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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464


Overweight and obesity, despite their co-

morbidities and mortality, could deteriorate the quality of

life of people with bipolar disorder.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of

life among patients with bipolar disorder and investigate a possible

interaction between obesity and deterioration of the quality of life.


This study aims to highlight the importance of preventing

overweight and obesity in people with bipolar disorder to obtain

an adequate quality of life subsequently an acceptable control of

the illness.


Fifty euthymic bipolar patients (Hamilton Depression

Scale score

8, and Young Mania Rating Scale score

6) received

the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey in

Arabic validated version in order to investigate the quality of life.


We examined 50 euthymic bipolar patients (60% men,

40% women). The average age was 46, 5 years (23–70). Most

patients (69%) were over weighted (BMI

25.0 kg/m


) (body mass

index), of whom 40% were obese (BMI

30.0 kg/m


). Seventy-two

percent of the investigated patients had an affected quality of life

(score < 66.7). The mental items were deteriorated in 80% of the

cases. An affected quality of life was correlated with obesity. The

BMI was significantly and negatively correlated with the scores of

dimensions D4 (mental health) andD8 (perceived health) (


< 0.01).


The investigationof quality of life inpeoplewithmen-

tal disorder enables to reveal the social handicap caused by these

illnesses consequently emphasizes health care inmental affections.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Research of thinking and memory at

persons with the alcoholic

dependence complicated by abuse of

preparations of sedative and

somnolent group

G. Jumasheva

Tashkent Institute of physicians post-Graduate study, Academic

Department of Addiction Medisine and Adolescent Psychopathology,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

In recent years, abuse of sleeping medicines with the subsequent

formation of an inclination and increase of tolerance to prepa-

rations of this group has gained distribution in the Republic of

Uzbekistan among the persons suffering from alcoholic depend-


The assessment of thinking and memory functions was carried on

by using a pictogram technique at 40 patients with the alcoholic

dependence complicated by abuse of a somnolent preparation. Two

groups of patients had similar duration of alcohol abuse, but differ-

ing in the length of abuse of hypnotic drugs: 20 patients used it not

more than 1 year, 20 patients more than 5 years.

Research has shown that with the duration of abuse of somnolent

preparation within 1 year patients with alcoholic dependence had

no expressed memory violations: by means of pictogram draw-

ings patients could remember all set of words. Twenty-five percent

of patients’ drawings had the ordered appearance, steady graphic

characteristics; the chosen images were followed by exact, laconic

comments. The tendency to prevalence of the concrete images asso-

ciated with alcoholic situations was found in 75% of patients of this

group at a graphic representation of abstract concepts.

Abuse of somnolent preparations more than 5 years at 35% of

patients has come to light misunderstanding of sense of the task,

40% of patients – insufficient image differentiation with inability of

selection of visions to abstract concepts, 10% of patients – had ten-

dency to the stereotypy and a perseveration. All the patients had a

decrease in efficiency of the mediated storing.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Bipolar disorders diagnostics in

ambulatory medico-psychological


N. Kornetov

, E. L


Siberian State Medical University, Psychiatry, Addiction and

Psychotherapy, Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


The difficulties of diagnosis and clinical differen-

tiation of bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and schizoaffective

disorder have been repeatedly noted both foreign and Russian



Full medico-psychological service clinical documen-

tation research, including bipolar disorder patient records.


Determination of bipolar disorders in accordance with the

DSM-5 criteria among psychiatric outpatients.


A group of 142 patients with established according

to ICD-10 diagnoses: schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder 137

(96.5%); the average patient’s age 50


13 and bipolar disorder and

mania episode 5 (3.5%) – 55.4


14.4 has been investigated.


It was found that 18 (12.7%) of all patients meet the DSM-

5 bipolar disorder criteria compared with the primary diagnosis

(3.5%). Structure of the diagnosis of bipolar disorder was repre-

sented as follows: bipolar disorder type I – 11 (61.2%), bipolar

disorder type II – 7 (38.8%). Consequently, due to formal application

DSM-5 bipolar disorder criteria BD determination 3.5 times more.


Traditionally, the diagnosis of schizophrenia is pre-

ferred over bipolar disorder. Manic episode in bipolar disorder can

be evidently regarded as an acute schizophreniamanifestation. The

diagnostic criteria for DSM-5 are convenient in diagnostics of manic

and depressive episodes in case of their combination in I type bipo-

lar disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Is the use of long-acting injectable

antipsychotic extended in the

outpatient treatment of bipolar

disorder? A brief description

L. Niell

, J. Rodríguez , R.A. Baena , I. Alberdi-Paramo ,

G. Montero , M.M. Tenorio , M. Pereira , R. Sanz ,

P. Gomez-Merino , F. De Vicente , A. Carrillo

Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Psiquiatría, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Obtain and analyze information on treatment guidelines,

with particular emphasis on the use of antipsychotics, in patients

diagnosed with bipolar disorder I and bipolar disorder II who are

treated at a mental health center in a district of Madrid (Spain)

under the conditions of habitual clinical practice.

Then, compare with recently published literature.


We performed a descriptive study of a sample of 100

patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder (type I and type II) at

any stage of the disease who receive regular treatment in a men-

tal health center in a district of Madrid. Information regarding the

treatment used, especially the use of antipsychotics (either in a

single therapy or in combinationwith other drugs such asmood sta-

bilizers, antidepressants, hypnotics or anxiolytics), was collected

retrospectively from the data obtained from the medical record.