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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771

of psychopathological complaints. Regardless of the clinical group

and complaints, depressive traits are associated with negative and

emotional appraisal of illness. Social introversion and hypomanic

activation serve as moderators of the relationship between com-

plaints, illness duration and emotional representations.


Personality and overall level of psychopathological

symptoms could be stronger predictor of illness-related beliefs

than specific clinical factors in mental illness. Preliminary diag-

nostics of personality in mental illnesses could be used to reveal

high-risk group for poor insight and non-compliance due to unre-

alistic beliefs. Research supported by the grant of President of the

Russian Federation for the state support for young Russian scien-

tists, project MK2193.2017.6.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Borderline personality programme in

a rural area: The value of a therapy

M. Marin Olalla

, B. Perez Ramirez , A.M. Vidal Lopez ,

B. Martinez Martinez , R. Maldonado Lozano

AGS Norte Almeria, Mental Health, Huercal Overa, Spain

Corresponding author.


An increased incidence of personality disorders (TP)

in general, and borderline personality (BP) is currently a signifi-

cant health problem because of the complexity of the clinic, the

difficulty for early diagnosis, often unsatisfactory response to avail-

able treatments and the lack of clear proposals onmultidisciplinary

therapeutic interventions. In more serious cases, people with TP

generate a high level of self and family suffering, as well as a high

care burden that does not have a proportional impact on the quality

of life of those affected and their families.


Establish a stable functional organization of professional and

organizational resources of the Mental Health Unit of the North of

Almeria that ensuring comprehensive care for people with border-

line personality disorder and their families.


The program was structured:

– elemental: BP census, individual sessions with optional nurse


– advanced individual: BP census, individual sessions, Nurse refer-


– advanced individual and group: BP census, Individual sessions,

Nurse reference and Therapeutic GroupHospital Mental HealthDay

weekly applying dialectical behaviour therapy.


The census of patients with borderline personality disor-

der was established in 30 people, 20 of them participating in two

editions of therapeutic group. Fifty weekly sessions were carried

out continuously, except holiday periods. A multidisciplinary team

(nurse and two psychiatrists) were involved. The results indicate

that there was an improvement in the quality of life of patients. It

had been reducedhospitalisations, emergency assistance, andmore

than 60% of them got a job after that.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Use of paliperidone palmitate

long-acting injectable in a patient

with a personality disorder

N. Martinez


, E. Benitez Cerezo


, S. Garcia Marin

2 ,


Hospital Vinalopo, Psychiatry, Santander, Spain


Hospital Vinalopo, Psychiatry, Elche, Spain

Corresponding author.

Patient of 32 years old, sent to the psychiatric unit, because he had

an aggressive behaviour after he suffered a car accident with a trau-

matic brain injury. The patient had a huge amount of problems

with family, friends and even with police (even being in jail), due

to the impulsive conduct the brain injury had created. It was added

a self-referential, which produced a disruptive behaviour that he

could not avoid, when someone looked at him in a strange way

or was not agreeing with him. After the aggressive response, he

regretted of his actions, getting to try to commit suicide in several

times. It was decided, reaching to an agreement with the patient,

to use the paliperidone palmitate long-acting injectable. After the

first dose, the patient began to bemore serene and calm, the aggres-

sive conductswere reducing until being disappeared, improving his

mood and reaching a normal life, with a better relationships with

his family and social environment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The study of relationship between

personality traits and job satisfaction

in Iran Khodro Company experts in


H. Mirabzadeh Ardakani

1 ,

, S. Heidari


, B. Sefidgaran



Behravan Psychology Center, Industrial psychology, Tehran, Iran


Tarbiat Modares University, Humanity, Tehran, Iran


Tehran University, Management, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author.

Job satisfaction among employees is a crucial issue in an organiza-

tion and employer plays a vital role to fulfill their needs. Keeping

job satisfaction high among workers can be of tremendous ben-

efit to any organization, as happy employees will be more likely

to produce work effectively. It has been assumed that personal-

ity traits can play an important role in people’s dealing with the

environmental issues such as work situations. By assuming this

effectiveness, the main aim of this essay is to study the relation-

ship between personality traits and job satisfaction. Explaining

job satisfaction by using personality traits can enlighten weather

job satisfaction depends only on type of organization or on some

personality traits. In this regard, present study has investigated

the relationship between job satisfaction and personality traits

among Iran Khodro Company expert staff. To do so personality

characteristics were measured by NEO-PI-R scale and job satis-

faction was measured by Job Descriptive Index (JDI scale) that

filled by experts of “Iran Khodro” company (111 men and women).

Pearson correlation used to analyze the data. Results show that,

neuroticism/emotional stability was associated with low job sat-

isfaction (





< 0/01). Also conscientiousness (


= 0/620)

and agreeableness (


= 0/476) was significantly correlated with job

satisfaction (


< 0/01). But the relationship between extraversion




0/025) and openness to experience (


= 0/061) with job sat-

isfaction was not significant. In addition, the results of this study

emphasis on the effective role of age (



0/301) and job back-

ground (



0/330) on job satisfaction. But relationship between

sexuality (


= 0/183) and marriage (


= 0/125) with job satisfaction

was not significant.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of personality traits in mobile

dependency of high school students