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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A Study of empathy in Romanian

general nursing students

F. Romosan

, R.S

. Romosan , A.M. Romosan

“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Neuroscience,

Timisoara, Romania

Corresponding author.


Empathy is of most importance in the medical field.

The ability to comprehend and connect with the emotional state of

another person is essential for establishing a successful interaction

between patients and health care professionals.


The aim of this study was to assess empathic response

in general nursing (GN) students.


The study was conducted between 2015–2016 on 75,

sixth-year Romanian GN undergraduates from the Timisoara “Vic-

tor Babes” university of medicine and pharmacy. To evaluate the

level of empathy, we used the empathy quotient (EQ), a 60-item

self-report inventory with 40 questions empathy-related and 20

filler questions.


We included in this study 12 (16%) males and 63 (84%)

females, with a mean age of 23.48 years (SD = 2.17). Female GN stu-

dents had significantly higher EQ mean scores than the general

female population. Compared to female students, males obtained

significantly lower EQ mean scores. There were no significant

differences between male and female students regarding age dis-



Female GN students showed greater empathy than

their male colleagues, as well as than the general female popula-

tion. These results support the theory on women’s understanding

of others mental states, vital to the provision of a worthy nursing


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cognitive emotional regulation in

Romanian general medicine students

R.S. Romosan

, A.M. Romosan , V.R. Enatescu , I. Papava ,

C. Giurgi-Oncu

“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Neuroscience,

Timisoara, Romania

Corresponding author.


During medical school, students experience signifi-

cant amounts of stress. Since certain emotion regulatory strategies

are known to be maladaptive, the way in which students are capa-

ble to regulate their emotions becomes very important, because it

can affect their physical and mental welfare.


The purpose of this study was to assess cognitive

emotion regulation strategies in Romanian general medicine (GM)



The study was conducted between 2015–2016 on 86

sixth-year Romanian GM undergraduates from the Timisoara “Vic-

tor Babes” university of medicine and pharmacy. In order to identify

the cognitive emotion regulation strategies (or cognitive coping

strategies) that students use after experiencing negative situations

or life events we used the Romanian version of the cognitive emo-

tion regulation questionnaire (CERQ).


The sample consisted of 30 (34.9%) males and 56 (65.1%)

females, with ages ranging between 24 and 31 years (mean

age = 24.97 years, SD = 1.74). Compared to female students, males

obtained significantly lower mean scores in “umination” (t = -2.84,


= 0.005, 95% CI = -1.64; -0.29), “positive refocusing” (t = -2.09,


= 0.037, 95% CI = -1.42; -0.04) and “catastrophizing” (t = -3.17,


= 0.002, 95% CI = -1.31; -0.3). Both male and female GM students

had significantly higher mean scores in “blaming others” than their

respectively gender-related general population.


Results of this study suggest that GM students, when

facing stressful or negative events, are more inclined in using

“blaming others” as a coping strategy. Female students seem to be

more inclined than males to use “rumination”, “catastrophizing”

and “positive refocusing” as cognitive coping mechanisms.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.




S. Khouadja

, R. Ben Soussia , A. Bouallagui , I. Marrag , S. Younes ,

M. Nasr

University Hospital, Psychiatry, Mahdia, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


As antipsychotic agents are increasingly used, many

patients are at risk for antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia.

Aims of the study

Estimate the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia

in patients treated by a single antipsychotic and identify the risk

factors for its occurrence.


This is a prospective study carried out at the psychiatric

department of psychiatry of university hospital of Mahdia during

24 months. We have included all patients with a follow up and

treated by single antipsychotic for at least 12 weeks. A pituitary

MRI has been requested for patients with a prolactin level higher

than 100 ng/ml.


We have collected 92 patients. Hyperprolactinemia was

found in 34.8% of patients among which 7.6% have had prolactin

level greater than 150 ng/ml. Pituitary MRI have revealed 2 cases of

macro-adenoma. The decrease of the antipsychotic doses has sig-

nificantly improved prolactin levels. The switch of antipsychotic

with another less inducing hyperprolactnimea has significantly

decreased prolactin levels. 7 factors were correlated significantly

to hyperprolactinemia: sex (female), substance use, presence

of side effects, combination of psychotropic drugs, atypical

antipsychotics, type of antipsychotic: Haloperidol and amisul-

pride, antipsychotic dose greater than 1000mg Chlorpromazine



Hyperprolactinemia must be carefully identified,

through a pre-therapeutic assessment and monitoring of patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Hyperinsulinism as evidence of

munchausen syndrome by proxy:

A case report

S. Khouadja

, S. Y

ounes , S. Fathallah , R. Ben Soussia , L. Zarrouk ,

M. Nasr

University Hospital, Psychiatry, Mahdia, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Hyperinsulinism is one of the most important

causes of hypoglycemia. Rarely, drug toxicity can be a reason. In

the context of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP), toxicity

usually occurs in children due to drug administration by a parent

or caregiver.


we report a case of a 2-year-old girl with hyperinsuli-

naemic hypoglycaemia due to insulin injections by her mother.