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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237

perception of imminent death. Although it is widely regarded as an

epidemic in South-east Asia, there are some isolated cases in other

cultures as well.


We present a Koro case study and a systematic review,

focusing on the presentation and its treatment, in order to make

visible this syndrome to Western culture and provide the tools to

identify it.


To provide an overview of Koro’s presentation, pheno-

menology and treatment. We also want to clarify the nosology

classification of this syndrome and its influence in the reported



We begin describing a new case of Koro syndrome: a

Spanish male presented an acute psychosis, the patient had an

intellectual disability and a family history of mental illness. A sys-

tematic review was done based on articles published in Pubmed

following the PRISMA guidelines.


From 117 studies, only 29 met the inclusion criteria. Data

were analyzed on several epidemiological and clinical characteris-

tics. We found that Koro syndrome is more often presented as a

result of intoxication or as a part of a previous known psychotic

disorder. Cases involving patients sharing their delusion have been

only reported in Asia.


No specific data could be obtained about epidemi-

ology and pathogenesis, as our conclusion about Koro syndrome

was based mainly on few case studies. Pharmacotherapy and social

support may be effective in ameliorating the symptoms.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Describing and comparing quality in

psychiatric care across the globe with

the QPC-Instrument

A. Schröder

, L.O

. Lundqvist

Faculty of Medicine and Health, University Health Care Research

Center, Örebro, Sweden

Corresponding author.


There is a lack of cross-cultural comparison of

patients and staff perceptions of quality of care in the psychiatric

care. One reason is the absence of standardized instruments.


The international research programme “Quality in

Psychiatric Care” aims at adapting the instrument QPC versions for

patients and staff to different international settings.


The aims are to test the psychometric properties and equiv-

alence of dimensionality of the different language versions of QPC

and also to describe and compare the quality of inpatient, out-

patient and forensic in-patient psychiatric care across different



The QPC is a family of self-reported instruments from

the patients’ perspective. In this programme, we used different

languages versions in three areas for patient and staff; inpatient

(QPC-IP/IPS), outpatient (QPC-OP/OPS) and forensic inpatient care



The Danish versions for QPC-FIP and QPC-FIPS show that

the confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the factor structure

was equivalent to the original Swedish version. Patients rated the

quality of care generally lower than staff and lowest in the par-

ticipation dimension. The Indonesian version of QPC-IP is under

analysis. The first result show that patients rated the quality of care

lower than Swedish inpatients and lowest in the discharge dimen-

sion. Several studies in Indonesia are still ongoing aswell as in Brazil

and Spain.


There are few standardized instruments for measur-

ing quality of care in the psychiatric care. Therefore, QPC is expected

to makes an important contribution to the development in this


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Emotional expression and culture:

Implications from nine Arab countries

B. Abu-Hamda , A. Soliman

, A. B

abekr , T. Bellaj

Qatar University, Social Sciences Psychology, Doha, Qatar

Corresponding author.


There is a notion that emotional expression is uni-

versal, yet it is subject to cultural variations. Research in this field

has studied cultural extremes in European, American and East Asian

cultures. However, very little is known about the differences in

emotional expression in the Arab subcultures.


Exploring the differences between the emotional reac-

tions among the nine Arab subcultures.

Aims (1) Examining the cultural differences in emotional reactions;

(2) examining the differences between Muslim and non-Muslim

individuals; (3) exploring the differences between Arabs and non-



Several real life scenarios including 15 different stress-

ful situations and 15 non-stressful situations were presented to

40 individuals from the nine Arab subcultures. The participants

were aged between 18 to 40 years of age. The subjects were ran-

domly classified into groups depending on whether they were

Arabs or non-Arabs and according to whether they were Muslims

or non-Muslims. The subjects’ emotional reactions were measured

by means of Likert-like items.


The results showed that there were no significant differ-

ences among the nine Arab subcultures in their emotional reactions

to the non-stressful situations. However, there were significant dif-

ferences among the Arab subcultures in the stressful situations.

Moreover, both religion and ethics were strong predictors of the

differences in the emotional reactions that varied between sub-

jects in their cultural group. The Arab Muslims tended to express

more anger but the Arab non-Muslims expressed more sadness.


Emotional expression is impacted by ones’ cultural

background and is particularly influenced by religion and ethics.

Although Arab countries share the same language, they express

emotions differently.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The improvement of mental health

competences and skills on a brazilian

Federal University

D. Soria

1 ,

, J.D. Cabrial


, B.C. Marinho


, N. Romeiro



A. Mendes


, R. Mello


, T.V.C. Vernaglia



Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Nursing Medical

Surgical, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Nise da Silveira Psychiatric Institution, Culture Point Madness on

the street Loucura Suburbana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The extension project “UNIRIO is madness: the

improvement of mental health competences and skills.” work since

2015 with “Ponto de Cultura Loucura Suburbana” on the promotion

of mental health and culture style in Brazil. The project work on the

development of psychosocial rehabilitation for psychiatric patients,

their families and the community.


Participate on the production and execution on the artis-

tic/therapeutic workshop that demystify the social stigmatizing

vision about psychiatric patients.