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Page Background European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644

Available online at


25th European Congress of Psychiatry

ePoster viewing part 4

e-Poster Viewing: Forensic psychiatry


Psycho-social factors associated with

maternal neonaticide

T. Amirejibi

Ilia State University, Mental Health, Tbilisi, Georgia

Current research presents five case studies of maternal neonati-

cide in Georgia. Participants were under the age of thirty, with

incomplete secondary education, unemployed, dependent on their

families’ low income, living in the rural areas of Georgia. In three

cases, participants resided with their family of origin. They were

not married or in a relationship with the father of the child. They

described their families and communities as conservative, holding

strong cultural/religious beliefs against premarital sexual rela-

tions/childbirth out of wedlock. They lacked problem solving and

coping skills, avoided making decisions concerning the pregnancy

by concealing it. This being their first pregnancy, they gave birth

alone followed by panic and fear of detection, committed neonati-

cide and hid the body of the infant. None of them had a prior

criminal record. In the remaining cases, participants were married,

lived with their spouses and children, had financial hardships. Both

reported psychological and physical abuse from their spouses. One

of them had a prior criminal offense for possessing controlled sub-

stances. The motive for neonaticide was an unwanted child due to

an extramarital affair and threat of financial abandonment from

extended family. In both cases, infants suffered fatal injuries. All

participants reported lack of social support and emotional neglect

from family members. These results are in line with international

research, suggesting that certain patterns among thesemothers are

shared. Psychosocial factors associated with neonaticide should be

utilized in the process of planning and implementing preventive

strategies in health, social and legal frameworks.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Hardly manageable forensic case,

as a result of unsuitable legal and

psycho-social factors

V. Blakaj-Ramadani

1 ,

, B. Obertinca


, F. Blakaj



University Clinical Center, Institute for Forensic Psychiary, Prishtina,



Medical Faculty, Forensic Medicine, Prishtina, Kosovo

Corresponding author.

The court may impose a measure of mandatory psychiatric treat-

ment in custody in a health care institution on a perpetrator who

has committed offense while in a state of mental incompetence

or substantially diminished mental capacity. An offense should be

punishable by imprisonment of at least 3 years and is necessary

to avoid a serious danger. Implementation of this measure can be

difficult if surrounded by unsuitable psycho-social circumstances.

Patient N.N, Albanian, 22-years-old, was born in Kosovo and raised

in Germany. During this period, he only visited Kosovo 2–3 times.

A fewweeks before admission in the Institute (year 2014), he came

in Kosovo willingly, to escape a prison sentence in Germany. Due to

a fight, he was arrested and because of resistance that he showed,

in the court – psychiatrist proposes mandatory psychiatric treat-

ment. In admission was quiet, but after being told the rules of the

Institute, he started to become aggressive, refusing to speak and

eat. After refusal, his medical condition deteriorates. After “thera-

peutic weekend”, we saw improvement. The Court approved the

doctor’s proposal to change the measure. The measure must be

appropriate for the patient in order not to cause more harm than


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

Further reading

Kosovo, Penal Code.

Law on Mental Health.

Law on Kosovo Health.

Internal Regulation of Kosovo Forensic Psychiatry Institute.


Evaluation of elder physical abuse

G.E. Buicu

1 ,

, M. Gabos Grecu


, A. Salcudean



I. Gabos Grecu


, C. Marinescu


, A. Nirestean


, S. Turliuc



V. Hadareanu


, I. Udristoiu



University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Psychiatry, Tirgu Mures,



County Hospital, Psychiatry, Pitesti, Romania


University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Psychiatry, Iasi, Romania


University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Forensic Medicine, Tirgu

Mures, Romania


University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Psychiatry, Craiova, Romania

Corresponding author.


In the society we belong to, elders are the target

of abuse which is many times generated by the social cultural
