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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464

(F20.8 – 16 patients of MHRC mean age 10,2; F21 – 18 patients of

MHRC mean age 10.0).


Battery of pathopsychological tests for assessing cogni-

tive functions (memory, attention, thinking), test figures of Leeper

for visual perception. Z-scales were used for estimation of cognitive

deficit or defect.


Patients demonstrate variety of cognitive functioning.

Normal cognitive functioning: ASD1* – 22%, F20.8 – 18%, F21* – 50%

(* –


0.05); partial cognitive defect: ASD1 – 27%, F20.8 – 18%,

F21 – 22%; total cognitive defect: ASD1** – 50%, F20.8 – 64%,

F21** – 27% (** –


0.01). ASD1 and F20were theworth in thinking.

Children ASD1 and ASD2 demonstrate similar success in recogniz-

ing Leeper’s figures.


There are some common features of cognitive devel-

opment in children with severe forms of ASD and early onset

schizophrenia, first of all in thinking.

No significant differences obtained between severe – mild forms of

autistic disorders in visual perception (ASD1 and ASD2).

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster viewing: Classification of mental



Complicated grief: Is there a place in


S.L. Azevedo Pinto

, J. Soares , A. Silva , R. Curral

Hospital de S. João, Clínica de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, Porto,


Corresponding author.


Grief is as normal reactive to a significant personal

loss. It is characterized by affective, cognitive, behavioural and

physiological symptoms. The grieving process is usually divided

in five different stages, but in most cases presents a benign course,

with decreased suffering and better adaptation to the new context.

However, when high levels of emotional suffering or disability per-

sist over a long time period, it becomes a case of complicated grief

(CG), which should be adequately addressed.


To review the characteristics of CG, the evidence that

supports it as an individual pathological entity, and its place in

current classification systems.


We performed a bibliographic search in Pubmed and

PsychInfo, of articles written in English, Portuguese and Spanish,

containing the key words: grief, bereavement, psychiatry, classifi-



The main issue regarding grief is the degree to which it is

reasonable to interfere with a usually benign process. Since DSM-

III bereavement has been referred to as an adaptive reaction to an

important loss, which should not be diagnosed as major depressive

disorder or adjustment disorder. However, DSM-5 has stated per-

sistent complex bereavement disorder as an independent entity. In

fact, CG fulfils the general criteria of every psychiatric syndrome,

namely regarding specific diagnosis criteria, differential diagnosis

from depressive disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder, and

improvement with adequate treatment.


It is important to correctly approach CG, since it

presents with characteristic diagnosis features and much improve-

ment may be achieved once adequate treatment is provided.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Bipolar spectrum – A helpful concept?

P. Cabral Barata

, J.C. Melo , T. Maia

Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, Servic¸ o de Psiquiatria,

Amadora, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Many patients seen in clinical practice have a mood

disorder not well described by the existing diagnostic categories.

Formally, they would be called “not otherwise specified” but this

creates a huge single category for many patients that belies the

richness and complexity of their symptoms.


Review the existing information regarding the bipolar

spectrum concept and reflect about its importance and utility.


Nonsystematic review of the literature – scientific pub-

lications from Pubmed and Psychiatry Textbooks.


The “bipolar spectrum disorder”, designating those

patients who fall in the middle of the mood spectrum between

the classic unipolar and type I bipolar extremes, would repre-

sent recurrent severe depression, but with a family history of

bipolar disorder or antidepressant-induced mania or a number

of other features of bipolarity in addiction to depressive symp-

toms, course, or treatment response. The presence of hyperthymic

or cyclothymic mood temperaments has also been suggested as

part of this bipolar spectrum concept. Several arguments can

be found supporting the existence of this spectrum. A validated

bipolar spectrum concept will allow a decrease in the diagnos-

tic underestimation of bipolar disease and a more differentiated

investigation and treatment model. Bipolar spectrum concepts will

help identify those patients to whom antidepressants are not the

best therapeutic approach, in relation to mood stabilizers and/or



The bipolar spectrum concept has considerable sup-

porting evidence and utility, theoretical as well as practical. Its

development and diagnostic acceptance shall allow new discrimi-

nated investigation and better patient outcomes.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The profile of female crack users

undergoing treatment on

psychosocial care center for alcohol

and others drugs in Brazil

C.M. Carvalho

, T.V. Cardoso Vernaglia , N. Senju Suzuki ,

D. de Assis Correa Sória

Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Alfredo Pinto

School of Nursing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The prevalence of crack cocaine on Brazil reveal an

increase since 2009 and represents a public health problem.


To describe and study the socio-demographic profile of

female crack users undergoing treatment in psychosocial care cen-

ter for alcohol and others drugs (CAPS AD).


This is a qualitative, ethnographic study of 9 female

crack users that was conduct from February until September 2015

at CAPS AD in Brazil. This is study is part of a research entitled “The

daily life of female crack users: public service access”.


These women are young, have children that most of them

are separated and have at least primary school. All of them have a

long time using crack and different attempts of abstinence. They

access different public health programs.


The results show the vulnerable profile of female

crack users. These findings indicate the need specific public inter-

vention in other to improve social and health conditions.