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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709



Clinic nurses of Hacettepe university hospitals consti-

tuted the population of this study. Firstly, Nursing Information

Form, Maslach Burnout Scale were applied to participating 350

nurses. Secondly, semi-structured thorough individual interviews

were made with 39 nurses of 201 with the high level of



With content analysis emotional habitus, problem areas

for emotional habitus, results of these problem areas, optimal

behavior in expressing feelings of nurses and related to sugges-

tions to gain these statements total twenty themes were reached.

Nurses suggested proposals to gain optimal behavior in expressing

feelings. These are individual development, obtaining professional

knowledge, role modeling, experiencing. Also, nurses wanted to

see value by patients and hospital administration and respect



To prevent and cope with burnout; it has been pro-

posed that awareness training programmes and course contents

about emotional habitus, management emotions should be



Nurse; Emotional habitus; The field of care work;


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The evaluation of emotional labor and

emotional self-efficacy on burnout

among nurses

B. malak akgün

1 ,

, F. Öz



Ardahan University School of Health Sciences, Department of

Nursing, Ardahan, Turkey


Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, Head of Psychiatry Nursing

Department, Ankara, Turkey

Corresponding author.


Nurses are required to manage their emotions, like

being empathetic. Emotion management requires emotional self-

efficacy and emotion labour, because learning how to it takes effort.

If emotional labor is notmanaged effectively by nurses, burnoutwill

occur among nurses.


To evaluate the emotional labor, emotional self-

efficacy and burnout levels of nurses.


Clinic nurses of Hacettepe university hospitals con-

stituted the population of this study. Nursing information form,

emotional self-efficacy scale, emotional labour Scale and Maslach

Burnout Scale were applied to participating 350 nurses.


It was found out that nurses went through high level

“emotional exhaustion”, medium level “depersonalization”, low


personal accomplishment

and had medium level emotional

self-efficacy sense. It was determined that there was a positively

relationship between emotional labor and its sub-dimensions sur-

face acting and emotional effort and depersonalization levels, also

there was same relationship between surface acting and emo-

tional exhaustion. There was a negative relationship between

emotional self-efficacy sense and emotional exhaustion and deper-

sonalization but there was a positive relationship in personal

accomplishments. There was a positive relationship between emo-

tional self-efficacy sense between deep acting, emotional effort

and suppression of real emotions. Additionally, discrepancies were

found in burnout levels of nurses according to sociodemographic,

their working and choice of profession characteristics (

P <



To prevent and cope with burnout; it has been pro-

posed that awareness training programmes and course contents

about emotional management, emotional self-efficacy and emo-

tional labour should be arranged.


Nurse; Emotional labour; Emotional self-efficacy;


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comparison of noise effects to state

anxiety levels of patients and nurses

B. Malak Akgun

1 ,

, M .




Ardahan University School of Health Sciences, Department of

Nursing, Ardahan, Turkey


Ardahan University Faculty of Engineering, Environmental

Engineering, Ardahan, Turkey

Corresponding author.


An quiet environment is comfortable and peace-

ful. Also, healthy and safety environment is a human right. But,

exposure to noise may cause negative effects on psychology and

performance. Also, it is a problem in public hospitals, because, noise

is an important issue for both nurses and patients.


The study was designed to determine decibel levels

on the hospital’s four unified clinics and compare noise effects to

state anxiety levels of patients and nurses.


Information Form, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety

Inventory (STAI) were applied to participating 40 patients and 14

nurses. A measurement of the sound level of unified clinics was

performed for two days in the morning and after lunch for two



The range of minimum to maximum decibel levels was

significantly greater in nurses’ station (38.66 dB versus 82.48 dB)

than patient rooms (24.61 dB versus 74.2 dB) (

P <

.05). 25 patients

and 14 nurses stated that there was noise in the clinic. 19 patients

and 10 nurses expressed that it caused a headache. The state anxi-

ety levels were 39.29


5.61 for nurses and 45.4


4.86 for patients.

The state anxiety level of patients were 44.83


3.86 in 1. Clinic,



4.37 in 2. Clinic, 43.82


4.9 in 3. clinic, 44


5.57 in 4. Clinic.


We should reduce the noise level to reduce the level

of state anxiety. This study describes one reason to reduce peak

noise levels on unified clinics. Standards applied across studies

to measure and characterize acoustic environments are urgently



Noise; Anxiety; Patients; Nurses; Nursing

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The investigation of nurses’

sociotropic-autonomic personality

features levels in the context of

emotional habitus

B. Malak Akgun

Ardahan University, School of Health Sciences, Department of

Nursing, Ardahan, Turkey


Researcherswho plan to debate the nursing practice

habits and nurses’ professional-individual self and identity can

study out nurse habitus. Habitus affects how the nurses understand

care needs of patients. Also, sociotropy-autonomy is important for

both the personal and professional development of nurses. Accord-

ing to researchers, professional criteria are autonomy, commitment

to the profession and unity consciousness.


The study was designed to investigate of nurses’

sociotropic-autonomic personality features levels in the context of

emotional habitus.


Information form, sociotropy-autonomy scale were

applied to 10 nurses. Also, semi-structured thorough individual

interviews were made with them.