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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846

cluster 1 was significantly lower than that in cluster 2 and cluster


( Table 2 , P

= 0.0042 and 0.0208, respectively).


For the first time, we obtained effectiveness patterns

of amisulpride-treated Chinese patients. Age and gender may be

predictors of effectiveness.

Fig. 1

Time series clustering of PANSS positive score. Four clusters

and fitting curves (thick lines) are presented.

Fig. 2

Time series clustering of PANSS negative score. Four clus-

ters and fitting curves (thick lines) are presented.

Table 1

Age comparison of positive PANSS clusters.

Table 2

Gender comparison of negative PANSS clusters.

Disclosure of interest

This study is being funded by Sanofi (China)

Investment Co., Ltd.


Treatment of drug-resistant

schizoaffective disorder with

aripiprazol depot off-label: A case


L. Niell Galmés

, R.A. Baena Mures , Í. Alberdi Páramo ,

M.M. Tenorio Guadalupe , G. Montero Hernández ,

J. Rodríguez Quijano , L. Gallego Deike , A. Carrillo Gómez

Hospital Clínico San Carlos, psychiatry, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


We expose a woman diagnosed with schizoaffec-

tive disorder 2 years ago, before she received several diagnostics.

She was admitted to the psychiatry unit with hyperactivity, pres-

sured speech without taking an appropriate turn, flight-of-ideas,

irritability, expansiveness, emotional liability, ideas of reference

and insomnia without diurnal tiredness. In addition, she admit-

ted having abandoned the medication one month ago. She was

diagnosed with maniac episode with psychotic symptoms and the

medication was reintroduced. After two weeks, no response was

observed so we decided to introduce ability depot 600mg/3 weeks.


We want to show that is possible the use of ability

depot off-label in patients with a special difficulty in handling.

Also, we want to show that higher doses are not dangerous and

it’s possible to study new treatment guidelines for ability depot.


We use the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale

(PANSS) pre (the day of the introduction) and post (at two weeks)

treatment with aripiprazol depot; the Clinical Global Impression

rating scale (CGI), also pre and post.


We have obtained a punctuation of 180 in PANSS the day

of the introduction of the aripiprazol depot and 45 at two weeks.

In addition, we obtained 6 in CGI the day of the introduction and 3

at two weeks.


In this case, aripiprazol depot has shown good toler-

ability and efficacy for the acute phase of schizoaffective disorder at

higher doses than recommended in clinical guidelines. The efficacy

and safety data are consistent with short-term, placebo-controlled

studies of aripiprazol depot conducted in similar populations.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clinical-immunological predictors of

prognosis of the efficiency of

antipsychotic therapy with

amisulpride in schizophrenia

O. Lobacheva

1 ,

, E. Kornetova


, V. Nikitina


, T. Vetlugina



A. Semke

3 , L. R




Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of

Psychoneuroimmunology and Neurobiology, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Endogenous Disorders

Department, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Administration, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Addictive States Department,

Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


Detection of clinical-biological predictors of the

efficiency of antipsychotic therapy in schizophrenic patients,

correction and individualization of therapeutic indication of

antipsychotics are relevant questions of modern psychiatry.

Immune dysfunctions, disturbance of psychoneuroimmunological

interaction, metabolic imbalanceworsen clinical pattern of disease,

contribute to formation of therapeutic resistance and side effects,

and decrease efficiency of treatment of patients.


To detect clinical-immunological predictors of the effi-

ciency of therapy of schizophrenic patients with amisulpride.


We examined 19 schizophrenic patients, aged 18–64

years, who received treatment with amisulpride (Solian). The

psychometric scale PANSS was used for evaluation of dynamics

of psychopathological symptoms. Therapy efficiency was evalu-

ated using CGI scale. The immunological investigation included

identification of phenotypes of surface receptors of immuno-

competent cells, level of IgM, IgG, IgA, phagocytic activity of

leucocytes. Research was carried out in two points: first–at admis-

sion, second–by week 6 of treatment. Predictors of efficiency were

identified relying on the analysis of interquartile ranges of clinical-

immunological parameters.