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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52


and group therapy as well as multilevel interventions to further

family advocacy and the fight against stigma and discrimination

will be presented and discussed.

Special attention will be given to new roles and responsibilities

arising from the historical challenge of the UN-Convention on the

Rights of persons with disabilities for mental health professionals,

users of services as well as relatives and friends including changes

in national guardianship laws, new rights to patient autonomy as

well as new entitlements for support for living in the community

including the right to family life, reasonable accommodation and

supported decision-making.


Current developments with regard to needs and

rights of users of services and their families and friends urgently

warrant attention and common efforts in Trialogue and other par-

ticipatory approaches.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Symposium: When forensic-psychiatric care

becomes a matter of culture: Challenges of

trans-cultural psychiatry in forensic settings


Working with traumatized

immigrants with a ptsd diagnosis

I.T. Graef-Calliess

Sehnde/Hannover, Germany

Graef-Calliess Iris (Germany).

Germany has always been an important host country for asylum

seekers. Although recently an increasing number of investigations

aboutmental health of specificmigrant groups have been published

in Germany, there is a paucity of research concerningmental health

of traumatized asylum seekers. The aim of the presentation is to

present study results which describe socio-demographics, types

and frequency of traumatic experiences, psychiatric diagnoses,

suicidality and time to access to mental health care in trauma-

tized asylum seekers who applied to an outpatient department

of a clinical center with high expertise in transcultural psychiatry

and psychotherapy in Hannover, Germany. The study shows that

most of the traumatized asylum seekers had experienced multiple

pre-migratory traumatic events, had unfavorable post-migratory

conditions, had PTSD and depressive disorders as diagnoses, and

had high suicidality and late access to mental health care. This is

indicative of the mental health situation of asylum seekers in Ger-

many in general. Ways of dealing with this challenge for the mental

health care system and options for clinical management will be


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Pathways to violent extremism and

risk assessment of terror detainees

T. Marquant

CAPRI, forensic psychiatry, Antwerp, Belgium


Violent extremism has become an important chal-

lenge for forensic professionals in prisons. In Belgium, cities like

Brussels and Antwerp saw the rise of recruitment hotspots for vio-

lent extremism and foreign fighters. Prisons are well-known places

where radicalization occurs. Belgium has the most foreign fighters

that left to fight in Syria in Europe. Subsequently, incarcerations

of radicalized men and women rose for joining terrorists groups.

These events have triggered a need to train psychosocial services

in prisons into understanding radicalization and the risk assess-

ment of terror detainees. Mental illness in contrast, is known to

be rare amongst violent extremists, and risk assessment as well as

advising on reintegration will need specific tools for psychosocial

services to advise on reintegration.


The current presentation aims at showing insight into path-

ways towards violent extremism and introduce risk assessment of

terror detainees.


We assembled literature on follow-up and pathways

that lead to radicalization and even to violence extremism. Radi-

calization is not new, whether it stems from religious, political or

other motives. This resulted in important literature on different

trajectories towards radicalization.


Wewill give an overviewof the pathways towards violent

extremism(Dean, Moghaddan, Bjorgo) and on risk assessment tools

(VERA-2, Pressman)


Radicalization happens stepwise in different ways

and leads to different types of violent extremists. Pivotal points

follow a cognitive opening in the minds of people that might push

and pull people towards radicalization and violence. Cases will be

used to describe the different types and pathways.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Role of detention in the process of


N. Verbeeck

Psychiatric Centre St Amandus, Forensic Institute DEviant Sexuality

FIDES, Beernem, Belgium

Role of detention in the process of radicalization and opinions about

detention regime and approach for the prevention of radicalization

in jail.

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, more attention

is being paid to the factors, which play a role in the radicalization

process of some Western youth. It was found that a large number

of radicalized youth have a history of detention and that often this

period of detention played a key role in radicalization. As a psychi-

atrist working in a prison with a high security department where

many suspects of terrorism are incarcerated stay, I was asked to

advise on the detention regime and on the way of dealing with dif-

ficult inmates. In this presentation I would like to elaborate on the

elements during detention which determine the process of rad-

icalization of certain prisoners, based on the current knowledge

about the radicalization process and on the knowledge about the

background of radicalized individuals in combination with own

observations and findings about the detention regime in prisons.

Disclosure of interest

Nils Verbeeck.

Proposal EPA 2017.