment continues

throughout the twentieth century.


Nineteenth century cultural attitudes to mental ill-

ness show a distinct anxiety and concern with barbaric treatments

and their inefficacy. Despite psychiatric progress, the media have

continued to portray mental illness and its treatment in a negative

light, suggesting continued levels of societal concern.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Demographic characteristics of the

cohort of patients, receiving

out-patient psychiatric help in

regional medical consultative and

diagnostic center of sub-arctic


K. Shapovalov

1 ,

, L. S




State Education Agency of Additional Professional Education of

Republic of Komi “Komi Republican Institute for Development of

Education”, Chair of Economics, Management and Law in Education,

Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia


State Autonomous Health Agency of the Republic of Komi

“Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Republic of Komi”,

Consultative and diagnostic department, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic,


Corresponding author.

The analysis of mental health 5356 patients referred to the out-

patient reception of a psychiatrist in the structure of the regional

consultative diagnostic center. The structure of the patient, the

psychiatrist received increased by 14.0% the proportion of initial

applications (59.6%). The number of men has decreased in abso-

lute terms, 1.84 times, and the relative by 10.4%, which led to the

formation of a clear trend dominance of the female population of

the territory. Men are turning mainly in the active working age

18–44 years (54.2%), whilewomen are turningmainly aged50 years

and older (59.3%). This is explained by the peculiarities of the phys-

iological, mental and emotional state at a certain age period of

the female orgasm, as well as the prevailing female population

of the region (5.6%) over the masculine. Statistically significant

difference on the prevalence of urban agriculture is not set. Reduc-

tion adopted children under the age of 17 years from 62% to 16%

is a result of filling in the municipalities vacancies child psychi-

atrists and can be evaluated as a positive result of the dynamic

development of mental health services. At present, it formed

the objective necessity of the development of community mental

health as a result of growth in the number of mental illnesses. But

this comes at the expense of lighter forms (outpatient options).

Most exacerbations do not require compulsory hospitalization,

as a rule.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Structure of psychic sphere pathology

of patients of the regional medical

consultative and diagnostic center of

sub-arctic territory

K. Shapovalov

1 ,

, L. Shapovalova



State Education Agency of Additional Professional Education of

Republic of Komi “Komi Republican Institute for Development of

Education”, Chair of Economics, Management and Law in Education,

Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia


State Autonomous Health Agency of the Republic of Komi

“Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Republic of Komi”,

Consultative and diagnostic department, Syktyvka, Komi Republic,


Corresponding author.

In the structure of pathology 5356 psychiatric patients according

to nosology forms, the first place ranking diagnosed by a psychi-

atrist of the regional advisory diagnostic center occupy organic,

including symptomatic, mental disorders (F00–F09) to 48.2%. The

second place ranking occupied by neurotic, stress-related and

somatoform disorders (F40–F49) to 37.8%. This pathology includes

various phobic, anxiety, depressive, hypochondria, obsessive-

compulsive, dissociative (conversion), somatoform disorders, as

well as response to heavy stress and adjustment disorders. The

combination of anxiety and depression observed took place in

70.0% of patients. The majority of patients with anxiety disor-

ders only part of the symptoms is found, however, and they are

extremely painful. These people are in most cases not immedi-

ately come to the attention of psychiatrists, moving from a general

practitioner to a neurologist, cardiologist and doctors of other

medical specialists. They have initially diagnoses as vegetative-

vascular dystonia, and then diencephalic crises, etc. The third rank

place took patients with mental retardation - the proportion of

an average of 1.3%. Mental disorder primarily characterized by

impaired ability, manifested in the ripening period, provides a

common level of intelligence: cognitive, speech, motor and social

abilities. For the most part the clinical manifestations of these

patients there are two groups of disorders: (1) Disorders of cog-

nitive functions (memory, intelligence, learning, attention); (2)

perception of disorder, the content of the thoughts, emotions and
