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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169

Objectives and aims

The aimof the study was to examine doctors’

attitude to telemedicine and usefulness of Platform ‘Moneo’ in the

therapy of the areas other than psychiatry.


The first part was the polish telemedical project (grant

no. POIG.01.04.00–04–219/12) conducted to assess medical Plat-

form ‘Moneo’. It was based on a questionnaire filled by participants

in scale 1 to 5. The second study based on authors’ anonymous ques-

tionnaires was distributed amongst 105 psychiatrists from Poland.


Everybody noticed advantages of medical platform.

The Platform’s functionalities, rated as the best by healthcare

directors were: educational materials, appointment and therapy

planning. Managers indicated parts, which could be improved

in e-prescribing system, the process of collecting information

about hospitalizations and operations. Functionalities indicated

by doctors as desirable to increase the utility of the platform is

e-prescribing system, reporting side effects, planning visits, edu-

cational materials. In study addressed to psychiatrists, only 15% of

them claimed to have an extensive knowledge on telepsychiatry,

but they had confirmed the potential of telemedicine in psychiatry.


Telemedicine is a useful method, which can improve

quality of healthcare services and make an access to it possible

for some people. However, lots of improvements in telemedical

services are needed to make it an efficient medical tool.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Smartphone for mental health

patients: A double-edged weapon?

M. Mâalej

, M. Turki , C. Nada , S. Hentati , O. Sana ,

Z. Nassreddine , Z. Lobna , B.T. Jihène , M. Mohamed

Hedi Chaker University Hospital Faculty of Medicine Of Sfax,

Psychiatry “C”, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


The current development of new technologies ded-

icated to healthcare, such as smartphones, provides an interesting

opportunity to improve both assessment and follow-up of different

illnesses, particularly mental diseases.


To investigate, the contributions and risks of smartphone

use among mental health patients.


We conducted a literature research of PubMed and Sci-

encedirect using the key words “smartphone”; “bipolar disorder”;

“schizophrenia”; “anxiety disorders”; “addiction”; “dementia”.


Literature data provide several examples of the use of the

smartphone’s features for patient monitoring. One such example

involved patients with Alzheimer disease. An attempt to deal with

the risk of wandering was proposed with the use of the Android

app iWander, which works by using the smartphone’s GPS to track

the patient at all times. As for bipolar disorder, several applica-

tions have been proposed both for diagnostic ic instruments

. . .

) and

interventional purposes (applications that offer subjects psycho-

education in the form of emotional self-awareness

. . .

). Several

other applications can be used in the management of schizophre-

nia, social anxiety disorder and addictions. Along with its obvious

benefits, however, the smartphone use has a dark side. Problematic

smartphone use is one form of behavioral addiction recently iden-

tified. In addition, the access to Internet through the smartphone

opens the door to Internet addiction and its sub-types (cybersexual

addiction, cyber-relationship addiction

. . .



The use of smartphone for medical purposes must be

cautious among mental health patients, because of a field of vul-

nerability that promotes the appearance of other mental diseases,

especially addictions, which may darken their prognosis.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Online clinic, a new method of

delivering psychotherapy

M. Omrani

1 ,

, N. Alavi


, M. Rivera


, S. Khalid-Khan



Rutgers University, Brain Health Institute, Piscataway, USA


University of Toronto, Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada


Queen’s University, Psychiatry, Kingston, Canada

Corresponding author.


Psychotherapy is one of the most widely investi-

gated and practiced forms of treatment used in the treatment of

differentmental health problems. However, there are some barriers

in delivering this treatment, including long waiting lists, therapist

shortage and lack of access to therapists in remote areas. There-

fore, using alternative methods to overcome these barriers seems



The division of psychiatry at Queen’s university provides

different psychotherapy groups for individuals suffering from dif-

ferent kinds of mental health problem. We gave the participants

the opportunity to choose online psychotherapy through an online

clinic or the live group sessions. All the patients were assessed

by different questionnaires for evaluation of the efficacy of the

treatment. The online clinic was designed to facilitate the com-

munication between patients and clinicians and the material was

delivered in PowerPoint format through the online platform. All

user activities were logged for security purposes.


Statistical analysis showed that this method of delivering

psychotherapy significantly reduced patients’ symptoms and also

decreased the number of people on the waiting list and increased

the amount of compliance in patient’s taking part in psychotherapy

and number of people who were able to receive psychotherapy.


Despite the proven short and long-term efficacy of

psychotherapy, there are some barriers indelivering this treatment.

It is an unequivocal public health needs to overcome these barri-

ers through alternative methods of therapy. With Internet use ever

rising, developing an online clinic could be a newway in delivering

different kinds of psychotherapy.

Disclosure of interest

I am a co-founder at the Canarmony Corp,

which has developed an online psychotherapy platform named



New technologies in suicide


M. Pompili

Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Neurosciences, Mental

Health and Sensory Organs, Rome, Italy


The use of new technologies is beginning to be

embraced by volunteers and professionals, from crisis lines, sui-

cide prevention centers, mental health centers, researchers and



New technologies have entered the field of suicide

prevention with high expectations for the future, despite a rela-

tively slow start. Internet, smartphones, apps, social networks and

self-help computer programs have a strong potential to achieve,

sustain and help people at risk of suicide, their families, teachers,

health professionals and for the survivors.


To provide comprehensive overview on the role of new

technologies in suicide prevention.


Given the relatively early and underdeveloped state of

this area of inquiry, the author viewed his task as gathering and

critically appraising the available research relevant to the topic,

with the aim of formulating a hypothesis to be tested with further



New cheaper services will soon be available to effectively

reach and assist the most vulnerable people and prevent suicides.