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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237

religion and income, as promoters of aging well, within a saluto-

genic model of health for older populations.


Satisfaction with life; Structural equation modeling;

Older adults

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Burden of care of the caregivers of

Alzheimer’s disease patients and

relationship with burnout syndromes

E. Yildizhan

1 ,

, N. Ören


, A. Erdo˘gan



Neurology and Neurosurgery, Department of Psychiatry, Bakirkoy

Research and Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey


Department of Clinical Psychology, Beykent University, Istanbul,


Corresponding author.


Increased caregiver burden and burn out in

Alzheimer disease is associated with a spectrum of problems, like

depression or anxiety.


To examine the relationship between the burden

of care and burnout level of professional staff dealing with

Alzheimer’s disease patients in geriatric inpatient centers in



Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale tomeasure the level of bur-

den of care, and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to measure

the level of burnout. Relationships between the socio-demographic

data of the sample group, burden of care and burnout level were

investigated. Sample group was consisting of 203 caregivers work-

ing in 8 geriatric care centers in Istanbul.


The surveyed caregivers’ “burden of care giving” level

was low (35.3


9.9); “emotional exhaustion” level was weak



0.8); “depersonalization” level was weak (1.9


0.6); “a feel-

ing of low personal accomplishment” level was weak (2.5



“general burnout” level was weak (2.3


0.5). There was positive

correlation between caregiver burden and burnout level. Accord-

ing to the sociodemographic data, married women with children

were especially in increased risk for burnout. Low level of educa-

tion was associated with increased caregiver burden and burnout.

Caregiver burden and depersonalization points were also higher

with increasing age.


Supportive interventions are needed to decrease the

burnout and caregiver burden especially for the caregivers with

increased risk.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Assessment of renal function based on

cystatin C in elderly with dementia

M.V. Zamfir

1 ,

, A.A. Talas¸ man



Physiology II, Neurosciences Division, Faculty of Medicine, Carol

Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania


9th Clinic, Obregia Clinical Psychiatry Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Corresponding author.


Assessment of renal function in elderlywithdemen-

tia is a difficult clinical problem due to the high prevalence of

malnutrition and creatinine limits as a marker of glomerular fil-

tration in this context.


To assess the correlation between renal function and

dementia diagnosis.


To highlight differences betweenmethods of assessment of

renal function based on creatinine and cystatin C.


Cross-sectional study. Patients institutionalized at

Bucharest City-Center of Socio-Medical Services (a nursing home)

from 04/2014 to 11/2014 were included in the study. Dementia

diagnosis was established by a psychiatrist. We determined serum

creatinine by Jaffe method and serum cystatin C by nephelome-

try. Renal function was determined using several formulas based

on serum creatinine/cystatin C: Cockcroft–Gault, MDRD, creati-

nine CKDEPI/cystatin/creatinine + cystatin, Berlin Initiative Study

(BIS1, BIS2), Lund-Malmo LM-LBM. To highlight a link between

dementia and renal function, we determined Spearman correlation



Thirty-one patients were included in the study, mean

age 78.6 (63–97) years, 64% women. The diagnosis of dementia

(1 = positive, 0 = negative) had the following statistically signifi-

cant correlations: CKDEPIcystatin: rho = –0.390,


= 0.015; CKDEPI

creatinine-cystatin: rho = –0.332,


= 0.032; BIS2: rho = –0.346,


= 0.02. We did not find statistically significant correlations

between the diagnosis of dementia and formulas for assessing renal

function based on creatinine only.


Elderly patients with dementia present decreased

kidney function as determined by formulas based on cys-

tatin/cystatin + creatinine, but not on creatinine alone. Assessment

of renal function using cystatin C might represent a useful method

for detection of renal dysfunction in these patients and for proper

dosage of medication.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster walk: Prevention of mental disorders and

promotion of mental health


Are we using mass media to raise

awareness about psychiatric


M.Á. Álvarez de mon

, M.

Arrieta , P. Molero , M. Santos

Psychiatry, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.


The global burden of mental disorders is large and

continues to grow. Depression is the leading cause of disability

worldwide. Every 40 seconds somebody dies from suicide. People

with mental disorders are amongst the most marginalized in soci-

ety. The stigma they experience puts them at an increased risk of

poverty, discrimination and human right violations.


To study the presence of psychiatric disorders in the



We selected and analyzed the top media Twitter

accounts of general news outlets, based on their number of fol-

lowers. Our research strategy focused on the search of several

psychiatric terms of interest (ex: “insomnia”) on each Twitter

account. The search includes tweets from the beginnings of Twit-

ter in 2007 up to May 2016, and yielded a database of more than

10,000 news.


The termswith the highest impact inmassmedia referred

to suicide, depression, addictions and gender dysphoria. Disorders

related to anxiety (Generalized anxiety, phobias, panic disorder,

obsessive-compulsive disorder), dysthymia and bipolar disorder

were the psychiatric disorders with the lowest impact. We noticed

that the presence of psychiatric disorders in the media is increas-

ing. However, it does not accurately reflect the actual impact it has

on society.