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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302

Fig. 1

Meta-analysis of patient’s perception of being treated by a

coordinated team.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The EPA gaining experience

programme: A great experience for

young professionals

M.G. Oriani

1 ,

, J. Beezhold



Centro Salute Mentale Ancona AV2 ASUR MARCHE, Department of

Mental Health, Ancona, Italy


Central Acute Service, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust,

Norwich, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


Mental health services in many European countries

are undergoing to changes: it is important that early career psy-

chiatrists (ECPs) have opportunities to broaden their professional

horizons and better understand the international context of the

upcoming changes: then, they can become aware protagonists of

these changes and the future of the mental health system in their

countries and in Europe. The gaining experience programme (GEP),

offering ECPs observership placements in various psychiatric insti-

tutions across the Europe, can boost it.


We aim to consider how the EPA GEP can provide a

unique professional and cultural understanding of the mental

health services across the Europe and positively affect the ECPs’


Methods and results

Starting from an experience of the GEP in

2016, we will discuss how it represents a great chance to observe

the clinical work of multidisciplinary teams and an opportunity

to visit different countries. Many aspects were significant, starting

from the different organization of the mental health services, as

well as the influence of different cultures on the mental health care

system and the patient’s expectations.


Attending EPA GEP is an important chance for ECPs

to improve their professional and organizational skills as well

as a great skill-building opportunity and personal growth expe-

rience. The GEP is at his third edition this year and it has

having a growing success among young psychiatrists. It gives

them a chance to improve mentoring and professional networks

among experts and ECPs and to get more involved in the EPA


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Transparency and due process:

A systematic approach to educational

decision-making and appeals

A. Peters

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists,

OPCEO, Melbourne, Australia


Transparency and due process are inseparable prin-

ciples that should underpin any educational and administrative

decision made within an organization.


It is considered best practice for organizations to place

the processes and structures surrounding reviews of decisions

made by their organization at arm’s length to the committee or

group that made the original decision. This ensures there is and

that due process is followed.


An independent appeal process is an integral part of any

fair system of assessment and decision making.


The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of psy-

chiatrists has undertaken several reviews of its current processes

to examine its practices as both substantive and procedural issues

arise in decisions with regard to the provision of psychiatric train-

ing. The reconsideration and appeal policy was developed to set

out a clear and fair process for applicants to request decisions of

the RANZCP to be reconsidered and appealed. This ensures that

an applicant has a fair and reasonable opportunity to challenge

the original decision whilst receiving support from the RANZCP to

minimize any stress that may be experienced during this process.


The RANZCP has observed that the three phase process

has enabled matters to be resolved at an earlier stage of the appeal

cycle and do not require progression to a formal appeal.


This presentation will identify best practice methods

in educational decision-making and conducting appeals.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Assessment of suicide-related

knowledge and skills in a sample of

health professionals and students

M. Pompili

1 ,

, D. Erbuto


, M. Innamorati


, M. Migliorati



P. Girardi



Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Neurosciences, Mental

Health and Sensory Organ, Rome, Italy




Università Europea di Roma, Department of Human Sciences, Italy


Department of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Organs,


Corresponding author.


Assessment of suicide risk is of paramount importance

for proper prevention.


To examine the association between gatekeeper training

and suicide-related knowledge among a diverse set of health care

workers (psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, and educators) and

students enrolled in medical and psychological schools who took

part in the world suicide prevention day 2015 conference.


Among 223 participants who completed the assessment,

204 provided complete data for analyses. Participants were admin-

istered the applied suicide intervention skills training (ASIST), a

13-item survey questionnaire to assess participants’ knowledge

about suicidal behavior and comfort dealing with suicidal clients.

There were 62 psychiatrists; 23 nurses, 51 psychologists, 11 edu-

cators, and 57 university students.


Among participants, 57.1% of the sample had experiences

of suicide a patient (students were excluded from these analyses).

Those who reported a suicide among patients (compared with oth-