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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169



After brief intervention the 29.3% of the smoking patients

change in their motivational stage. The results of the multivari-

ate analysis showed three factors in relation with dificultar the

progression of the evolution of motivation to change. The high

punctuation in Hamilton anxiety scale (OR = 0.53; IC95%,


= 0.002),

the high puntuation in the Fageström scale (OR = 0.56, IC95%,


= 0.01), and have high autoperception of the capacity of change

(OR = 0.52; IC95%,


= 0.002).


The anxiety (measure with Hamilton anxiety scale)

plus factors in relation with smoking, like the puntuation in Fage-

strom scale and the autoperception of the capacity of change

decrease the possibilities to change.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychiatric vulnerability in adults

with intellectual disability and

autism: A literature review

S. Coli

, D. Scuticchio , M. Bertelli

Fondazione San Sebastiano, CREA, Firenze, Italy

Corresponding author.


Adults with Intellectual disability (ID) and Autism

Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are more vulnerable to mental health

problems than the general population.


This study investigates presence and rate of

psychiatric disorders in comparison with ID or ASD alone, and

appropriateness of assessment and diagnostic procedures or tools.


A systematic mapping of the literature was carried

out on the basis of the above mentioned issues. The search was

conducted using PubMed and ScienceDirect, according to the fol-

lowing keywords: psychiatric comorbidity, psychiatric disorders,

autism, ASD, intellectual disability, mental health problems, adults,

assessment tools, diagnosis. Twenty-eight papers were selected for

pertinence to mapping issues among more than 500.


Many studies show that ASD is an important vulnerabil-

ity factor for psychiatric co-morbidity and for challenging behaviors

(CBs) in adults with ID. Highest rates were reported for psychotic,

mood, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Few studies

show that the difference between adults with ID plus ASD and

adults with only ID are not statistically significant, but for the pres-

ence of CBs in those with ID plus ASD. The disagreement of results

is based on a variety of factors such as diagnostic over-shadowing,

scarcity of specific assessment tools, consideration of the introspec-

tive and communication difficulties, incompleteness of medical

records, and low reliability of information sources.


Although low studies concordance, the literature

mapping suggests the presence of ASD in ID to be associated with

higher rates of psychopathology. Since the relevant implications for

prevention and clinical management, further research with high-

level evidence is hoped.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The influences of antipsychotics

therapy at cognitive impairments in

schizophrenia spectrum disorders

J. Dedovic

1 ,

, A. Tomcuk


, T. Mijatovic-Papic


, N. Matkovic



Special Psychiatric Hospital, Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Kotor,



Special Psychiatric Hospital, Mental Health Promotion Centre,

Kotor, Montenegro


Special Psychiatric Hospital, Chronic Female Ward, Kotor,



Special Psychiatric Hospital, Addiction Ward, Kotor, Montenegro

Corresponding author.

Significant degree of cognitive impairment represents one of

the basic cornerstones among clinical manifestations of the

schizophrenia spectrumdisorders and accordingly to some authors

it is present in up to 75% patients with these syndromes. The aim of

this study was to examine degree of cognitive impairment, firstly

among patients on first generation antipsychotics therapy (FGA)

compared to the patients on second generation antipsychotics ther-

apy (SGA), and secondly to compare both groups of patients with

healthy controls.

Material and methods

Prospective, parallel research was con-

ducted, in which the sample of patients and employees of

Specialized Psychiatric Hospital Kotor was tested with Montreal

Cognition Scale (MoCA). There were 66 participants in the samples

and they were divided on four subgroups: (1) patients with FGA;

(2) patients with SGA; (3) patients with combined FGA and SGA;

(4) Healthy controls.


All groups of patients had statistically significantly lower

mean MoCA scores in the comparison with healthy controls. The

fact that among 83.7% of patients was diagnosed significant degree

of cognitive decline (MoCA score bellow 26) strongly speaks in

favour of high sensitivity of MoCA test in detection of cognitive

impairment among patients with schizophrenia spectrum psy-

chotic disorders. In addition, the group of patients with FGA also

had statistically significantly lower mean MoCA score compared to

patients with SGA.


The mechanisms of explanation of these results can

be additionally enlightened with further studies on larger sam-

ples of patients, which would investigate the correlation between

extrapyramidal symptomatology, anticholinergic therapy and cog-

nitive deficit.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Subtypes of psychosis among

difficult-to-treat patients – A cluster

analytical replication study among

chronically psychotic,

institutionalized dual diagnosis


R. Dost-Otter

1 ,

, L. T


2 , M.

Van Veen

3 , W.




GGZ Drenthe, FACT Assen, Meppel, The Netherlands


GGZ Drenthe, Location Assen, Assen, The Netherlands


GGZ Drenthe, Duurzaam Verblijf, Meppel, The Netherlands

Corresponding author.


Research is lacking on possible subtypes of psychosis

in difficult-to-treat patients that require long-term institutional-

isation due to a combination of psychosis, substance abuse and

problem behaviours after multiple failed treatments.


The aim of this study is to increase our knowledge of this

group of patients in order to apply more targeted interventions.


To identify subtypes of psychosis among this group by

cluster analysis and compare these subtypes on different clinical



PANSS data was acquired for 117 patients. Separate

clusters were identified by using Ward’s method of hierarchical

cluster analysis, replicating Dolffus et al., 1996

[1] , w

ho used this

method in a cohort of schizophrenia patients. Subtypes of psy-

chosis were identified using PANSS items. Clusters were compared

on several clinical variables, f.e. course of admission.