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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644

are as follows: to evaluate manifestations of stigma in mental

health care from the point of view of different experts; to discuss

influence of stigma on different levels of mental health care; to

identify consequences of stigma to mental health care reform. A

qualitative experts’ research was implemented in order to reveal

professional discourse around stigmatization of mental health and

consequences of this phenomenon to mental health care reform.

Research data reveal the strong prevalence of stigma on all levels

mental health care. Individuals with psychosocial disabilities tend

to choose medication instead of psychotherapy. Under influence

of stigma, they prefer rapid daily consumption of medication as a

substitute to active participation in the process of treatment. Politi-

cians are influencedby stigmatizing attitudes in the society towards

individuals with psychosocial disabilities, the persisting pressure

to isolate them in closed facilities. Under influence of stigma, the

process of reform lingers or obtains a shape reverse to a modern


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster viewing: Migration and mental health of



Dissociative amnesia with fugue vs.

Shenjing Shuairuo: A clinical case

report. Are DSM-5 distress cultural

considerations truly transcultural


I. Alberdi-Paramo

, M.

Tenorio , G. Montero , R. Baena , L. Niell ,

J. Iba˜nez , J. Peman , M. Villanueva , J. Gomez , J. Rodriguez

Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Psiquiatria, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


We present the case report of a 21-year-old Chinese

female, who was brought to the emergency department. We open

the debate between the operative criteria stablished by DSM-5 of

the clinical entity dissociative amnesia and Shenjing Shuairuo - the

Chinese “culture-bound syndrome”.


To expose the relevance of the cultural formulation

in the clinical evaluation of patients with a different non-Western

culture in Psychiatry.


The Shenjing Shuairuo syndrome (“nervous system weak-

ness”) was originally descripted in China, it has a gradual onset,

usually after a stressful event. It involves a minimum 3 of 5 symp-

toms group: weakness, emotions, excitement, neurological pain

and sleep. This complex group of symptoms overlap with disso-

ciative syndrome such as dissociative amnesia.


The cultural formulation interview (CFI) was

used for the diagnostic and subsequent treatment of dissociative

amnesia with fugue in a different culture patient who met the

clinical criteria of this two divergent clinic entities.


In our clinical practice, we will deal with different

culture patients, who could present common clinical entities or

with the so-called “culture-bound syndromes”. The cultural for-

mulation of the clinical cases will help the clinicians to diagnose

and have better treatment’s options in clinical manifestations do

not correspond to the conventional entities included in mostly

Western-based nomenclatures.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Syrian refugees in Canada: Clinical

experience in mental health care

K. Bazaid

CHEO, Psychiatry, Ottawa, Canada

War is the most serious of all threats to health (World Health Orga-

nization, 1982) and can have severe and lasting impacts on mental

health. Forced displacement andmigration generate risks tomental

well-being, which can result in psychiatric illness. Yet, the majority

of refugees do not develop psychopathology. Rather, they demon-

strate resilience in the face of tremendous adversity. The influx of

Syrian refugees to Canada poses challenges to the health care sys-

tem. We will present our experience to date in the Ottawa region,

including a multisector collaborative effort to provide settlement

and health services to newly arriving refugees from theMiddle East

and elsewhere. The workshop will be brought to life by engaging

with clinical cases and public health scenarios that present real

world clinical challenges to the provision of mental health care for



(1) Understand the predicament of refugees including

risks to mental health, coping strategies and mental health con-

sequences, (2) know the evidence for the emergence of mental

illness in refugees and the effectiveness of multi-level interven-

tions, (3) become familiar with published guidelines and gain a

working knowledge of assessment and management of psychiatric

conditions in refugee populations and cultural idioms of distress.

How will the participants receive feedback about their learning?

Participants will have direct feedback through answers to ques-

tions. The authors welcome subsequent communication by email.

Presenters can give attendants handouts on pertinent and concise

information linked to the workshop.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychoeducation trauma intervention

for refugee women survivors of

intimate partner violence

R.M. Bramble (P.C., Psychotherapy/Consultant)

Caballero Counseling Services, Woodside, USA

For intimate partner violence survivors, groups are helpful in that

they reduce the sense of isolation, which accompanies trauma sur-

vivors as well as provides a sense of belongingness. Judith Herman

states that survivors of gender-based violence in particular, suf-

fer from the secrecy, shame and stigma that are predictable social

consequences of this form of violation. Moreover, intimate partner

violence increases when women are isolated from their families,

communities and peers. For refugee women, the shame associ-

ated with migration trauma, along with having an undocumented

status is prevalent and keeps them from seeking services. The

psychoeducation 8 session intervention helps this vulnerable pop-

ulation understand the physiological response stress, trauma and

post traumatic stress disorder. Once symptoms have been identi-

fied, sessions enable women to reduce the symptoms by utilizing

methods of self-care. Cultural specific material for Latina undocu-

mented IPV survivors in New York City with integration of breath

work, sensorimotor, music and easymovementswill be highlighted

to demonstrate intervention.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.