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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644

assessed for global functioning and severity of illness by CGI-SCH

and PSP, respectively.


Of all patients, 52% were treated by H-LAI, 48% by SG-

LAI. No statistical differences (


> 0.05) were found between the 2

groups for age, gender, other demographic variables, substances

use, somatic comorbidities. Both groups were homogeneous for

severity of illness (CGI-SCH score = 4.20 in H-LAI vs. 4.38 in SG-

LAI) and global functioning (PSP score = 49.1 in H-LAI vs. 54.4 in

SG-LAI). Compared with the H-LAI group, SG-LAI-treated patients

were characterized by shorter time from admission (>10 yrs) and

treatment length (>1 yr), and less frequent anticholinergic drug co-

prescription. We counted only 6 LAI-APs treatments started in the

last year.


Despite of the literature support, LAI-APs treatment

for schizophrenia is still limited in our service. Our data suggest

that SG-LAI-APs are used as first choice of LAI-APs treatment,

although maintained for short time, while H-LAI are reserved to

long-standing patients and are burdened by side effects needing

anticholinergic treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Time management education

influence on decreasing exam

anexiety and conditioned university

students’ negligence of Tehran


F. Ebrahimi

1 ,

, P. Kolahi


, E. Nabipour



Islamic Azad University -Kermanshah Branch, Clinical Psychology,

Kermanshah, Iran


Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Clinical Psychology,

Urmia, Iran


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Clinical Psychology, Kerman,


Corresponding author.


Test anxiety is a multidimensional phenomenon,

including concerns about conflicts lead to negative emotional and

behavioral responses in academic scores.


Current study examines the influence of educating time

management on decreasing exam Anxiety and educational negli-

gence of conditioned university students on Tehran.


The method of doing study is of testing in which sta-

tistical society includes conditioned university students of Tehran.

Of general statistical society, we have selected 20 persons by in

access sampling method. Gathering information instrument in this

study is Solomon and Roth bloom’s educational negligence ques-

tionnaire and sarason test anxiety in which has been in access of

studied sample after testing its stability and narration.


After education, the result of t-test dependent and co-

variance analysis has shown time management education does

have meaningful influence on decreasing test stress and condi-

tioned university students negligence on Tehran universities.


Dropped students compared to other students,

provided a significant contingent of students had less time man-

agement and procrastination.


Time management; Test anxiety; Educational


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Developing community mental

healthcare: Kosovo case

G. Halilaj

Kosovo Forensic Psychiatry Institute, Forensic Psychiatry, Prishtina,



Community mental healthcare in Kosovo is still in

its developmental stage and thus pose an ongoing challenge for

the health system and population.


The purpose of this study is to describe the processes

of preparation, implementation, challenges and future of commu-

nity mental health service in Kosovo as an economically struggling

society with underdeveloped health care system.


Review of the current state of community services pro-

vision formentally ill peoples in Kosovo in the light of the objectives

and targets of the WHO comprehensive mental health action plan



The implementation of a new community mental health

service in Kosovo still is characterized by considerable shortages,

beside substantial effort on various levels. On the policy and finan-

cial level, it was made possible by a clear intent/initialization of

international bodies and coordinated commitment of all respon-

sible national stakeholders and authorities. Obstacles remain

regarding improvements of service development indicators:

financial and human resources; capacity building; stakeholder

involvement and service availability. Lack of strategies for pro-

motion and prevention in mental health and lack of information

systems, evidences and research for mental health is vital need.


Community mental healthcare in Kosovo despite

struggles faced is successfully installed and represents one of

Kosovo health system achievements. Comprehensive, integrated

and responsive mental health services in community-based

settings in linewith international and regional human rights instru-

ments is goal to be addressed.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her declaration of competing inter-



Expanding the role of primary health

care in the provision of mental health

services to the population of the

Kyrgyz republic

T. Galako

Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Psychiatry, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Providing comprehensive, integrated services in the field of mental

health in primary health care (PHC) is a component of the state

mental health program for the population of the Kyrgyz republic

(KR) in the 2017–2030 biennium. In order to develop an action plan

in this area a situational analysis of resources of psychiatric care at

PHC level was carried out. There was revealed a significant deficit of

specialists, such as family doctors, mental health care professionals.

In spite of the need for 3,300 family doctors, only 1706 work, and

80% of them are of retirement age.

The results of a research showed a low level of knowledge and skills

of family physicians for the early detection of mental disorders and

provision of appropriatemedical care. There are also a limited num-

ber of psychiatrists, especially in rural regions (77% of the required


During recent years, there have been implemented significant

changes in the system of mental health services, aimed at improv-

ing its quality, the approach to the place of residence of the patient

and the prevalence of psychosocial services.

Since 2016 in 8 southern regions in the Kyrgyz Republic has been

introduced a newmodel for the provision of comprehensive health