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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52



The use of patient-reported outcome measures in

psychiatric practices in the United States is still in its beginning

phases. More research is need to determine the usefulness of such

measures and the optimal methods to present them to patients and

practitioners in routine care settings.


This presentation will describe the research plan for

testing a group of patient-reported outcome measures using digital

applications. Potential opportunities for use in underserved refugee

populations will be presented.


The outcome measures were selected from those rec-

ommended in DSM-5 Section III, including cross-cutting symptom

and disability measures. A user-friendly digital application was

developed for data collection, synthesis, and presentation. The

research plan has three phases: focus groups with patients and

clinicians, piloting of methods, and the main study, a pragmatic

trial comparing treatment outcomes using outcome measurement

versus usual care.


Results of the focus group sessions will be presented,

along with changes made to the measures and the digital appli-

cation in response to these results. Current status of the research

project will be discussed.


The results of this research project will bring greater

clarity to questions on the role of outcome measurements in

improving quality of care and patient outcomes. With ever greater

use of smart phones, tablets, and personal computers, digital tech-

nology has the potential to facilitate psychiatric assessment and

treatment for underserved, difficult-to-reach populations such as


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

Symposium: psychiatric care in Europe for people

with intellectual disabilities: how to prevent

abusive practices


Mental health and social care

regulation in Ireland: New ethical


P. Dodd

St. Michael’s House/university college Dublin, psychiatry, Dublin,


This talkwill outline the regulatory framework (bothmental health

and social care) currently in place in Ireland for people with intel-

lectual disability (I.D.) and mental health problems, in the context

of the varied nature of available mental health services. As not

all aspects of service are currently under the regulatory system,

potential ethical issues arise, and will be discussed.

In addition new legislation regarding the support of people with

vulnerable decision making capacity will be outlined (Assisted

Decision Making (Capacity) Act, 2015); potential ethical issues that

are currently arising from this legislation will be explored and dis-


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Can positive community practice

models help prevent abuse?

I. Hall

1 ,

, N. O’Kane



East London NHS foundation trust, community learning disability

service, London, United Kingdom


Camden and Islington NHS foundation trust, camden learning

disability service, London, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.

All different types of abuse can happen to people with intellectual

disabilities living in community setting. This can include physical

abuse, including the use of restrictive practices, financial abuse by

strangers but also by family and carers. They can also be victim

to sexual abuse. Neglect is a relatively common concern, which is

perhaps more likely in the community compared to institutional


In this presentation we will discuss the fundamental balancing act

between paternalism an autonomy that is so often an issue when

supporting people with intellectual disabilities in the community,

and how to decide where to draw the line in individual cases.

We will consider a range of examples to illustrate this, including

unlawful deprivation of liberty, people choosing life partners that

others regard as unsuitable, why families might restrict access to

services, and whether giving people more control over their care

through direct payments and individual budgets can lead to finan-

cial exploitation.

Finally we will discuss potential solutions to preventing abuse

including robust Safeguarding procedures, integrated working

between health and social services, a program of Positive Behav-

ioral Support, maximizing communication, promoting access to

health and the recognition of mental health problems, how to dis-

seminate training, and the importance of advocacy and regular


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

Symposium: impulsivity, compulsivity, and

behavioural addictions


Common neural networks between

ocd and behavioural addictions: Is ocd

a behavioral addiction?

G. Grassi

1 ,

, S. Pallanti



Universisty of Florence, Neurofarba, Florence, Italy


University of Florence, Neurofarba, Florence, Italy

Corresponding author.

The stereotypical portrait of an obsessive–compulsive patient is

an excessively self-controlled, risk aversive individual that acts

in order to avoid potential loss or punishments. Although this

portrait fits well with several clinical studies showing increased

harm-avoidance in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), more

recent clinical, neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies chal-

lenged this idea and described a different portrait of OCD, showing

several commonalities between OCD and addictions such as

impulsivity, reward dysfunction and impaired decision-making.

The results of these studies conflict with the stereotypical OCD por-

trait of doubtfulness and risk-aversiveness. In fact, these findings

are prototypical for addiction and have led some authors in the last

years to view OCD as a behavioral addiction. In our recently pub-

lished article, we investigated the behavioral addiction model of