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25th European congress of psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S365–S404



Internal Medicine and Cardiology Private Practice, Ambulance,

Kosice, Slovak Republic


UKF Nitra, Psychology, Nitra, Slovak Republic


Psychagogia, Clinical Psychology, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovak



University Palacky Olomouc, Psychiatry, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Corresponding author.


Psychological distress is considered as a component

of the cardiovascular risk. The present study aims to determine

which psychophysiological, electrocardiographic and anthropo-

metric factors are correlated with life events, depression and

quality of life in healthy adults.


A total of 114 adults were examined using the Social

Readjustment Rating Scale, the EuroQol Group 5-Dimension

Self-Report Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory – Second

Edition, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Physiological measures

included heart rate variability, skin conductance level and skin tem-

perature. Anthropometric characteristics included weight, height,

hip size, waistline, blood pressure, heart rate at rest and after men-

tal activity, muscle mass, fat stock, percentage of the body fat,

segmental distribution of muscle and fat mass, fat-free mass and

the water content in the body. Finally, data from electrocardio-

graphic examination included aortic pulse wave velocity, central

aortic pressure and augmentation index.


Life events in last two years correlate with worse quality

of life and a higher level of depression. Life events in last two years

also correlate with the increase of the risk factors for cardiovascu-

lar problems in terms of several anthropometric and physiological

measures. Finally, life events in last two years was also related with

the overweight.


Results suggest some possiblemechanisms bywhich

stress may exert adverse effects on cardiovascular morbidity and

mortality in healthy persons. Primary preventive strategies with

the stress management training may prove beneficial.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster Walk: Quality management;

rehabilitation and psychoeducation and research



Art therapy for patients in acute

psychotic episodes

T. Aladashvili

Center for Mental Health and Prevention of Addiction, Adult

Psychiatry, Tbilisi, Georgia


Evaluate the efficacy of art therapy during acute psy-

chotic episodes.


Thirty-six inpatients with ICD-diagnoses of schizophre-

nia (F20.0–F20.9) age between 20–60were randomised to either 12

twice-weekly sessions of psychodynamic group art therapy plus

treatment as usual or to standard treatment alone. Art therapy was

administered in 12 sessions of 90minutes for 6 weeks. At 12 weeks,

55% of patients randomised to art therapy, and 66% of patients

receiving treatment as usual were examined. Scales used: 17 – Item

Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) for depression and

Scale for the assessment of negative symptoms (SANS).


The approach was non-directive – patients could

choose to createwhatever theywanted and use any availablemate-

rial. Interventions by the art therapist aimed at supporting the art

process and helping to understand the image. The last 30minutes

of a session were reserved for a shared viewing and reflecting on

the images.


With post-treatment and follow-up scores of SANS and

HRSD patients who had received AT had a significantly greater

mean reduction of positive and negative and also depressive symp-

toms at 12-week follow-up than patients treated as usual. Social

functioning was significantly higher in the AT group. There were no

significant interactions between intervention group and gender.


Evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of AT in

patients with schizophrenia is far from being conclusive and ben-

efits might be limited to a subgroup of patients. Results of this

study suggest AT can be implemented in routine hospital settings

for patients experiencing acute psychotic states.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Perseverative Thinking

Questionnaire: Confirmatory factor

analysis with two different samples

J. Azevedo

1 ,

, A.T. Pereira


, A.P. Amaral

2 , 3

, V. Nogueira



M.J. Soares


, D. Mota

2 , 4

, A. Macedo

2 , 4


University of Coimbra, Department of Psychological Medicine,

Coimbra, Portugal


Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Department of

Psychological Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal


Institute Polytechnic of Coimbra, ESTESC, Coimbra Health School,

Coimbra, Portugal


Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Psychiatric Department,

Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Perseverative Negative Thinking (PNT) is a trans-

diagnostic cognitive process

[1] c

haracterized by repetitiveness,

intrusiveness and difficulties to disengage (Ehring, 2011). The Per-

severative Thinking Questionnaire (PTQ-15;

[2] )

is a self-reported

instrument, developed to evaluate these characteristics. The Por-

tuguese version assess two meaningful dimensions – Repetitive

thoughts (RT); and Cognitive interference and unproductiveness


[3] .


To confirm the bi-dimensional structure of the PTQ-15 using

Confirmatory Factor Analysis, in two distinct samples.


A sample composed of 256 students (Mean

age = 20.58


1.870; 78.1% girls) and a sample composed of

480 adults from the community (parents of the students; mean

age = 50.84


5.310; 53.1% women) filled the PTQ-15. We used

software AMOS.


The second-order model of PTQ-15 with two dimensions

presented good fit, in both students (CMIN= 2.449; RMSEA = 0.075;

CFI = 0.958, TLI = 0.949, PGFI = 0.776;


< 0.001) and their parents

(CMIN= 3.46; RMSEA = 0.072, CFI = 0.955, TLI = 0.942, PGFI = 0.632;


< 0.001). Internal consistency of the total scale, measured

though Cronbach’s alpha was = 0.95/0.94; both factors presented

good/excellent reliability: repetitive thoughts (a = 0.93/0.92); cog-

nitive interference and unproductiveness (a = 0.88/0.92).


Taken together, both CFAs provided additional evi-

dence that PTQ-15 is an adequate measure for perseverative


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Ehring T, Watkins ER. Repetitive negative thinking as a transdi-

agnostic process. Int J Cogn Ther 2008;1(3):192–205.

[2] Ehring T, et al. The Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire (PTQ):

validation of a content-independent measure of repetitive neg-

ative thinking. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 2011;42(2):225–32.