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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


Center for Health and Medical Psychology, JPS, Psychology, Örebro

University, Örebro, Sweden

Corresponding author.


There is a need of identifying predictors of suicide.

With effective treatment interventions for those at highest risk,

suicide can be prevented.


To investigate variables possibly associated with suicide, by

comparing patients in psychiatry deceased by suicide to matched

controls. We compared the psychiatric ward consumption two

years prior to suicide, previous medical and psychological treat-

ments, somatic co-morbidity and the professions of health care staff

in previous visits.


The 153 suicide cases, 101 (66%) men and 52 (34%)

women, aged between 13 and 96 years, were identified from the

National Cause of death registry. All cases had previous contact in

psychiatry in Örebro County and died between January 1st 2007

through December 31st 2013. Each case had one gender-, age- and

diagnosis matched patient control from psychiatry. Data on care

usage were collected from medical records. Correlations were cal-

culated between ward variables and the outcome variable suicide

yes/no. Variables significantly correlated to suicide were used in an

adjusted logistic regression model to analyse possible associations

with suicide.


Among the cases deceased by suicide, we found sig-

nificantly fewer psychiatric outpatient visits (


< .01), a smaller

amount receiving systematic psychological treatment (


< .01), less

pharmacological interventions (


< .01) and a smaller amount of

treatment provided by a multi-professional team (


< .01). Less

occurrence of psychological treatment (OR(adj): 0.459; 95% CI



< .05) was significantly associated to suicide.


Results indicate that not only repeated visits in

psychiatric care, but the content of visits (i.e. psychological inter-

ventions) seems to make an important difference between life and


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster Walk: Training in psychiatry


Quality improvement project:

Mentoring, career advice and

placement introduction session for

year 5 imperial college medical

students. Should induction go beyond

facts and numbers?

O. Agalioti

, S. Nayrouz

West London Mental Health NHS Trust, Psychiatry, London, United


Corresponding author.


Feedback received from previous rotations of year

5 Imperial College medical students inWest London Mental Health

NHS Trust has consistently shown that medical students feel uncer-

tain about what to expect in their psychiatric placements and are

sceptical about psychiatry as a future career option. This prevents

them from maximizing the educational benefit and potential in

their training.

Aims and objectives

Tutorial aims to prepare medical students for

their psychiatric placements and create the opportunity for infor-

mal discussion about psychiatry as future career option. The session

aspires to motivate students to be more involved and active partic-

ipants and invite them to think about their future career option at

an early stage.


A 1-hour tutorial has been added to medical stu-

dents’ induction in two successive rotations (July–October 2016).

Thirty-seven (37) medical students have attended the tutorial so

far. Tutorial provides information about psychiatric placements,

learning opportunities as well as structural and operational issues.

Besides, it encourages discussions about psychiatry as a future

career option, informing students about psychiatric sub-specialties,

career pathways and NHS operational structure. Feedback ques-

tionnaire is handed over at the end.


Data were collected and analysed and findings are out-

lined in the diagram below

( Fig. 1 ).

Conclusions and recommendation

The majority of medical stu-

dents have feedback they found tutorial relevant and useful.

Current tutorial formula will be revised based on feedback collated

so far.

Findings are going to be shared with local Undergraduate Educa-

tional Committee and Imperial College medical school board.

Fig. 1

Imperial College medical students’ feedback.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Workplace assessment in crisis? – The

way forward

H. Al-Taiar

MRCPsych–SFHEA, Forensic Psychiatry, Oxford, United Kingdom


A recent Royal College of Physicians’ (RCP) study

on assessment raises serious questions for workplace assessment.

To address these, a system that bridges the gap from compe-

tence to performance and integrates supervised learning events

(SLEs) that are formative in purpose with summative assessment

of performance by entrustable professional activities (EPAs) is rec-


Aims and objectives

As a working group on assessment in psy-

chiatry, we were interested in the RCP findings which represent a

significant milestone in studies of workplace assessment. The RCP

aims were to evaluate the feasibility, validity and educational value

of using existing WPBA tools but for different assessment purposes

and processes.


These were based on the General Medical Council (GMC)

working party on assessment. The RCP revised its assessment

processes to differentiate between assessments of development

and performance. The former are formative and aim to identify a

trainee’s areas of strength and development; the latter are sum-

mative and aim to determine fitness to progress. Of note is that the

sameworkplace based assessment (WPBA) tool canbe used for each

type of assessment; the assessment’s purpose is the discriminating
