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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364


costs for patients in the “chronic high” and “worsening” class were

significantly higher, as compared to the “stable low” class.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Incidences and risk factors of severe

infections in young adults with

schizophrenia: A nationwide

register-based cohort study in


M. Pankiewicz-Dulacz

, E. Stenager , E. Stenager , M. Chen

University of Southern Denmark, institute of regional health services

research, Odense C, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Patients with schizophrenia deal with many risk

factors that make them more susceptible to infections. However,

knowledge about incidence and the nature of infections among

people with schizophrenia is scarce.


To investigate the occurrence and risk factors for severe

infections in schizophrenia patients.


– to determine incidence rates of infections among

young adults with schizophrenia;

– to define risk factors for infections.


Population-based nationwide cohort study with selec-

tion of all individuals born in Denmark between 1975–1990 and

follow-up period from 1995–2013 was conducted. Data from the

Danish Psychiatric Central Register and the Danish National Hospi-

tal Registrywere used. A Poisson regressionwas chosen to estimate

incidence rate ratios of infections and to explore the associations

of different risk factors like sex, age, substance abuse and medical

co-morbidity with the rates of infections.

Preliminary results

922,564 individuals born between

1975–1990 were included in the study. Overall, 3520 women

and 5479 men were identified with schizophrenia. In percentages,

36% with schizophrenia had infectious diseases compared to 25%

of background population. Some of severe infections like HIV

(0.23% vs 0.05%), sepsis (0.72% vs 0.27%), hepatitis (1.4% vs 0.22%)

skin infections (12% vs 6.2%)and tuberculosis (0.12% vs 0.06%) were

highly increased in persons with schizophrenia, whereas smaller

differences were found regarding CNS infections (0.5% vs 0.4%) and

gastrointestinal infections (8.7% vs 6.2%).


The preliminary data results suggest, that indivi-

duals with schizophrenia have higher prevalence of all types of

severe infectious compared to the background population.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prevalence of depression and anxiety

in patients with chronic

non-malignant pain–A Danish

register-linkage cohort study

S. Søndergård

1 ,

, H .B

. Vægter

2 , 3 , A . E


1 , 4 , E . S




Institute for regional health services, university of Southern

Denmark, research unit in mental health, Aabenraa, Denmark


Pain Centre South-Odense university hospital, pain research group,

Odense, Denmark


Faculty of health science, university of Southern Denmark,

department of clinical research, Odense, Denmark


Danish research institute for suicide prevention, mental health

centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Anxiety and depression disorders are common in

patients with chronic pain. Studies using clinical interviews in

patients with chronic pain report prevalence rates ranging bet-

ween 30–54% for depression and 17–29% for anxiety. This is the

first study using contacts with a hospital psychiatric ward to inves-

tigate prevalence of depression and anxiety in patientswith chronic



Estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression in

patients with chronic pain referred for interdisciplinary treatment.


To increase the knowledge about mental disorders and

chronic pain in secondary health care.


All chronic pain patients referred to and treated at an

interdisciplinary pain clinic at Odense university hospital, Denmark

from 1 Jan 2005–13 Nov 2015 were included as participants. The

Danish National Patient Register was used to collect information

on contacts with a hospital psychiatric ward 10-year prior to the

first contact at the pain clinic due to depression (ICD-10: F32-F33)

and/or anxiety (ICD-10: F40-F41).


In total, 7204 patients (64% women; mean age: 48.2)

were included. Altogether, 17.8% (95% CI: 16.9–18.7) of patients had

contact to a psychiatric ward. The prevalence of unipolar depres-

sionwere: 6.1% (95% CI: 5.5–6.6) and anxiety: 2.1% (95% CI: 1.8–2.5),

while 0.7% (95% CI: 0.5–0.9) had both depression and anxiety.


The prevalence rates of depression and anxiety

noted in this study were lower than those reported in previous

studies. A hospital-based diagnosis seems likely to be less frequent

than interview-based measures, yet, might have a higher validity

due to the clinician-based assessment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychosomatic and

psychopathological paradigms of

alcoholic anorexia

I. Sosin

, Y. C

huev , O. Goncharova , G. Misko , A. Volkov

Kharkov medical academy of postgraduate education, narcology,

Kharkov, Ukraine

Corresponding author.


Alcoholic anorexia (AA), being one of prevalent nar-

cology diseases, up to now has not been studied in psychosomatics

and psychopathology paradigm.

Aims and objectives

To identify multifactorial pathopsycho-

logical, psychopathological, nervous, alimentary, toxicological

constituents of AA pathogenesis.


Twenty-four patients with alcohol dependence (males

aged 29–37) have been studied. Diagnosis was objectified by psy-

chosomatic, pathopsychological complex international valid tests

and rating, adequate for investigation design, laboratory, electro-

physiology, biochemical, ultrasound and other methods.


AA was accompanied with mental and physical post-

intoxication exhaustion, asthenizing, tremor, dissomnia, depres-

sion, pre-delirium signs. Psychosomatic concept was proposed

for reasonable identification of intranosological AA clinical forms

in narcological clinical course. Anorectic dipsomaniac conditions

are explained pathogenetically with psychosomatic mechanisms

of deviant addictive craving behaviour as pathopsychological tar-

get and patient’s intentional complete or partial refuse food

consumption in favour of real in time more quick and brutal

attainment of alcoholic drunkenness (Ebrietas Alcogolica). This

anorexia fabula draws AA closer to Anorexia Nervosa and mostly

reflects compulsive obsession with alcohol use. Pathopsychologi-

cal, psychosomatic, neurogenousmechanisms of alcoholic anorexia

of drinking bout early stages are transformed gradually to post-

intoxication alimentary, nervous, psychic exhaustion. Meanwhile,