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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52

functional recovery. It will then discuss when and how to assess

cognition and present some new feasible screening tools for cog-

nitive dysfunction. Finally, it will highlight some novel candidate

cognition treatments.

Disclosure of interest

I have acted as a consultant and received

honoraria from Lundbeck and Allergan.

Symposium: Human based psychiatry: from

theory to practice


Evidence-based medicine - A critical


W. Gaebe

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany

Evidence-based medicine is a method to establish best practice

recommendations based on graded recommendations for diagnos-

tic and therapeutic issues in health care. In mental healthcare,

evidence-based medicine has shown that the therapeutic pro-

cedures are efficient and can help to not only ameliorate the

symptoms of mental disorders, but also to improve the quality of

life of those affected bymental disorders. Evidence-basedmedicine

is not, however, cookbook medicine. While evidence is mostly

generated in larger group trials and should be applicable to the

majority of cases, aspects of the personal situation, social sup-

port systems and legal boundaries all affect mental healthcare and

may modulate the interpretation of the findings of evidence-based

medicine. A human-based psychiatry will therefore need to use

the methods of evidence-based medicine as a basis for diagnos-

tic and therapeutic recommendations, but will also need to extend

into the acknowledgements of personal accounts, traditions and the

cultural framework, in which mental healthcare is provided. This

presentation will highlight some of the issues associated with the

questions of the roles of evidence-basedmedicine inmental health-

care, and in a human-based approach towards mental healthcare.

Disclosure of interest

Unterstützung bei Symposien/Symposia


Janssen-Cilag GmbH, Neuss.

Aristo Pharma GmbH, Berlin.

Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg.

Servier Deutschland GmbH, München.

Fakultätsmitglied/Faculty Member.

Lundbeck International Neuroscience Foundation (LINF), Däne-



Theoretical background of human

based psychiatry

M. Musalek

Anton Proksch Institute, Gräfin Zichy Straße 4-6, 1230 Vienna, Austria

Every medical intervention is embedded in the prevailing spirit

of its particular time. The world of modern medicine that is still

shaped by positivism is often revered as a world of rational cal-

culation and reason, a world in which mathematical calculation

and so-called objectivity are prized above all else. Indeed, today’s

modern medicine in general and its battlewagon evidence-based

medicine is a world of sober number games, reduction and frag-

mentation, of demystification and de-subjectification. As important

and indispensable the achievements of EbM are, it nevertheless

needs to be expanded by a medicine, which focuses not just on

illness and its treatment but which places the concrete individual

with all his or her sufferings and potentials. Such a human-based

medicine (HbM) is no longer indebted to modern positivism, but

seeks its foundations in the maxims of post-modernism. Mov-

ing away from classical “indication-based medicine” toward a

medicine based on human sufferings and potentials necessarily

requires a fundamental change in diagnostics and treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Human based psychiatry in clinical


L. Küey (Associate Professor of Psychiatry)

World Psychiatric Association

Human based medicine and human based psychiatry are con-

temporary approaches to the theory and practice of medicine

and psychiatry. It is a post-modern way of re-thinking psychiatry

enriched by humanities, especially philosophy. In questioning the

current research and praxis of psychiatry, it shares the statement

by Wittgenstein, “what a curious attitude scientists have : ‘We still

don’t know that; but it is knowable and it is only a matter of time

before we get to know it as if that went without saying. So, here,

our problematic is not only ‘what and how much we do‘ but also

‘how and why we do‘. The clinician‘s main challenge is harmoniz-

ing the current available ‘scientific universal knowledge‘ and the

‘uniqueness’ of that specific person in need of help. In achieving this

task, the importance of the synthesis of the clinician’s perspective

and patient’s perspective will be elaborated using depression as a

case example. It will be stated that an empathetic understanding

of depression, through a subjective, experiential and narrative-

centered approach must become a primary concern by building a

joint, ongoing, re-construction process of clinical assessment, for-

mulation and treatment. There is no meta-theory explaining “the

clinical truth”. From the perspective of a human based psychiatric

practice, in fact, we do not need such a meta-theory, but instead,

we needmulti-level/multi-dimensional approaches, also taking the

narrative into consideration. We suggest the clinicians to be mod-

est, honest and respectful towards “the clinical truth”.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Current hot topics in working with

service users and family carers

towards a human based psychiatry

M. Amering

Department of Psychiatry and Psychothera, Waehringer Guertel

18-20, 1090 Viena, Austria


The significant role of family as a resource for mental

health, psychiatric care and recovery and rehabilitation is well doc-

umented. However, despite ongoing family advocacy the situation

in most settings is still characterized by significant unmet needs

and lack of resources and expertise in working with families.

Key messages

This presentation will highlight pertinent issues

and present data, concepts and experiences towards an improve-

ment of partnership work with users of services and their families

in a human based context.

Topics will include the needs of specific types of relatives, such

as siblings, children, partners, grandparents, members of the peer

group of friends as well as the need for support for families without

patient consent. Recent developments with regard to individual