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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


est among the caregivers of demented subjects who share the same



Our findings indicate that the burden experienced by

caregiving family members plays a role in elderly people avoidable

ED visits.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The differential cognitive deficits

between patients with early stage

Alzheimer’s disease and patients with

early stage vascular dementia

J.H. Park

1 ,

, K. Kyung Min


, J. Byoung Sun



Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jeju National

University Hospital, Psychiatry, Jeju, Republic of Korea


Naju National Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Naju, Republic of



Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jeju National University

Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Jeju, Jejudo, Republic of Korea

Corresponding author.


The study aims to examine whether cognitive

deficits are different between patients with early stage Alzheimer’s

disease (AD) and patients with early stage vascular dementia (VaD)

using the Korean version of the CERAD neuropsychological battery



Patients with early stage dementia, global Clinical

Dementia Rating (CDR) 0.5 or 1 were consecutively recruited

among first visitors to a dementia clinic, 257ADpatients and 90VaD

patients completed the protocol of the Korean version of the CERAD

clinical assessment battery. CERAD-K-N was administered for the

comprehensive evaluation of the neuropsychological function.


Of the total 347 participants, 257 (69.1%) were AD group

(CDR 0.5 = 66.9%) and 90 (21.9%) were VaD group (CDR 0.5 = 40.0%).

Patients with very mild AD showed poorer performances in Boston

naming test (BNT) (


= 0.028), word list memory test (


< 0.001),

word list recall test (


< 0.001) and word list recognition test

(WLRcT) (


= 0.006) than very mild VaD after adjustment of T

score of MMSE-KC. However, the performance of trail making A

(TMA) was more impaired in VaD group than in AD group. The

performance of WLRcT (


< 0.001) was the worst among neuro-

psychological tests within AD group, whereas TMA was performed

worst within VaD group.


Patients with early-stage AD have more cognitive

deficits on memory and language while patients with early-stage

VaD showworse cognitive function on attention/processing speed.

In addition, as the first cognitive deficit, memory dysfunction comes

in AD and deficit in attention/processing speed in VaD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effectiveness and long-term

prognosis of the intravenous course of

cerebrolysin in patients with the

amnestic MCI

E. Ponomareva

Mental Health Research Center of RAMS, Alzheimer disease and

Related Disorders Research Center, Moscow, Russia

Early diagnosis and treatment in the predementia stage of

Alzheimer’s disease, i.e. in amnestic MCI (aMCI) may improve

patient quality of life and promote slowing of conversion to demen-

tia. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness

and long-term prognosis of the course of cerebrolysin therapy in

aMCI patients. Twenty elderly aMCI patients were included in the

study and treated with a 20-day course of therapy with daily intra-

venous infusions of 30mL cerebrolysin. Cognitive functions were

assessed by the battery of neuropsychological scales and tests:

MMSE, MoCA-test,


DRS, the Boston naming test, the Clock Draw-

ing Test, Frontal Assessment Battery, the test “10 words”, the Digit

Repetition Test. The level of the auto-antibodies to a short peptide

fragment of the neurotrophins P75 receptor has been investigated

by ELISA in the patient blood serum 3 times per 6months (0, 10

and 26 weeks). Analysis of the data showed a statistically sig-

nificant improvement in psychometric tests at the therapy end

and also at 10 and 26weeks of the study. Long-term therapeu-

tic effect (5months) proved to be significantly correlating with

the following parameters: patient’s age older than 70 years, basic

indices of the MoCA-test and the test “memory” of the dementia

Matisse scale. The decline serum level of autoantibodies to the

fragment 155–164 receptor of neurotrophins P75 also provided

to be an indicator of the long-term effectiveness of the therapy.

These results could determine those aMCI patients who could

have positive long-term therapeutic effect following cerebrolysin


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Risk factors of increased mortality

during hospitalization in acutely-ill

elderly patients with altered state of


P. Sá Esteves

1 ,

, D. Loureiro


, E. Albuquerque


, F. Vieira



L. Lagarto


, S. Neves


, J. Cerejeira



Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Psychiatry, Coimbra,



Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga, Psychiatry, Santa

Maria da Feira, Portugal

Corresponding author.


A significant proportion of acutely ill hospitalised

elderly patients have impaired consciousness and this has been

associated with increased mortality. It remains unclear which fac-

tors underlie this relation. Identification of mortality predictors in

this population is important to improve care.


Determine if advanced age, cognitive impairment,

high burden of co-morbidities and poor functional status are pre-

dictors of increased mortality during hospitalisation in acutely-ill

medical hospitalised elderly patients with altered state of con-



All male patients (> 65 years) admitted to a medical

ward (> 48 h) between 01/03/2015 to 31/08/2015 with delirium

or RASS lower than–2 were included in the study. Patients were

excluded if unable to be assessed due to sensorial deficits, commu-

nication problems or medical condition precluding the evaluation.

Baseline evaluation included socio-demographic variables, RASS,

CAM, IQCODE-SF, DSM-IV-TR criteria for dementia, Charlson Co-

morbidity Index and Barthel Index. The variables were entered in

a logistic regression model (significance level < 0.05).


The final sample consisted of 75 male subjects with

altered state of consciousness, 14 of them died during hospitali-

sation. Dementia and Barthel Index were significantly associated

with mortality during hospitalisation (


= 0.01 and


< 0.01, respec-

tively). On the other hand, age and Charlson Co-morbidity Index

were not associated significantly with mortality during hospitali-

sation (


= 0.22 and


= 0.1, respectively).


Acutely ill elderly patients with altered state of

consciousness at admission have higher risk of death during hos-

pitalisation if they have prior dementia or poor functional status.