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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


with delusions was associated with the other dimensions, except-

ing for empowerment with negative symptoms (which in turn

was not associated significantly with any dimension). Empower-

ment regarding hallucinations and with disorganization were only

associated with empowerment with delusions, which was also

associated with anxiety symptoms (


= –.52,


= .016).


The EWPSS presented adequate reliability and valid-

ity. Further studies intended to explore the factorial structure of the

EWPSS are under development.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Audit on prescribing practice of depot

antipsychotic injections in the adult

community mental health service

M. Ray

1 ,

, S. Rao



Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, General Adult Psychiatry,

Nottingham, United Kingdom


Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, General Adult Psychiatry,

Leicester, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


There are a number of good standard practices avail-

able for prescribing long acting antipsychotics. Adherence to these

guidelines will minimise any harm to the service users.


To compare depot antipsychotic prescribing practice with

good standard practice guidelines of BNF, Trust and Maudsley



To compare practice with standards in the areas of:

– licensed indication;

– dose/frequency range;

– avoiding poly-pharmacy;

– regular review of clinical and side effects.


Case notes of a randomly selected sample of 30 patients

from the depot clinic at the City East Adult Community Men-

tal Health Team Leicester, UK were retrospectively investigated.

The data collected was analysed and the results were produced.

Compliance with the best practice guidelines was calculated and

recommendations made based on the findings.


One hundred percent compliance was noticed in

licensed indications and dose/frequency within BNF range. How-

ever, 14% patients received poly-pharmacotherapy, 86% had

regular outpatient review, but only 46% had review of side



Better quality of documentations by the clinicians,

improvised technology to elicit automatic review reminders, intro-

duction of checklist for clinics to include review of all clinically

important information, wider dissemination of the findings of this

investigation, and re-auditing practice to explore impact of this

investigation was recommended.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of cannabinoids in

schizophrenia: Where have we been

and where are we going?

J. Reis

1 ,

, G. Pereira



Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde

Mental - Unidade de Faro, Faro, Portugal


Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Departamento de

Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Several studies have shown that both endocannabi-

noid system (ECS) and synthetic cannabinoids (SC) might be

involved in schizophrenia.


To review recent literature on the role of cannabinoids

in schizophrenia. The review includes the evidence of cannabis use

as a risk factor for the development of schizophrenia, but also the

preliminary evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based compounds

in the treatment of psychosis.


The authors made an online search on PubMed for clin-

ical trials and reviews published in the last 12 months, using the

keywords: “cannabinoids”, “endocannabinoids”, “phytocannabi-

noids” and “schizophrenia”.


The use of

Cannabis sativa

is associated with increased

risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia,

and earlier age at onset of psychosis.


(THC) has multiple actions in the brain development, including

impairment of neuroplasticity, dysregulation of dopamine and glu-

tamate signaling, and, possibly, neurotoxicity. The ECS has been

implicated in psychosis both related and unrelated to cannabis

exposure. Cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1 R) and type 2 (CB2

R), as well as the endogenous ligand N-arachidonoylethanolamine

(AEA) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) levels, are most likely

to be involved in the pathophysiology of this disorder. On the

other hand, the antipsychotic effects of some cannabinoids have

been investigated in recent studies. Cannabidiol (CBD) and 9-

tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) may have therapeutic potential for

the treatment of psychosis.


Emerging evidence suggests an important role of

ECB system and SC on schizophrenia. On the other hand, recent

studies have shown some phytocannabinoidsmight represent ther-

apeutic promises in this disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Impact of environmental influence

and vulnerability to stress in the

development of first psychotic episode

L. Rossini Gajsak

1 ,

, M. Celic Ruzic


, A. Koricancic Makar



M. Rojnic Kuzman



Neuropsychiatric Hospital Dr Ivan Barbot, Department of Biological

Psychiatry, Popovaca, Croatia


Psychiatric Hospital Sv. Ivan, Department of Integrative Psychiatry,

Zagreb, Croatia


University Hospital Center Zagreb, Day Care Hospital for First

Psychotic Episodes, Zagreb, Croatia


University Hospital Center Zagreb, University Psychiatric Clinic,

Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding author.


Some findings in patients with first psychotic

episode (FEP) could be related to alterations of stress responses.

Alterations of stress response are reflected in the alterations of the

HPA axis.


To assess the difference in stress response in FEP

patients and healthy controls as well as implications of environ-

ment to vulnerability to psychosis.


To assess endocrine and autonomic responses to acute psy-

chosocial stress, their associations with onset of the first psychotic

episode as well as the influence of the environmental factors.


We have assessed clinical status through clinical psy-

chiatric interviews, standardized psychiatric scales and validated

psychological scales, (LEQ, WHOQOL-BREF, PBI, Rosenberg) in 45

subjects with FEP and 50 age and gender matched controls. All

participantswere then exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSTT).


Our preliminary findings on a sample of 95 participants

indicate a differences between patients and controls in salivatory