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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709

to influence the diagnosis outcome and convince the diagnosticians

that they were genuinely “learning-disordered”. The strategies are

divided into three clusters corresponding to the pre-diagnostic,

diagnostic, and diagnostic-interview stages. The students’ stories

challenge a number of assumptions that are embedded in the

educational–academic and medical discourses regarding students

with learning-disorders. Moreover, the lecture maps the reasons

used by the interviewees in order to justify pretending to be

learning-disordered. Prominent among these rationalizations are

claims of “equal opportunity”, “objective science”, “lack of choice”,

“everybody does it” and “it’s a unique situation”, as well as mini-

mizing statements. Finally, the clinical cases described are placed

within the current Israeli educational and cultural context charac-

terized by medicalization trends as well as the negative images of

“effort” on the one hand, and the meritocratic ethos of “success”

on the other. It is suggested that these may shed some light on the

ever-growing number Israeli learning-disordered students.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Perfectionism is related with

academic stress in medical student

C. Kim

, C. Seockhoon , L. Suyeon , Y. Soyoun , P. Boram

Asan Medical Center, Department of psychiatry, University of Ulsan

College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Corresponding author.


Especially medical students set high academic

standard, and try hard to achieve because they are requested to

studyingmedicine perfectly. Multidimensional perfectionism scale

(MPS) is used to measure perfectionism in medical student. The

purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships

between stress and various factors including perfectionism.


We enrolled 159 medical students from University of

Ulsan college of Medicine. We used the Medical Stress scale (MSS),

the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(MPS), the patient health

questionnaire-9(PHQ-9), the academic motivation scale (AMS), the

insomnia severity scale(ISS), and The revisedneo personality inven-



To analyze data, we used Pearson’s correlation and logistic

regression analysis. In the first step- Pearson’s correlation analy-

sis, a motivation, PHQ-9, ISI, perfectionism and neuroticism traits

of NEO-PI significantly correlated with stress level (

P <

0.001). In

the second step, logistic regression analysis indicated that students

who feel high level of academic stress (MSS score

28) are also

related to a motivation, insomnia, perfectionism and neuroticism

traits of NEO-PI (R2 = 0.389,

P <



Student who tend to be perfect feel more academic

stress. The high level of stress related to insomnia and a motivation

in medical student. Moreover, personality trait also can influences

their psychological stress level.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Internet addiction in adolescents and

staying at a dormitory: A controlled


Y. Kıvrak

1 ,

, ˙I.C. Kıvrak



Medical Faculty, Psychiatry, Kars, Turkey


Alpaslan Anatolian High School, 4A, Kars, Turkey

Corresponding author.


Internet addiction can have important conse-

quences in adolescents. Many adolescents have to live apart from

their families for their education during high school. Some of these

students stay in dormitories. Despite the many studies on Internet

addiction, none of them clarify the Internet addiction status and

quality of life of dormitory residents.


Our aim in this study was to determine the internet

addiction scores of dormitory residents and evaluate whether a

difference was present with students who lived at home.


The subject group consisted of randomly chosen dor-

mitory students. The control group consisted of another randomly

chosen student at the same class who was staying at home. The

sociodemographic data forms the pediatric quality of life inven-

tory (PedsQL), children’s depression inventory (CDI) and internet

addiction test (IAT) were administered.


We found lower Internet addiction scores and total

psychosocial scores in dormitory students compared to students

who lived at home. There was no difference between the groups

regarding depression score, physical health total score and quality

of life total score.


Our results indicate that dormitory students suffer

less from Internet addiction than those staying at home while the

quality of life is similar. Staying at a dormitory may be protective

against and therapeutic for Internet addiction without decreasing

the quality of life andmissing school for internet addict adolescents

as it makes it more difficult for them to access the internet.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The phenomenon of psychological

adaptation to the professional

activities of doctors

A. Kozhyn


, V. M

ykhaylov , V. Viyun

Kharkiv National Medical University, Psychiatry, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Corresponding author.

Disorders of adaptation of young doctors and students to their the

professional activities.

The study was designed to develop a system of psychological

adjustment and psychoprophylactic support during professional

training based on a systematic approach to the study of the mecha-

nisms of formation of psychological adaptation to the professional

activities of doctors.

It was conducted comprehensive examination of 405 interns and

of 615 last year’s students of medical universities in Ukraine. 211

interns had adaptation disorders. The data demonstrated individ-

ual and personal, social and psychological factors, mechanisms and

conditions of psychological adaptation to medical work.

The necessary components of psychological readiness for indepen-

dent productive activities on the basis of high value professional

identity, a positive attitude to the profession, perception of the

patient as a personality in a certain psychological state, choice of

interpersonal relationships and the use of ethical and deontological

knowledge and skills at different stages of treatment process.

The results showed that females have a higher level of disorders

of adaptation to professional activity, compared with males. High

level of disadaptation, which requires using of emergency meas-

ures was founded at 9.2% of men and 12.5% women; moderate level

of desadaptation, which requires mandatory intervention of psy-

chologists, conducting rehabilitation programs - 10.3% men, 14.0%

women; mild level of desadaptation, in which the useful work of

advisory experts - 36.2% and 42.1% respectively.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.