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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


Psychotropic use in elderly with

cognitive impairment living in

nursing homes

A.R. Ferreira

1 , 2

, S. Martins

2 ,

, C. Dias


, M.R. Simões



L. Fernandes



PhD Program in Clinical and Health Services Research/PDICSS,

Health Information and Decision Sciences Department, Faculty of

Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


CINTESIS–Center for Health Technology and Services Research,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


Health Information and Decision Sciences Department, FMUP,

Center for Health Technology and Services Research/CINTESIS, Faculty

of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


Psychological Assessment Laboratory, CINEICC, Faculty of

Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra,

Coimbra, Portugal


Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Mental Health, CINTESIS,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Elderly patients in nursing homes (NH) are often

prescribed medications for many physical and mental health prob-

lems, withpolypharmacy. There is a considerable number of studies

documenting this extensive prescription of psychotropic medica-

tion, despite the raised concerns about their overuse/misuse, due to

serious adverse effects, including increased rate of cognitive decline

associated with antipsychotics.


To characterize the prescription of psychotropics in elderly

sample with cognitive impairment living in NH.


Elderly living in three Portuguese NH were included

in this cross-sectional study. All residents were eligible, unless

they were unwilling or unresponsive. Participants’ medication was

obtained frommedical records. Guidelines of ATC were used to cat-

egorize the drugs. Participants were assessed with MMSE and GDS.


The sample included 172 elderly, mostly women (90%),

with average of 81(sd = 10) years and median lengths of stay of

3 years. Overall, 79.1% used

1 nervous system-acting drugs. Anxi-

olytics (54.7%), antidepressants (29.1%) and antipsychotics (23.3%)

were the most frequent. The majority (58%) presented cognitive

impairment (MMSE). Among those, 46.2% presented depression

(GDS) and 79.6% took at least one drug for the CNS and 41.9%


Antipsychotics were received by 26.5%, while 57.1% used anxio-

lytics, 31.6% antidepressants and 16.3% anti-dementia drugs. No

significant relation between GDS and antidepressants was found.


This study confirms the high usage of CNS drugs

in patients with cognitive impairment in NH. These rates were

comparable with previous studies. Antidepressants appear to be

under-used, which can be related to the under-recognition of

depression. Also, potential harmful psychotropic drugs such as

anxiolytics and antipsychotics are overused.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A systematic review of association

between pain and suicidal behavior in

elderly people

J. Santos


, S. Martins

1 , 2 ,

, L.F. Azevedo

1 , 2 , 3

, L. Fernandes

1 , 2 , 4


Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


CINTESIS, Center for Health Technology and Services Research,

University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


Department of Community Medicine, Information and Health

Decision Sciences, MEDCIDS, Porto, Portugal


Clinic of Psychiatry and Mental Health, CHSJ, Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Suicide rates worldwide are highest in elderly peo-

ple compared to younger ages. The recognition of risk factors for

late life suicide may be crucial, since one in four attempts is con-

summated. In this context, pain has been identified as a major

event raising the probability for suicide in elders although very little

research has examined this association.


To conduct a systematic review to examine

whether pain is a risk factor for suicidal behaviour (suicide

ideation/attempt/suicide) in elderly people.


The Cochrane Collaboration’s guidelines and PRISMA

statement were used. The electronic databases considered were

MEDLINE, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus and PsycARTICLES. Search

terms were “pain”, “suicide


” and “elderly”. Studies that assessed

the relation between pain and suicidal behavior among people


60 years were included.


Of the 2655 references founded, only 41 articles met the

inclusion criteria. Most of the quantitative studies concluded that

there is a relationship between pain and late life suicidal ideation,

in particular severe and chronic pain. Physical or psychological pain

was also reported as the cause of attempting suicide in two studies

and was considered an important risk factor for committed suicide

in eight of them.


The results suggest that pain is a risk factor for sui-

cidal behaviour in elderly people, especially suffering from severe

and chronic pain, which are in accordance with previous reviews

in this field. Future studies are needed to clarify this association

and highlight about the importance of pain in suicide prevention

initiatives for elders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Predictive factors of hospitalization

related to the caregiver burden in

older adults presenting to the

emergency department

G. Mattei

1 , 2 ,

, I. G


3 , F. M


3 , G.


4 , L. B


4 ,

S. Ferrari


, L. Ligabue


, A. Colantoni

1 , 3


ARPSY, Association for Research in Psychiatry, Castelnuovo

Rangone, Italy


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Clinical,

Diagnostic and Public Health Medicine, Modena, Italy


Progetto Anziani, AOU Policlinico di Modena, Modena, Italy


Anziani e Non solo, SocCoop, Carpi, Italy

Corresponding author.


Long-term care for the elderly by their family

members represents a serious burden in Italy. The physical and

psychological health of informal caregivers is a growing public

health issue. Old patients often seek urgent medical attention in the

Emergency Department (ED) and hospitalisation is frequent event

among the elderly.


Aim of the study was (1) to investigate the burden of care

among the caregivers of old patients; (2) to examine the influence

of the burden experienced by the caregivers on ED and hospital

admissions of the elderly.


We conducted a descriptive study of patients aged

75 years or older and their caregiver admitted to the ED from

10/1/15 to 6/10/15 (77 patient-caregiver pairs). The caregivers

were evaluated using the Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI). A case

manager collected the patient’s data.


CBI score is the highest among patients seeking ED eval-

uation due to caregiver’s concern. The majority of the elderly

admitted to the ED whose caregiver shows elevated emotional

burden at the CBI do not present with serious or urgent medical

condition and are not hospitalised. Emotional burden is the high-