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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169



Universidade do Contestado, Psichology, Mafra, Brazil

Corresponding author.


A growing number of studies investigating the

relationship between violence and problems in child psychiatry.

Consistent findings have been verified in studies related to aggres-

sive behavior, antisocial and post-traumatic stress disorder with

the violence against children. The financial costs associated with

child abuse andneglect, including future lost earnings and expenses

with mental health treatments were estimated at $ 94 billion US in

2010. The abuse and child neglect can cause permanent changes in

the body’s response to stress, with profound changes in the brain



Consisted of an exploratory study of character quanti-

tative and qualitative, with document design. Records of children

and adolescents who stayed in the shelter from 2011 to 2015 were

surveyed. In order to collect data was used input and shutdown

records used for shelter.


Unlike Brazil and the rest of the world’s data, the

leading cause of institutionalization in this work in the town of

Mafra, was neglect rather than abuse. Perhaps for the under-

reporting of abuse cases. This, coupled with the fact that there are

no typically physical findings associated with sexual abuse, made

the detection more difficult. This paper alerts the importance to

increase our ability to identify all child abuse experiences, for pro-

tecting our children. Not only sexual abuse, but also physical abuse

could benefit from strategies to enhance detection.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Addiction and violence among people

with severe mental illnesses:

An updated literature review

I. Khemiri

, F. Fekih Romdhane , A. Belkhiria , J. Lamia ,

R. Trabelsi , I. Ghazeli , R. Ridha

Hospital Razi, Forensic Psychiatry Department, Tunis, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Violence has important relevance for the criminal

justice and health care systems especially forensic psychiatry. Pre-

vious studies reported the relation between violence, mental illness

and substance abuse. We purpose to investigate the association

between addiction and violence among people with severe mental

illness through a review of literature.


we conducted aMedline and Pubmed literature search of

studies published between “2000 and 2015”, combining the terms

“psychotic disorders”, “addiction” “substance use disorder”.


The studies published showed that much of the exces-

sive violence observed in patients with severe psychiatric disorders

is due to co-morbid substance use. Increasing violence associated

with substance use disorders in these patients had same level than

that observed among subjects without severe psychiatric disor-

ders. Increasing violence in subjects with substance use disorder

but without severe mental disorders was higher than in patients

with only severe mental disorders. In fact, mental disorders could

increase the risk of installing on substance use disorders, and there-

fore increase the risk of partner violence. Among the substances

used, if alcohol is frequently identified as a consumer risk for the

emergence of violence among subjects with severe psychiatric dis-

orders, stimulants could be causing more violence than alcohol.


Severemental illnesses are associatedwith violence.

However, most of the excess risk appears to be mediated by sub-

stance abuse co-morbidity. This finding improves the need of

prevention of substance use disorders and emphasizes the fact that

patients with severe mental disorders are more often victims than

perpetrators of violence.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Experiences of young offenders and

health-care professionals involved in

transitions from forensic adolescent

mental health services: A qualitative


M. Livanou

, V. Furtado , S. Singh

University of Warwick, Warwick Medical SchoolDivision of Mental

Health and Wellbeing, Coventry, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


Transitions fromchild and adolescentmental health

services to adult mental health services have been quite trou-

blesome for young people in the UK. There is strong evidence

throughout the literature that long waiting lists and rigid adult

services criteria hamper dramatically transitions across services.

Little knowledge exists about transitions from forensic adolescent

services to adult services.


To interview health-care professionals and young off-

enders in transition of care from forensic child and adolescent

mental health services in England.


This study aimed to bridge the current literature gap in

regards to transitions across forensic services and the complexities

resulting from disruptive care.


This study adopted a prospective design to identify

young offenders referred to adult services over a six-month period.

We utilized semi-structured interviews. Health-care professionals

were interviewed about their transition views and perspectives.

Young offenders were followed-up within a month of their transi-

tion and were interviewed.


The numbers of transitions within forensic settings are

much lower compared to those of general transitions across men-

tal health services in England. Transition delays were a repetitive

theme across interviews due to lack of bed availability, especially in

medium secure hospitals, and poor multi-agency communication.

Commissioning determines age boundaries along with transfer

destination for each service.


Ineffective liaison among different sectors might

impact adversely young people and hallmark their long-stay in

the system. Therefore, continuity of care within forensic services

should be looked warily along with the role of policy shaped

by commissioning. Multiple transitions can repeatedly traumatize

young people moving across services.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Social determinants, which encourage

the criminal desistance in young

people in conflict with the law

M. Orlando

Member Of The Argentinian Law Court, Criminal Justice, Buenos

Aires, Argentina


Previous studies about young people in conflict with

the law (YPCL) have a tendency to focus on the risk factors that con-

tribute to trigger antisocial criminal behavior. Instead, this study

aims to research the social determinants that encourage the crim-

inal desistance: understood as a gradual process taking place in

the periods of absence of crime and desire to abandon the criminal
