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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709

Table 2

Simultaneous effect of maternal CMD and selected risk

factors on asthma control through logistic regression (


= 272).

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


How much does love really hurt?

Psychopathology and romantic

relationships: A meta-analysis

A. Mirsu-Paun

1 ,

, J.A. Oliver



“Carol Davila” University, Department of Medicine, Bucharest,



Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry &

Behavioral Sciences, Durham, NC, USA

Corresponding author.


Romantic relationship quality (RRQ) and break-ups

(RRB) among young adults have been associated with the onset

of a first major depressive episode or suicide attempts. However,

the size of these associations varies across studies and the relative

weight of RRB versus RRQ needs to be understood.


To investigate (1) the size of the association between

adolescent RRQ/RRB and psychopathology (i.e., depression, suicide

ideation, deliberate self-harm, and suicide attempt); and (2) the

role of potential moderators (e.g., gender, age, and nationality).


Ameta-analysis of 20manuscripts reporting on21 stud-

ies (


= 19623) was conducted, focusing specifically on adolescents

and young adults. Studies focused on physically abusive relation-

ships were excluded.


A model combining relationship quality and break-up

yielded a highly significant association between relationshipmeas-

ures and depression/self-harm but the strength of this relationship

was modest (


= .229). The strength of the association between

depression/self-harm and RRQ (


= .279) was statistically different

fromRRB (


= .145) (


= .006). Location (US vs. Non-US) had no effect.

Age was not significant, B = -0.005, 95% CI [-0.026, 0.016],


= .647.

Gender was a weak moderator (B = .160, 95% CI [-0.021, 0.340],


= .083).


The association between psychopathology and

RRQ/RRB was statistically significant but relatively small. RRQ was

a stronger predictor of depression compared to RRB. This associ-

ation was slightly stronger for women than for men. Implications

for practice and future research will be discussed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Interventions for reducing fear of

childbirth: A systematic review and

meta-analysis of clinical trials

V. MoghaddamHosseini

1 ,

, M. Nazarzadeh

2 , 3

, S. Jahanfar

4 , 5


Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences,

University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary


The collaboration centre of meta-analysis research ccMETA, Iranian

Research Center on Healthy Aging, Sabzevar University of Medical

Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran


The collaboration centre of meta-analysis research, Sabzevar, Iran


School of Population and Public Health, University of British

Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


School of Population and Public Health, Vancouver, Canada

Corresponding author.


Fear of childbirth (FOC) is a problematic mental

health issue during pregnancy and postpartumperiod. It is essential

to identify the most effective approaches to reduce the problem.


Using meta-analyses, we aimed to examine the most

effective intervention for reduction of FOC.


We searched the Cochran central register of controlled

trials, PubMed, Embase and PsycINFO databases since inception

till January 2016 without any language restriction. The reference

lists of all included studies were checked for additional pub-

lished reports and citations of unpublished research. We included

randomised control trials and quasi-randomised control trials com-

paring interventions for treatment of FOC. Two review authors

independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. The stan-

dardized mean differences (SMD) were pooled using random and

fixed effect model. The heterogeneity was determined using the

Cochran’s test and I


index and was further explored in meta-

regression model and subgroup analyses. Egger’s regression and

funnel plot were used for assessing publication bias.


Ten studies totalling 3984 participants were included

from two quasi-experimental and eight randomised clinical trials.

Eight studies investigated education and two studies investigated

hypnosis-based intervention. The pooled SMD of FOC for the edu-

cation intervention and hypnosis group in comparisonwith control

group were -0.46 (95% CI-0.73 to -0.19) and -0.22 (95% CI-0.34 to

-0.10), respectively.


Interventions were effective on reducing FOC; how-

ever educational interventions reduced FOC twice as high as

hypnosis. This result highlights the roll of antenatal education

in enhancing childbirth expectations and experiences to enhance

maternal and neonatal well-being.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Migration, women and education:

Iran case study

M. Mohammadi

Education organization, physics, Tehran, Iran

Short description migration of villagers to cities can be damag-

ing the women’s status in social affairs and promotion of family.

Long description, one of the most controversial problems of rural

dwellers’ migration to big cities, is the occupation of women in

low-level jobs. The villagers mostly have little skills and women

are deprived of knowledge and skills to cope with the new situa-

tion so that they cannot find good jobs to meet the family needs.

The low-level jobs and income by men in black market after having

migrated to the cities force women to adopt to work in dirty jobs

or work as maid at homes to increase the financial capacities of the

family and provide educational facilities for children. This can bring

about many dangers for the family. First, children are deprived of