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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237



The media can be a useful tool for the implemen-

tation of strategies for the promotion and prevention of mental

disorders. However, we are not fully taking advantage of the ben-

efits that mass media has to offer in order to educate and raise

awareness about said disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Icehearts: Sport-based early support

program for children at risk

K. Appelqvist-Schmidlechner

1 ,

, J. Wessman


, M. Kekkonen



Mental health Unit, National Institute for Health and Welfare,

Helsinki, Finland


Equality and inclusion Unit, National Institute for Health and

Welfare, Helsinki, Finland


Children, adolescents and families Unit, National Institute for

Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland

Corresponding author.

Icehearts program aims to prevent social exclusion, to promote

socio-emotional skills and mental well-being and to provide a

secure, long-term adult commitment throughout the child’s life

using team sport as a tool. The program is facilitated by an

Icehearts-mentor providing sports activities as well as support at

school and home for a period of 12 years starting at age of 7. Cur-

rently, the program is reaching about 500 children in 29 Icehearts

teams in Finland. The longitudinal study aims at investigating: (1)

the psychosocial well-being and (2) the life course of participating

children as well as perceived impact, benefits and challenges of the

program. The baseline data was gathered in 2015–2016 by ques-

tionnaires and interviews among 7 years old program participants



= 46) and controls at same age not participating in the program



= 180), their parents, and teachers. The measures included i.e the

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). According to the

SDQ-scores assessed by the teachers, two of third among program

participants had behavioural difficulties. One-fourthhadusedmen-

tal health services. The parents of program participants reported

need for more support for their parenting. The results showed that

the Icehearts program is reaching out a target group in need for

help and support. Further, the study provides valuable information

about the role of a NGO organisation offering long-term and inten-

sive support with the help of sport-based intervention program

targeted at vulnerable children. In the presentation, the program,

study design and the baseline results are presented in more detail.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Relationships between leisure time

physical activity, physical fitness and

mental health among young adult


K. Appelqvist-Schmidlechner

1 ,

, J. V


2 , J. M


2 ,

T. Vasankari

3 , H.




National Institute for Health and Welfare, Mental health Unit,

Helsinki, Finland


Department of leadership and military pedagogy, National Defence

University, Helsinki, Finland


UKK institute, Tampere, Finland


Department of biology and physical activity, University of

Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland

Corresponding author.

Physical activity has been seen as an important tool to prevent

both physical and mental disorders like depression and anxiety.

However, previous research has mainly focused on mental health

problems rather than positivemental health. The aimof the present

study was to investigate the association of leisure time physi-

cal activity (LTPA) and physical fitness with mental distress and

positive mental health. The study sample consisted of 792 men

(mean age 26 years) who participated in the study prior their

military refresher-training course. Cardio-respiratory and muscle

fitness tests were measured, and LTPA, positive mental health

(Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, SWEMWBS) and

mental distress were assessed with a questionnaire. Analysis of

variance and linear regressions were used as statistical methods.

Younger age and lower military education were associated with

mental distress, whereas older age and higher military education

were inversely associated with high positive mental health (flour-

ishing). Moreover, individuals reporting vigorous LTPA at least

1–2 times per week had lower level of mental distress and were

more commonly experiencing flourishing compared to their less

physically active counterparts. Physical fitness (both aerobic and

muscular) was associated with lower mental distress, but not with

flourishing. In conclusion, leisure time physical activity and phys-

ical fitness may contribute to mental health. The present results

highlight that even low amount of leisure-time physical activity

may promote mental health and prevent mental disorders. Leisure

time physical activity, rather than physical fitness, seems to be

more essential for positive mental health.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The impact of the transition from

primary school to secondary school

on young adolescents

C. Fontaine

, C. C

onnor , S. Channa , C. Palmer , M. Birchwood

Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, United


Corresponding author.


Previous research suggests that adult anxiety disor-

ders begin in adolescence and the transition from primary school

to secondary school is the first challenge many young adolescents

face, which could test their resilience for the first time.


To examine students’ anxiety scores before and after

their transition, and what protective and risk factors are present

during this challenge.


To determine how the transition can impact anxiety in chil-

dren, and if protective factors can help decrease the disruption that

the transition can cause.


One hundred and eighty-four pupils completed ques-

tionnaires in their last term of primary school and during the first

term of secondary school. At time 1: the attachment, school mem-

bership, and bullying and victimization measures were compared

with pupils’ anxiety scores, along with whether their friends or sib-

lings will be attending the same secondary school as them. These

analyses will also be conducted once the pupils start secondary

school, at time 2.


Secure attachment was associated with lower anxiety

and transition anxiety (


(2.56) = 7.255,


= .002;


(2.52) = 19.245,


= .000;


(2.181) = 10.181,


= .000;


(2.53) = 20.545,


= .000).

School membership was associated with lower transition anx-

iety (


(2.181) = 4.151,


= .017;


(2.181) = 3.632,


= .028). Low

victimisation was also associated with low anxiety and transi-

tion anxiety (


(2.181) = 14.024,


= .000;


(2.181) = 14.529,


= .000;


(2.181) = 9.381,


= .000).


These preliminary results suggest that attachment,

school membership and victimisation all impact on pupils anxiety