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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771



The literature was accessed in order to investigate the

status of clinical early intervention services throughout the world.

In terms of Greece, a naturalistic research was added to the litera-

ture one, since there are not enough published data available.


Hundreds of early intervention programs exist in Aus-

tralia, Europe, North America and Asia, designed to provide early

and sustained care with less prescription not only soon after psy-

chosis has been diagnosed but in a prodromal state as well, like

the outreach and support in South London (OASIS) team. In Greece,

four early intervention services have been established since 2007,

without funding, and they still operate in a volunteer basis. Fur-

thermore, the field about ultra-high risk subjects in Greece remains



The specialized services play an important role in

the prevention and proper clinical management of the illness and

its outcome with a positive impact on the economy. Greece needs

to recognize the significance of this issue in order to enhance public

health and welfare.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


CEVUP program: An analytical

epidemiological cohort study

P.F. Bazziconi

, C. Lemey , L. Bleton , M. Walter

CHRU de Brest, Pôle de Psychiatrie, Brest, France

Corresponding author.


Over the past few years, several teams have built

programs to detect patient at clinical high-risk state for psy-

chosis and to develop interventions at an early stage of psychiatric

troubles. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the

functioning and the results obtained by the specialized program

developed in Brest, France (CEVUP).


We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of

patients addressed to the CEVUP between June 2010 and April

2014. Datawere double collected by two different investigators and

we tested the inter-raters reliability. We included 49 help-seeking

patients, aged from 15 to 30 years old, addressed by psychiatrists

and general practitioners. The initial evaluation included a clini-

cal evaluation, CAARMS scale, Rorscharch test and neurocognitive

tests. Subjects were classified in two groups: not at risk for devel-

oping psychosis (NA) or at risk for developing psychosis (AR).


The main results at initial evaluation showed that 16

(32.7%) patients were AR and 33 (67.3%) NA. Among AR patients,

8 (24%) developed psychosis in two years against 2 (12.5%) for NA

patients. These patients have psychiatric comorbidities, essentially

depression or anxiety. Secondarily, there are more disturbances of

psychomotor and affective development in subjects AR: 14 (41.1%)

against 7 (20.5%) in group NA.


The present study describes the procedures and the

main results established by a specialized program for patient at

high risk to develop psychosis. The characteristics of the sample

remain consistent with descriptions of such populations world-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Relationship between values of the

health care and cognitive beliefs

about body, illness and treatment: Is

there “hypochondriac discourse” in

the society?

M. Kovyazina

1 ,

, E . R


2 , A.


1 , N.




Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Psychology,

Moscow, Russia


Lomonosov Moscow State University and Mental Health Research

Center laboratory of Medical Psychology, Department of Psychology,

Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Social values of health and health care are consid-

ered as important factors of health behavior as well as sources

of self-regulation in health and illness. However, emphasize on

medicine, health and body that is widespread inmass media nowa-

days may increase hypochondriac-like beliefs and behavior as well

as the risk for unexplained somatic symptoms in some individuals.


Analysis of mass media revealed four models of health

care value: health as a depletable resource requiring conservation,

health as fragile value requiring protection and control, health as

a necessary source of success and happiness, health as requiring

periodic restoration by alternative medicine.

Aim was to investigate the relationship between these models and

beliefs about body, illness and treatment.


One hundred and thirteen adults without history of

mental or severe somatic illnesses filled checklist of values of

health care, Cognitive Attitudes about Body And Health Scale (Rief

et al., 1998), Compliance-related Self-Efficacy Scale (Tkhostov and

Rasskazova, 2012).


The models of health as a depletable resource and as

fragile value are dominated in the sample. Agreement with these

models of health care is, on the one hand, related to willingness to

seek medical help and follow treatment, but, on the other hand, to

an excessive attention to bodily sensations, somatosensory ampli-

fication, monitoring and catastrophization about bodily sensations.


Possible pathways linking “hypochondriac dis-

course” in the society in its various forms and cognitive beliefs

typical for hypochondria and somatoform disorders will be dis-

cussed. Research supported by Russian Foundation for fundamental

research, project 17-06-00849.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Assessment the probability of

formation burnout syndrome among

health care workers

S. Kuzmina

, K. Yakhin , Z. Berkheeva

Kazan State Medical University, Psychiatry, Kazan, Russia

Corresponding author.


Study of psychosocial risk factors in the formation of

burnout syndrome.

Material and method

Based on a questionnaire developed by

WHOexperts for the Europeanmodel of “healthmanagement, envi-

ronment and security in the workplace”, conducted surveys 246

health care workers. Individual attention was paid to health, phys-

ical activity and nutrition.


Survey conducted of the medical personnel showed high

prevalence among them psychophysical, social and psychological,

behavioral symptoms that allows to think of high probability of for-

mation of a syndrome of professional burning out. Part of medical

workers who have one complaint in each group of symptoms (psy-

chophysiological, sociological-psychological, behavioral) – 18,7%.

Part of HCW with two and more complaints in each group – 39%

( Table 1 ).

Prevalence of psychophysiological, sociological and psy-

chological, behavioral symptoms among health care emergency

workers is different

( Table 2 ).