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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464


symptoms of ADHD. In adults these core symptom are also present

but inattention is more prominent. Correct diagnosis of ADHD

remains challenging, especially as several other psychiatric and

medical disorders show the similar symptomology.


The diagnosis of ADHD is clinical based upon a clus-

ter of symptoms and criteria established by guidelines such as the

DSM-5. Yet, objective markers are needed to support the clini-

cal ADHD diagnosis in children and adults. Studies suggest that a

neurobiological marker (eye vergence i.e. where the eyes move in

opposite directions) can detect ADHD in children and adults. The

eyes converge during orienting attention, as evidenced by visual

event related potentials at parietal locations. This attention related

vergence is impaired in ADHD patients.


We review the neurobiology and findings of eye ver-

gence and the relevance of its measurement for the clinical

diagnosis of ADHD.


Neural circuits underlying eye vergence and attention

largely overlap. Using machine learning, eye vergence measure-

ments can classify ADHD in children and adults with high (> 90%)



Eye vergence is a promising candidate for an objec-

tive clinical diagnosis of ADHD.

Disclosure of interest

Part of this research was paid by Braingaze.

HS is co-founder and shareholder of Braingaze.


Anxiety-depressive disorders in

children: Neurobiological and

neurohormonal aspects


1 ,

, E. Mykhailova


, T. Matkovska


, N. Reshetovska



A. Goloborodko



SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the NAMS

of Ukraine”, Psychiatry, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Kharkov V. Karazin National University named, Psychiatry,

Kharkov, Ukraine

Corresponding author.


The need for diagnosis and correct classification of

depression among children is dictated by its burdeness with age,

high risk of recurrence at further stages of child development and

propensity to suicidal behavior.

Materials and methods

One hundred and sixty adolescents with

ADD were included in our study. The study design comprised:

clinicopsychopathological, somatoneurological, psychological and

neurohormonal methods.


Clustering symptom of anxiety and depression have

shown that for children in early puberty is typical more forma-

tion of somatic (35.2%), behavioral (21.6%), phobic (21.6%) variants

of depression, less-anxiety (13.5%), asthenia (8.1%). For children in

puberty – apathetic (30.1%), anxiety (28.9%), dismorfofobic (27.7%),

behavioral (13.3%) variants. The proportion of suicidal behav-

ior of depression increases in proportion to age, mainly due to

suicidal thoughts, sayings, auto-aggressive behavior. Analysis of

the formation conditions of anxiety and depression in children

showed a significant correlation of genetic, biological and socio-

environmental components.

Symptoms of the minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) at an early

ontogeny (prognostic value = +4.8), loaded natal period (PV = +4.2),

frequent colds in the medical history (PV = 3.7), signs of cerebro-

organic failure (PV = +3.8) and obesity as an endocrine disorder

(PV = +2.1), sex and age of the manifestation of the first depres-

sive episode in the early stages ontogenesis in boys aged 7 years

(PS = +5.3), in girls aged 9 years (PS = +3.9) have been registered

among biological risk factors for the ADD formation. Prognostic

significance of neurohormonal parameters as regards the risk for

ADD formation in adolescents is based on a decreased serotonin

level in patients with depressive anxiety (PV = +2.8) and a reduced

melatonin level, irrespective of the variant of clinical depression

(PV = +2.4).


Determination of neurobiological and neurohor-

monal risk markers for the development of the ADD makes it

possible to carry out psychoprophylactic measures.


Children; Anxiety-depressive disorder; Prognostic

value; Neuro-biological; Neurohormonal aspect

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A technology for providing

therapeutic training of children with

the anxiety-depressive disorders,

comorbid with obesity


1 ,

, E. Mykhailova


, T. Matkovska


, N. Reshetovska



A. Goloborodko



SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the NAMS

of Ukraine”, Psychiatry, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Kharkov V. Karazin National University named, Psychiatry,

Kharkov, Ukraine

Corresponding author.

Background and aims

The study considers the problem of the

anxiety-depressive disorders (ADD) in children with concomitant

obesity in the context of the search for effective methods of their


Materials and methods

Included 64 children at puberty with

the anxiety-depressive disorders, comorbid with obesity. Design

comprised: clinicopsychopathological, somatoneurological, psy-

chological monitoring (CDRS-R); the Spielberger, “Me and my

illness” and “Man in the Rain” projective drawing tests.


The symptoms of emotional and vegetative tension,

depression registered in all studied children.

In the developed model of support, the interventions of primary

level are aimed on family and closest encirclement of the child

(family psychotherapy, psycho-educational programs for children

and their parents). Strategies:

– stressful situation in the family (practical, psychological support

and education of parents);

– for relief of depressive and vegetative-anxious symptoms (using

art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy);

– for education of patients in the wider context – quality of life,

coping, motivation and modification of inappropriate behaviors

(modeling of new cognitions).

The technology includes the diagnosis of the psychosomatic core

of the disease, areas of neurotic fixation of the child with ADD and

obesity, correction of emotional homeostasis and cognitive imbal-

ance by activation of the personality individual resources as a result

using cognitive-behavioral and art-dynamic therapy, as well as a

“Control of eating behavior” training program, and solving certain

situational problems by a child with the disease.


Our method makes the tactics of psychotherapeutic

and psycho-educational intervention at an early stage of the dis-



Children; Anxiety-depressive disorder;

Art-therapeutic intervention

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.