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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644


Sociodemographic profile of

psychiatric inpatients at a center of

mental health care in Brazil

D. Soria

1 ,

, T.V.C. Vernaglia


, N.R. Santiago


, E.C.F. Ramos



D.R.D. Leitão


, P.S. Marcellini



Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Nursing Medical

Surgical, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Nise da Silveira Municipal Institute, Crises Attention Unit’s, Rio de

Janeiro, Brazil


Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Biochemistry

Department, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The most prevalent disorders between the chronic

diseases are the mental health disorders. Almost 650 million of

people in the world suffer of some mental health disorders, which

cause serious impact on individual abilities, family relationship and

social rehabilitation.


We describe and study the sociodemographic characteris-

tics and the diagnosis of a sample of male and female psychiatric

inpatients undergoing treatment in a mental health care center in



It is a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out with

517psychiatric inpatients froma Brazilianhealth institution– IMAS

Nise da Silveira. Data was collected from January to December

2014 and occurred through consultation of the patients’ hospi-

tal notes. Univariate analysis was used for the data collection and



Our sample was composed by 52.6% (


= 272) of men and

47.4% of women (


= 245); 50.5% were over 40 years old and have

a long time of hospitalization. Overall, 64.6% had schizophrenia;

27.2% mood [affect] disorders; 3.7% mental and behavioural disor-

ders due to psychoactive substance use; 1.4% mental retartation;

0.4% personality disorders; 0.2% disorders of psychological devel-



The profile could advance the mental health care and

rehabilitation of these people. Although could improve public poli-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Attitudes towards psychiatry among

physiotherapy students in

Poland – pilot study

A.R. Szczegielniak

1 ,

, J. Szczegielniak



Medical University of Silesia, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Katowice, Poland


Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Physical Education and

Physiotherapy, Opole, Poland

Corresponding author.

Poor knowledge regarding mental health in general population

in Poland, along with media coverage limited to repetition of

harmful stereotypes towards patients treated at psychiatric wards

and reinforcement of discriminative attitudes, results in an unfair

evaluation and stigmatization of mental healthcare services. As a

consequence, psychiatry, in comparison to many other medical

fields, is unpopular among physiotherapy students, even though

there is a compulsory subject in the university curriculum that cov-

ers, in theory, all the important knowledge that healthcare worker

should possess in this regards. Young physical therapists are not

taught about specific needs of the psychiatric patients. After grad-

uation, they are lacking all basic skills on how to communicate with

the patient. Being devoid of a direct contact with people suffering

from mental disorders, physical therapists do not feel comfortable

placed in the mental healthcare facilities. The aim of the study was

to assess the extent of a basic psychiatric knowledge and general

attitudes towards mentally ill of the physiotherapy students. The

group consisted of 147 students. The pilot study has been limited

to those studying physical therapy within borders of the Opole

voivodship. Authors’ questionnaire has been developed in order

to reach the aim and answers were gathered between January

and June 2016. The results will be used to develop questionnaire

suitable to share with physiotherapy students within the whole

country and, consequently, formulate recommendations on nec-

essary changes that must be introduced to the physical therapy

curriculum in Poland by Polish Society of Physiotherapy (Psychiatry


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Feelings of guilt and fantasies in life

experiences of Brazilian parents due

to death of their newborn:

A clinical-qualitative study conducted

at a university hospital

L. Rodrigues , J.V. Freitas-de-Jesus , G. Lavorato-Neto , D.D. Lima ,

E.R. Turato

, C.J.G. Campos

UNICAMP, State University of Campinas, LPCQ, Laboratory of

Clinical-Qualitative Research, Campinas, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The relationship between parents and children is

a complex link. In the process of pregnancy-birth-puerperium,

frequent feelings such as responsibility, love, fear, uncertainty, gen-

erate strong expectations at birth. The death of a newborn may not

be perceived as natural by the parents, considering the local culture

and the context of great technological development of neonatology.


To explore possible guilt and fantasies in life experi-

ences of parents during mourning process due to death of their



Clinical-qualitative design, a particularization of qual-

itative methods here applied in clinical assistance settings with

highlight to psychological aspects. Data collection with the tech-

nique of semi-directed interview with open-ended questions,

in-depth. Sample intentionally constructed, with closure by the-

oretical saturation of information. The participants were 7 parents,

mourning by the death of their child at the neonatal inten-

sive care unit, in a university hospital of Campinas, São Paulo



Feelings of guilt - conscious or not - lead to an internal

and particular movement so that mourning can be lived. The par-

ticipants showed certain embarrassment, accompanied by natural

suffering facing to the cultural pattern that permeates the emo-

tional experience. It predicts types of psychological meanings that

the experience will give to the person.


Health professionals working with bereaved parents

should consider more deeply the moment these one experienced,

with emphasis on the details of the death scenery, beside the prob-

lems of illness and death properly so called.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.