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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464


and highlights the positive response seen in this case with psy-


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Social anxiety as a basic factor shaping

anti-vital and suicidal behaviour

among contemporary adolescents

O. Sagalakova

1 ,

, D .V

. Truevtsev

1 , I.Y

. Stoyanova

2 ,

A.M. Sagalakov



Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


In adolescence, social anxiety (SA) and anti-vital and

suicidal behavior (AB and SB) constitute a single syndrome.


The aim is to define the role of SA and its components in

shaping adolescent AB, with a subsequent risk of SB.

Materials and methods

A total of 981 adolescents participated in

the survey. The authors’ proprietary Anti-vitality and Resilience

Questionnaire and Social Anxiety and Social Phobia Questionnaire;

statistic methods: ANOVA, Correlation analysis.

Results and discussion

Twenty-four percent fromthe sample have

high SA levels, and 21.8%have clinical SA levels connectedwith high

risk of AB and SB. Adolescents find themselves in unstable condi-

tions of the psychological field reorganization (crisis), and they are

in need of actualization of means to satisfy their social motives. It

makes them vulnerable to mental disorganization under evalua-

tion conditions, and the situation is aggravated with the absence

of internalized mental regulation tools. AB, SB is higher, the higher

the SA in adolescents is. SA as a subjective perception of insufficient

means to influence the surroundings in order to satisfy social needs

can play one of the key roles in the accumulation of negative affect

in the system of mental activity, and lead ultimately to its failure.


Inability to satisfy their actual motives, lack of strat-

egy for self-realization and dealing with failures, and inability to

keep the targeted priority in evaluation situations lead to feeling

loss of life purpose and negative evaluation of the future and shape


Disclosure of interest

The research was supported by Russian Sci-

ence Foundation (Altai State University).


Psychological treatment of

trihotillomania: A case study

T. Sarmiento Luque

, J.M. Sanchez

Hospital De Mollet, Department of Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.

This paper presents a clinical case of trichotillomania. Therefore,

the aim of this study is to present in detail the procedure fol-

lowed in a case of trichotillomania in a public health context, using

cognitive-behavioral techniques, in order to deepen the knowledge

of the efficacy of these treatment procedures and demonstrate the

feasibility of implementation.

The results obtained show significant improvements in differ-

ent clinical aspects: first, the hair pulling behavior disappeared

completely; moreover, anxiety diminished significantly and mood

normalized. All these results allow us to conclude that the inter-

vention was successful.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Factors associated with professional

stress at the teachers

N. Halouani

, F. Smaoui , C. Derbel , R. Naoui , J. Alouloi ,

O. Amami

CHU Hédi Chaker, Psychiatry B, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Teaching, as a profession, is recognized as demand-

ing and stressful.


(1) Evaluate the professional teacher stress, (2) Iden-

tify possible factors associated with it.


This is a cross-sectional study, descriptive and analyti-

cal, conducted among teachers of high school MahmoudMagdich in

Sfax. (Tunisia). Participants were asked to complete the anonymous

form detailing the socio-demographic, professional characteristics

and any work stressors.

The evaluation of occupational stress was evaluated by the scale of



Thirty-six teachers replied to the questionnaires. The sex

ratio (M/F) was 0.38. The mean age was 48.77 years. The aver-

age number of years of exercise was 23.20 years and the average

number of hours worked per week was 16.25 hours. The partici-

pants stress profile according to the scale of “Karasek” was: 55.6%

stressed, 27.8%, assets, 11.1% liabilities, and 5.6% relaxed. The main

stress factors mentioned were respectively: the inadequate salary

(58.3%), difficult working conditions (52.8%), problems with stu-

dents and parents (25%) and lack of organization at work (22.2%).

Factors correlated with the profile “stressed” were: female gen-

der (


= 0.026), lack of pastime practice (


= 0.034), teaching high

school degree (


= 0.04), feeling that they work “too hard” in their

work (


= 0.005), they are “the end” at the end of the working day



= 0.015) and low social support (


= 0.005).


The occupational stress among teachers was quite

important. Knowing how to identify factors and taking action

would be interesting for the guarantee development for teachers.

Students would be the ultimate beneficiaries.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Personal and pathopsychological

features of patients with somatoform

disorders in primary care

B. Tsygankov

, A. Kulichenko

Moscow State Medical Dental University, Department of Psychiatry,

Narcology and Psychotherapy, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Somatoform disorders are a therapeutic challenge

for primary care physicians. Various studies show low efficacy of

psychotherapy for these patients, and the need for differentiated

approach to their treatment.


Explore the differences between pathopsychological,

personal characteristics of patients with somatoform disorders.


It was carried out psychometric evaluation of 108

patients with different clinical variants of somatoform disorders,

using SCL-90-r, Leonhard questionnaire.


Patient with somatization disorder (SD) had maximum

values on the “somatization”, “depression”, “hostile”, “paranoid”

scales; a high level of anxiety. Singularity personality structure

of these patients defining feature of exaltation, excitability, emo-

tivity. Patients with undifferentiated somatoform disorder (USD)

also showed high levels of somatization, anxiety and obsessive-

compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, phobic anxiety. Patients

with stable somatoform pain disorder (SPD), had high levels of

depression, obsessive-compulsive. SPD formed in individuals with