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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464


University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Neuroscience,

Timisoara, Romania

Corresponding author.


Differentiating between bipolar (BD) and schizoaf-

fective disorder (SAD) can be challenging, especially during early

stages of the illness.


Comparing clinical profiles and socio-demographic

characteristics of patients diagnosed with BD and SAD.


The study, conducted between 2014–2016, included 67

inpatients from the Timisoara Psychiatric Clinic, diagnosed with

either BD (


= 35) or SAD (


= 32), according to ICD-10 criteria.

The following parameters were analyzed: number of episodes,

number of times hospitalized, onset age, frequency and nature of

psychotic symptoms, family history of psychiatric disorders and

socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, marital status). Data

were obtained by direct interview and patient files. Symptom

severity was measured with Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS).


There were no significant differences between the two

samples regarding age or sex distribution. Schizoaffective patients

were more frequent unmarried (


= 0.007). Onset age was signifi-

cantly lower in SAD patients (22.41 years for SAD, 28.36 years for

BD). SAD patients had the highest number of episodes and needed

more frequent hospitalization. Bipolar patients had higher per-

centage of family history of affective disorders when compared

to schizoaffective patients (41% versus 36%). Hallucinations were

more frequently found in schizoaffective patients than in bipolar

patients (


= 0.004). We found no significant differences between

the two samples regarding the presence or the type of delusions.

The SAD sample had significantly higher BPRS total scores than

bipolar patients (


= 0.035).


Although this study revealed numerous similarities

between BD and SAD, it also identified differences that may be

helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Temporality in mania:

Phenomenological, neurobiological

and therapeutic consequences

M. Schwartz

1 , 2 ,

, M .


3 , E. S


4 , O.




Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, Round Rock,

Texas, USA


Psychiatry and Humanities in Medicine, West Lake Hills, USA


Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, Psychiatry,

Round Rock, TX, USA


George Washington University College of Medicine, Psychiatry,

Washington DC, USA


University of Louisville, Philosophy, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Corresponding author.

Manic disturbances of temporality are underemphasized in

present-day accounts. For example, they are not included among

criteria for manic episodes in DSM or ICD. Nonetheless, as already

claimed by Binswanger (1964), aberrant temporality is core to

the disorder. Persons with mania live almost exclusively in the

present and hardly into the future. Especially in the larger scheme

of things, their future is already here. There is no “advancing,

developing or maturing,” anticipations have been achieved, all

that I strive for is present – if you will just get out of my way!

A half century ago, Binswanger spelled out this temporal foun-

dation for mania and summed up consequences. The manic self,

not living into the future, “is not, to borrow a word, an existential


This presentationwill describe phenomenological characteristics of

such a manic self and then present correlating findings from con-

temporary neuroscience. Importantly, such findings clarify present

and future therapeutic interventions. Of critical importance is

manic chronobiology: clocks in our brains afford receptor sites for

the lithium ion. At these sites, lithium potently inhibits the cir-

cadian rhythm regulator glycogen synthase kinase 3 and alters

the biological cascade that follows. By taking a close look, we

can comprehend implications for mania as well as for treatment

with lithium: Neurobiologically, lithium disrupts manic rhythm

dysregulation and restores a more “normalized” temporality. The

consequence is no less than the return of the existential self.

A receptor mechanism of action for lithium additionally portends

future specific and safer treatment options “after lithium.”

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Putting it all together: How

disordered temporality is core to the

phenomenology and neurobiology of


M. Schwartz

1 ,

, E. Schwartz


, M. Moskalewicz



Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, Psychiatry

and Humanities in Medicine, West Lake Hills, USA


George Washington University College of Medicine, Psychiatry,

Washington DC, USA


University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.

Disturbances of temporality in mania, underemphasized in

present-day accounts, are nonetheless core to understanding both

the phenomenology and the neurobiology of the disorder:

– phenomenology: already in 1954, Binswanger had articulated

that persons with mania live almost exclusively in the present

and hardly at all into the future. Especially in the larger scheme of

things, their future is already here. There is no “advancing, devel-

oping or maturing,” anticipations have already been achieved, and

all that I strive for is basically present if you will just get out of my

way! A half century ago, Binswanger summed up the consequence

of manic temporality: the manic self, not living into the future, “is


. . .

an existential self.” This presentation will further describe

phenomenological characteristics of such a self in mania;

– findings from contemporary neuroscience correlate remark-

ably well with the above phenomenology, importantly clarifying

present and future therapeutic interventions. Of critical impor-

tance in mania, clocks in our brains afford receptor sites for the

lithium ion. Once bound to the receptor, lithium potently inhibits

the circadian rhythm regulator glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)

and profoundly alters the biological cascade that it initiates. In this

presentation, by taking a close look, step-by-step, we will clarify

how lithium disrupts mania rhythm dysregulation and restores a

more “normalized” temporality. The consequence is no less than

the return of the existential self. We will also briefly glance, in this

presentation, at the window that lithium cellular efficacy offers for

treatment options “after lithium.”

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Antidepressants induced mania in

patients with diagnosed unipolar

depression: Case report and literature


M. Silva

1 ,

, M. Ribeiro


, A.R. Figueredo


, L. Castelo Branco



CHTMAD – E.P.E., Psychiatry Department, Felgueiras, Portugal


CHMAD – E.P.E., Psychiatry Department, Vila Real, Portugal