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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169

sation in an acute psychiatryward, evaluated by a nutritionist in the

admission and medical discharge. The intervention consisted in a

diet and physical activity program, with total restriction to visitors

to bring food to the patients. Statistical analysis was done with T-

student andmultiple linear regression taking into account the effect

of age, sex, daily dose of antipsychotics, and days of hospitalisation.


Sixty-six patients were studied (34 cases and 32 con-

trols). Groups were statistically similar concerning the average of

age, daily dose of antipsychotics, days of hospitalisation and sex.

The differences of weight gain during hospitalisation were 0.088 kg

(cases) versus 1484 kg (controls),


< 0.05. And the differences of the

increased BMI during the hospitalisation were 0.041 kg/m



versus 0.509 kg/m




< 0.05.


Obesity presents challenging health problems for

individuals with severe mental illness that require inpatient treat-

ment. This study provides evidence that individuals with acute

mental illness can benefit from weight control interventions dur-

ing their hospitalisation, in special a total restriction to visitors to

bring food to the patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Update and revision of the RANZCP

clinical practice guidelines for mood


M. Hopwood

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists,

OPCEO, Melbourne, Australia

In 2015, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psy-

chiatrists (RANZCP) published its new Clinical Practice Guidelines

(CPGs) for Mood Disorders. The Mood Disorder CPG focuses on

‘real world’ clinical management of depressive and bipolar dis-

orders, addressing mood disorders as a whole to recognise the

overlap between distinct diagnoses and changes in diagnoses along

the mood disorder spectrum. This presentation will provide an

overview of the process andmethodology used in the development

of the guidelines, aswell as the key principles established in the new

CPG for the assessment and management of depressive and bipolar


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychiatry’s and psychiatrists’

contract with society

B. Janse van Rensburg

University of the Witwatersrand, Psychiatry, Johannesburg, South



TheWorld Psychiatric Association (WPA) is aworld-

wide association of national psychiatric associations, aiming to

increase knowledge and skills necessary for work in the field of

mental health and care of the mentally ill. It was suggested that

Psychiatry’s relationship with society should be seen as a contract

[1] . T

his implicit understanding usually specifies the scope, princi-

ples, quality and outcome of this agreement. It also implies a series

of reciprocal rights and duties, privileges and obligations, as well

as expectations from both sides.


To investigate the extent of existing social contracting of

WPA Member Associations (MAs) and WPA structures regarding:

– communities they serve;

– general public;

– medical institutions;

– other practitioner groups in the multidisciplinary team;

– administrations, managers and funders.


Include to describe the current scope of psychiatric

practice across WPA regions and the content of existing social con-



Amixed–methods, explorative, descriptive, theory gen-

erating inquiry, with different phases, including a systematic

review of literature and WPA documentation, electronic ques-

tionnaires to MAs and focus group discussions with WPA ZS



MA profiles and progress indicators were identified and

summarised. A transcription of group discussions was made, while

pertaining documents, questionnaires and in depth/focus group

interview content was analysed.


This presentation will report on progress with this

study to date.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Bhugra D. Introduction. In: Bhugra D, Malik A, Ikkos G, editors.

Psychiatry’s Contract with Society: Concepts, controversies and

consequences. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011.

e-Poster walk: Depression–part 1


Effect of electroconvulsive therapy on

serum serotonin level in patients with

treatment–Resistant major depressive


P. Agha Mohammad Hasani

1 ,

, M .


1 , M.

M. Fatemeh

2 ,

N. Mohammad



Rafsanjan university of medical sciences, Psychiatry, Rafsanjan, Iran


Rafsanjan university of medical sciences, laboratory sciences,

Rafsanjan, Iran

Corresponding author.


This study aimed to determine the effect of Electro-

convulsive Therapy (ECT) on serum serotonin level of patients with

major depressive disorder (MDD).


In this experimental study, 36 patients (age: 20–65

years old) with MDD were allocated to ECT group (


= 21) and non-

ECT group (


= 15). Serum serotonin level of the ECT group was

measured before ECT, 15minutes and two, six, and 24 hours after

the first session, and 24 hours and 30 days after the last ECT session.

Measurements were performed at the time of admission and one

month after hospitalisation in the non-ECT group. Data analysed

with t-tests, repeated measures analysis of variance by SPSS16.


The mean serotonin levels of the two groups were signif-

icantly different 24 hours and 30 days after the last session of ECT



= 0.048 and


= 0.04, respectively). The difference of mean sero-

tonin levels in the ECT group before & 15min after ECT (


= 0.044)

before & 6 hour after ECT (


= 0.015), before & 24 hour after ECT



= 0.007), before & 24 hour after last ECT (0.002) was meaningful.


Altogether, our results showed that serum serotonin

levels significantly increase following ECT in MDD patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.