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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464


D. Sadeghi Bahmani

1 ,

, M .


2 , M.


3 , S. L


4 ,

P.J. Clough

5 , S. P


6 , K. v

on Klitzing

7 , A. v

on Wyl

8 ,

E. Holsboer-Trachsler

9 , S. B




University of Basel Psychiatric Hospital, Center for Affective, Stress

and Sleep Disorders ZASS, Basel, Switzerland


Psychiatric Services Solothurn, Department of Adult Psychiatry,

Solothurn, Switzerland


University of Basel, Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, Sport

Science Section, Basel, Switzerland


University of Warwick, Department of Psychology, Coventry, United



Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Psychology,

Manchester, United Kingdom


University of Konstanz, Department of Psychiatry, Konstanz,



University of Leipzig, Department of Child and Adolescent

Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics, Leipzig, Germany


University of Zurich, Institute of Psychology, Zurich, Switzerland


Psychiatric Clinics of the University of Basel, Center for Affective,

Stress and Sleep Disorders, Basel, Switzerland

Corresponding author.


The concept of mental toughness has gained increas-

ing importance among non-elite athletes for its psychological

importance and explanatory power for a broad range of health-

related behaviors. On the flip side, no study has focused so far on

the psychological origins of mental toughness. Therefore, the aims

of the present study were three-fold: to explore, to what extent

psychological profiles of preschoolers at the age of five years pre-

dicted mental toughness scores and sleep disturbances at the age

of 14 years, and to explore possible gender differences.


Nine years after their first assessment at the age of five

years (preschoolers), a total of 77 adolescents (mean age: 14.35

years; SD = 1.22; 42% females) took part in the present follow-

up study. At baseline, both parents and teachers completed the

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), covering inter-

nalizing and externalizing problems, hyperactivity, negative peer

relationships, and prosocial behavior. At follow-up, participants

completed a booklet of questionnaires covering socio-demographic

data, mental toughness, and sleep disturbances.


Preschoolers with high prosocial behavior and low inter-

nalizing and externalizing problems, as rated by parents and

teachers, at the age of 14 years self-reported higher mental tough-

ness and lower sleep disturbances. At the age of 14 years, and

relative to their male counterparts, female participants reported

lower MT scores and higher sleep disturbances.


The pattern of results suggests that mental tough-

ness traits during adolescence have their origins during pre-school


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychopathological approach of

unsafe games among teenagers:

A case report

A. Ben Hamouda , S. Bourgou , S. Ben Rejeb , M. Hamza ,

B.N. Saguem

, F. Charfi , A. Belhadj

Mongi Slim Hospital, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, La Marsa,


Corresponding author.


Voluntary asphyxiation by practicing unsafe games

such as choking, hanging, strangulation or other means of inducing

hypoxia/anoxia is not uncommun among adolescents and can lead

to unintended death but it stills not very well-known so underes-

timated by parents and underdiagnosed by health professionals.


Study of clinical, psychological and psychopatholo-

gical features in adolescent practicing unsafe games through a case

report and a literature review.


We will present the case of a 14-year-old boy followed

up in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of Mongi

Slim Hospital (La Marsa, Tunisia) for behavioral disorders and

recurrent syncope. This case report will be supported by a literature


Case report

S.B., 14-year-old boy, unique child of two divorced

parents, with precarious family socio-economic conditions, no

apparent medical problems and no known history of drug or alco-

hol abuse, suicidal ideation or suicide attempts, consulted first time

in the department for behavioral disorders. The diagnostic of dys-

thymia was made. Seven months later, he was hospitalized in the

medical intensive care unit for postictal coma. All medical investi-

gations were normal. In the following, S.B. revealed that he used to

practice voluntary asphyxiation by compressing the two carotids

using his fingers until loss of consciousness. The diagnosis of para-

philia (DSM-5) was established.


Early recognition of such cases and awareness of

psychological and psychopathological motivations might prevent

serious complications and lethal outcome for these “unsafe-young-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Risk factors of problematic video

game use among teenagers in Sfax

L. Cherif , C. Sahnoun

, K. Khemakhem , H. Ayadi , A. Walha ,

Y. Moalla , I. Hadjkacem , F. Ghribi

EPS Hédi Chaker, Child and Adolescent Department, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


To identify correlates that might constitute risk fac-

tors for problematic video game use (PVU) among urban Tunisian

secondary school students.


This multivariate cross-sectional study was carried out

on 587 secondary school students, aged 14 to 20 years. They were

randomly selected from seven secondary schools in the urban area

of Sfax. The self-administered Fisher’s nine-itemquestionnaire was

used in this survey. To identify an associated problematic inter-

net use video game addiction, Young’s eight-item questionnaire

was used. A self-administered, anonymous questionnaire covered

socio-demographic, individual and family data.


The prevalence of PVU was 14.01%. In multivariate logis-

tic regression analysis, we found that the individual risk factors for

problematic video game usewere anxiety symptoms (


= 0.034) and

an associated problematic Internet use (


< 0.001). Playing sport

was a protective factor (


= 0.011). The poor relationships within

the family (


= 0.001), the lack of parental supervision of time spent

on playing video game (


< 0.001) and mother profession as mid-to

upper level manager (


= 0.002), predicted PVU.


The identification of risk factors can help to deter-

mine individuals at high risk, and alert mental health providers to

be careful to screen these patients for PVU. Total avoidance of the

Internet is unrealistic and inadvisable; but a sensibilisation out-

reach for youth, their families and health professionals may help to

limit the onset of PVU among young people.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.