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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644

Aims and method

To show positive trends and practices in BH as

well as obstacles in some fields of the reform.


For the last six years are made positive national men-

tal health policies, established case management model in work

with people with severe mental disorders, broad spectrum of ser-

vices recognized by health insurance (validation of the work for all

team members), user initiatives (organization), active role of pri-

mary mental health care, reduction of hospitalization, etc. On the

other way, yet are not established protected housing, early inter-

ventions services and universal methodology or team structure in

all CMHC.


Community based mental health care shown as a

good choice in the reform of the mental health in BH, confirming

positive results from other countries. That is a reason to continue

with improvements based on daily practices of the teams in CMHC.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Access to mental health services

among internally displaced persons in

Ukraine: Results from a nationwide


B. Roberts

1 ,

, N. Makhashvili


, J. Javakhishvili



London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Health Services,

London, United Kingdom


Global Initiative on Psychiatry, Tbilisi, Mental Health, Tbilisi,


Corresponding author.


There are an estimated 1.4 million internally dis-

placed persons (IDPs) in Ukraine as a result of the armed conflict in



(i) Measure the burden of key mental disorders (PTSD,

depression and anxiety); (ii) examine rates of utilization of health

and psychosocial support services; (iii) examine the patterns of

utilisation of services.


The study used a cross-sectional survey design and was

conducted throughout Ukraine betweenMarch and May 2016 with

2203 IDPs aged 18 years and over. Time-location sampling was

chosen as a probabilistic sampling method. Outcome measures

were the PCL-5 for PTSD, the PHQ-9 for depression and the GAD-7

for anxiety. Descriptive and multivariate regression analyses were



Of the 2203 respondents, 703 reported experiencing a

mental health or emotional problem over the previous 12 months

and were also screened positive with PTSD, depression or anxi-

ety. Of these 703, 180 had sought care (with sources of care to be

given in the presentation). Therefore, 523 respondents did not seek

care, equating to an overall treatment gap of 74%, (74% for PTSD,

71% for depression and 70% for anxiety). Key reasons for not uti-

lising treatment included preferring to use their own medications



= 176); unaffordability of health services (


= 118) ormedications



= 140); poor understanding by health care providers (


= 123);

poor quality of services (


= 78) and stigma/embarrassment



= 41).


The findings support the need for a scaled-up, com-

prehensive and trauma informed response to provision of the

mental health care of IDPs in Ukraine.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Taking care of people suffering from

neuropsychiatric illness living at


T.M. Sæterstrand

Sykepleie og helsefa, Nursing and Health, Bodø, Norway

Content background

People suffering from neuropsychiatric ill-

ness are often in need of caring and nursing over a long period of

time. Research shows that patients suffering from such illness do

not very often get enough care in practice.


To gain knowledge about nurses experiences from taking

care of older people living at home and suffering from chronic and

neuropsychiatric illness.


Qualitative analysis: fieldwork and qualitative inter-

views with 11 nurses who worked in four units in two different

municipalities in Norway.


Challenges in clinical nursing explain the process nurses

work in when they take care of people with neuropsychiatric ill-

nesses living at home. This is caring for patients, taking care of

family members, managing complex patient situations and the

need for coaching and cooperation.


To gain a good cooperation with other health person-

nel to strengthen the competence is important, especially when

the goal is caring. Nurses with education in neuropsychiatric care

can strengthen the competence maybe and reach a better patient

care. The organization of the community health system needs to be



Home care; Nursing; Elderly; Neuropsychiatric


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Linguistic validation of a battery for

measurement of affirming attitudes

about mental illness

B. Saguem

, A. Ben Romdhane , B. Ben Hadj Ali

CHU Farhat Hached, Psychiatry, Sousse, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Stigma restrains the life opportunities of individ-

uals with serious mental illness. This study aimed at performing a

linguistic validation of a battery for measurement of affirming atti-

tudes; a battery that might be used to test the impact of anti-stigma

and socially inclusive programs.


Three measures were considered: the Recovery Scale,

Empowerment Scale and Self-Determination Scale. Two native Ara-

bic speakers, bilingual in English, independently translated the

original measures into Arabic. A collaborative pooled version of the

questionnaires was then obtained from the two translations. The

pooled version was back-translated into English by a professional

translator. A draft Arabic version of the battery was obtained from

the comparison between the original questionnaires and the back-

translation andwas tested on 30 Arabic-speakingmedical students.

We also discussed the existence of other wording that enables the

meaning of statements to be expressed clearly.


The test of the different items allowed the detection of

three typing errors. It also highlighted mistranslating two terms

to one term that does not distinguish between them in term of

the meaning: “Goal” and “Purpose”. Comments were reported on

the wording of certain items in the questionnaire. These comments

referred to the problems related to the grammatical and syntactical

construction of certain expressions. The translation from English

into Tunisian dialect is different from our dialect.