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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910


Capri Cardiac Rehabilitation, Treatment, Research, Rotterdam,


Corresponding author.


Five to 8% of women of reproductive age suffer from

moderate to severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome associ-

ated with substantial distress or functional impairment.


To determine the efficacy, tolerability and acceptability

of Vitex agnus castus (VAC, chaste-berry) preparations for treat-

ment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


After an extensive literature search all randomized con-

trolled trials of VAC in women with PMS and/or premenstrual

dysphoric disorder were included.


We found 17 randomized controlled trials of VAC in the

treatment of PMS of which 14 studies could be included in the

quantitative analysis. All trials, except one, found the Vitex agnus

castus preparation to be more efficacious than placebo, pyridox-

ine and magnesium for either total symptom score or individual

symptoms or symptom clusters. Unfortunately, the majority of tri-

als is hampered by a high risk of bias. The pooled effect of VAC

in placebo-controlled trials was large (Hedge’s g:

1.21; 95% CI:

1.53 to

0.88), but heterogeneity extremely high (I


= 91%). We

could not single out distinct factors that could explain this hetero-

geneity. The funnel plot and Egger’s tests suggest the presence of

bias over the full set of studies and effect sizes.


Although meta-analysis shows a large pooled effect

of VAC in placebo-controlled trials the high risk of bias, high hetero-

geneity and risk of publication bias of the included studies preclude

a definitive conclusion. The pooled treatment effects should be

viewed as merely explorative and, at best, overestimating the real

treatment effect of VAC for PMS symptomatology.

Disclosure of interest

P.S. reports personal fees from H. Lundbeck

A/S, outside the submitted work. The other authors have not sup-

plied their declaration of competing interest.


Body shape perception among obese

Tunisian women

R. Sellami


, M. Moalla


, L. Affes


, I. Feki


, F. Mnif


, M. Abid



J. Masmoudi

1 ,


Hedi Chaker Hospital, Psychiatry A, Sfax, Tunisia


Hedi Chaker Hospital, Endocrinology, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


In today’s societies, pressures from the idea of thin-

ness are omnipresent and lead to a corporal dissatisfaction with

an excessive preoccupation of the body’s image. Obese persons

are often targets of stigmatization and are vulnerable to negative

feeling about their physical appearance.


To evaluate the worries towards the weight and the shape

of the body among obese women.


Our study was a transversal study, descriptive and ana-

lytic. A total of 42 obese women were included. Obesity was

defined by body mass index (BMI)

30 and divided into 3 classes:

class I: moderate obesity (30


34.9); class II: severe obe-

sity (35


39.9); class III: morbid obesity (BMI

40). Patients

were studied by mean of body shape questionnaire (BSQ-34) (Con-

sidering score BSQ < 80 lack of altered body image perception and

score > 140 excessive preoccupation).


The mean age of participants was 33.6 years. The average

BMI was 37.42 kg/m


(30.45–56.26 kg/m


). Third (35%) of women

had a high educational level, 41.4% were inactive, and 70.8% had an

average socioeconomic level.

The average BSQ score was 108.31 (47–188). The majority of

women (78.1%) had excessive preoccupation about their body

image. The BSQ score was correlated to morbid obesity (


= 0.014).

Women aged between 20 and 3 years were significantly more pre-

occupied about their body image (


= 0.046).


Majority of obese women were preoccupied about

their body image. Young women and those having morbid obesity

seemed more preoccupied about their body image.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Spectrum of medical and social

problems in the female opium addicts

F. Shigakova

Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Department of

psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The work was initiated to study peculiarities of medical and

social problems of the female opium addiction.

Materials and methods

We examined 56 female opiate addicts

aged from 18 to 56 (mean age 31.8


1.09 years) hospitalized at the

tertiary detox center (Tashkent). Twenty of the examinees (35.7%)

were managed for the first time, 36 patients (64.3%) being treated


Results and discussion

Seventeen women were employed, only

three of them were working in their specialization. Thirty-nine

patients were either unemployed or engaged in the unskilled

labor, that is, the one being out of tune with their education

level. Eight examinees served penal servitudes, eleven women

being detained without imprisonment. The findings reflect disor-

ders in social adaptation of the most examinees. Drug addiction

onset time varied from 19 to 25 years (22.1


1.12 years in the

average), but the age range from 20 to 23 was the most fre-

quent one. Duration of episodic taking ranged from 1 month to 2.5

years (2.4


0.7 months in the average). In 10 patients (20%) with-

drawal syndrome has formed rapidly, in 1–2 months. Drug dose

is partially associated with a patient’s ability to pay and heroin


Almost half of our 56 examinees had drug using husband, cohab-

itant or sex partner. Quality of remissions was found to greatly

depend on a drug using sex partner.


Medical and social consequences of the female drug

addiction are quite severe to mention early psycho-social disadap-

tation, prostitution and illegal actions, including thefts, document

forgery, drug pushing.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Impact of emotional intelligence on

level of academic achievement in a

sample of Saudi female medical


E. Soliman

1 ,

, A. Fayed


, E. Al Mussaed


, H. Alawad


, D. Elradi



Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt, College of Medicine,

Princess Nourah Bint Abd-Elrahman University, Riyadh, KSA,

Psychiatry Department, Alexandria, Egypt


College of Medicine, Princess Nourah Bint Abd-Elrahman University,

Riyadh, KSA, Clinical Department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


College of Medicine, Princess Nourah Bint Abd-Elrahman University,

Riyadh, KSA, Department of Basic Science, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Corresponding author.


Emotional intelligence (EI) assessment has become

an effective technique in exploring individual competencies. In

the medical educational, there is a growing evidence for relation

between academic achievement and emotional intelligence.


To examine relation between academic achievement

and emotional intelligence among medical students.