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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771


Multidisciplinary approach to several

mental disorders: Clinical case

P. Castrillo

1 ,

, R. Guijarro


, M. Cervi˜no



Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Granada, Servicio Andaluz

de Salud, Unidad de Rehabilitación de Salud Mental, Granada, Spain


Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Granada, Servicio Andaluz

de Salud, Unidad de Salud Mental Comunitaria, Granada, Spain

Corresponding author.

The research evidence supports multidisciplinary treatment covers

the different needs that appear in people with mental health prob-

lems, especially with long-termmental health disorders. The aim is

to emphasize the importance of integrated treatment. It means to

share therapeutic targets among different professionals. We pro-

pose that not only the therapeutical relationship between patient

and psychiatry is important, but also a collaborative approach

among different professionals. This is a descriptive study of a case

of personality disorder and an individualized treatment carried

out by different professionals from a multidisciplinary point of

view. Combined pharmacological treatment, group and individual

psychotherapy, and other therapeutic spaces are discussed in the

present study as an alternative to individual therapy sessions. She

has recovered her social and labour activity 14 years later from her

first contact with mental health. Coordination and communication

among clinical professionals would help us to improve quality of


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Personality traits of participants of

local armed conflicts in the remote

post-combat period

E. Epanchintseva

1 ,

, T .V

. Kazennyh

2 , V.A

. Rudnitsky

3 ,

A.A. Ivanova



Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Clinics, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Administration, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borderline States Department,

Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


The problem of the psycho-injuring influence of

military operations and accidents onmentality of the person is rele-

vant and significant that is connected with existence of emergency

situations, local wars and the international conflicts.

Material and methods

We examined group of patients of par-

ticipants of local armed conflicts (69 people) in the remote

post-combat period (not less than 15 years). Most examined

persons were older than 40 years (92%). Duration of stay in condi-

tions of military operations made 6–7months in 42.0%, 12months

and more – in 43.0%; 15.0% participated in official journeys.

Clinical, clinical-physiological, experimental-psychological exami-

nation was carried out.


During experimental-psychological examination reorga-

nization of the pre-morbid personality which was expressed in

increase in its structure of specific weight of pathocharacterologi-

cal disorders both as a result of acuteness of qualities of character

inherent in patients, and emergence of new forms of personal reac-

tion was revealed. In communication sharpness, maximalism of

judgments, rough behavior was typical in combatants. In some

cases, we observed existence of permanent mood disorders in the

form of a combination of intense affects of melancholy and rage.

Behavioural disturbances were expressed to rough demonstration

of affect of anger and rage as a proneness to conflict, with jam-

ming on negatively colored experiences, tendency to destructive

actions up to criminal acts, abuse of alcohol took place. In some

patients, the desire to return back to a situation of military opera-

tions was revealed. In the circle of the family, they showed hostility,

aggression, and intolerance.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Personality and defence mechanisms

in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

R. Ferrara

1 ,

, N. Renda



École doctorale de Lausanne, Department of Biology and Medicine,

Roma, Italy


University of Palermo, Department of Experimental Biomedicine

and Clinical Neurosciences, Palermo, Italy

Corresponding author.


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) is an acute cardi-

ologic syndrome, characterized by specific symptoms and ECG,

echocardiographic and enzymatic abnormalities, similar to an

acute myocardial infarction, with no hemodynamically significant

stenosis at coronary-ventriculography.


To assess personality in TC patients in order to find

common psychopathological elements.


A series of consecutive patients suffering from TC hos-

pitalized at the Cardiology Unit of “Ingrassia” Hospital in Palermo in

2013–2014, were included in the


used StructuredClinical

Interview for Axis I and II, according to DSM-IV TR criteria. Further,

the Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI), used in order to explore

defensive strategies: turning against self (TAS), projection (PRO),

principalization (PRN), turning against object (TAO), and reversal



Eight women (mean age + SD: 57


5 years) have been

included in the study. A common element of them was a stressful

event immediately preceding the onset of TC, in particular bereave-

ment (4), armed robbery (1), infarction of a family member (1),

estrangement of a family member (1), and separation from a part-

ner (1). Although the patients did not fulfill any diagnostic criteria

for Axis I or Axis II disorders of DSM-IV-TR, they showed scores at

the SCID-II close to the limit values for avoidant and dependent per-

sonality .DMI showed, unequivocally, the common use of TAS-type

defence style.


Although the sample size was too small for complex

statistical analyses, nevertheless our initial findings would indicate

the presence of a common, defensive style in TC patients, and how

this syndrome may be related to stressful life events.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of identity style and locus of

control in prediction of self-efficacy

among teachers

S. Ghahari (PhD in clinical psychology) (Assistant professor of

mental health)

1 ,

, I. M

oradi (Clinical psychologist)

2 ,

B. Gheitarani (Clinical psychologist)



R. Safari (Physical education teacher employed by the ministry of education)


Iran University of Medical Science, Center of Excellence in

Psychiatry, School of Behavioral Sciences, Mental Health, Tehran, Iran


Department of Psychology, Azad University, Tonekaboon, Iran



Corresponding author.

E-mail address:

(S. Ghahari)