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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302

assessed using the Iowa gambling task (IGT) for DM under ambigu-

ity and the game of dice task (GDT) for DM under risk.


A total of 78 participants (SA group,


= 21; NSA group,


= 31; CG,


= 26) were included into the study. Significant between

group differences were found regarding marital status, current

partnership, smoking status, depression score, impulsiveness score

and family history of psychiatric disorders (all discriminating

controls from patients but not between SA and NSA groups).

The three groups did not differ with regard to IGT scores. Con-

cerning GDT, the SA group showed significantly lower scores

compared to the two other groups, implying a readiness for more

risky decisions in suicide attempters versus non-attempters and



Suicide attempters appear to make more risky deci-

sions compared to depressed non-attempters as well as healthy

controls even if the DM under ambiguity patterns do not


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


In-patient and post-discharge suicides

in Tyrol 2004–2011

E.A. Deisenhammer

1 ,

, E.M. Behrndt


, G. Kemmler


, C. Haring



C. Miller



Medical University of Innsbruck, Psychiatry, Innsbruck, Austria


State Hospital Hall, Austria, Psychiatry, Hall, Austria


Hospital Kufstein, Psychiatry, Kufstein, Austria

Corresponding author.


Psychiatric patients constitute a high-risk popula-

tion for suicide. In-patient status and the period after discharge are

of particular interest concerning risk assessment.


To assess risk factors for in-patient and post-discharge



The Tyrol suicide register was linked with the registers

of three psychiatric departments/hospitals of the region. Suicides

were categorized according to whether the suicide was committed

during a hospital stay orwithin12weeks after discharge orwhether

the suicide subject had not recently been hospitalized. Groups were

compared with regard to demographic and clinical variables. Fur-

ther, case-control comparisons were performed for the in-patient

and post-discharge groups.


During the study period (2004–2011) 30 in-patients, 89

post-discharge and 592 not recently hospitalized suicides were

identified. Groups differed in terms of gender distribution, his-

tory of suicide attempts, warning signals and suicide methods.

Compared with controls matched for a number of variables, in-

patient suicides were significantly more suicidal and depressed at

admission, reported more often a recent life event and showed less

often aggressive behavior and plans for the future. Post-discharge

suicides had more often a history of attempted suicide, depres-

sive and thought disorder symptomatology, a ward change and an

unplanned discharge and less often a scheduled appointment with

a non-psychiatric physician.


Suicide victims differ with regard to whether they

die during, shortly after or not associated with a hospitalization.

Compared to controls there are specific risk factors for those who

commit suicide during a hospital stay and within 12 weeks after


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A descriptive analysis of psychological

factors and childhood trauma in a

sample of suicide attempters

C. Delicato

1 ,

, E. Gattoni


, S. Di Marco


, A. Venesia


, C. Vecchi



F. Bert


, P. Zeppegno


, C. Gramaglia



Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”,

Translational Medicine, Novara, Italy


Università degli Studi di Torino, Public Health, Torino, Italy

Corresponding author.


Childhood trauma, especially sexual abuse, is asso-

ciated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior. However, studies

also show that according to the stress-vulnerability model, not all

individual exposed to this kind of trauma exhibit suicidal behav-

iors as some protective factors could diminish the aforementioned

risk, such as personality factors. Resilience might be one such a

protective factor. Furthermore, there has been growing evidence

to support the role of impulsive and aggressive behavior in the risk

of suicide.


To compare suicide attempters to non-suicide

attempters (patients admitted for any other reason) for as far as

psychological features and childhood trauma. To verify the role

of resilience and coping strategies as protective factor for suicide

attempt, mitigating the risk of an individual who has experienced

childhood trauma.


We recruited patients referred to the inpatient and

outpatient facilities of psychiatry ward of “Maggiore della Carità”

hospital in Novara during the period November 2015–December

2016. We included all patients from 18 to 65 years with a psy-

chiatric disorder that met DSM–5 diagnostic criteria. For the

analysis, we divided patients into two subgroups according to the

presence/absence of suicidal behaviors. The assessment included:

Resilience Scale for Adult (RSA), Brief cope, Rosenberg Self-esteem

Scale (RSES), childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ), temperament

and character inventory (TCI).

Results and discussion

Although, the recruitment is still ongo-

ing preliminary results seem to confirm the role of resilience and

coping strategies as protective factor mitigating the risk of an

individual who has experienced childhood trauma from making a

suicide attempt.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Risk evaluation in the emergency

department: An algorithm for suicide


T. Duarte

, C. Ferreira , N. Santos , D. Sampaio

Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Hospital de Santa Maria, Núcleo de

Estudos de Suicídio N.E.S. do Servic¸ o de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental,

Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Suicide is one of the biggest challenges that psychi-

atrists face, especially in the emergency room. According to the

World Health Organization, there are approximately 3000 suicides

every day: one every 40 seconds. About half of all violent deaths

in the world are suicides with economic costs of billions of euros.

The risk assessment is still based on a subjective approach, with

no screening or evaluation tools that support the decision about

in-hospital or ambulatory treatment for these patients.


Creation of a decision tree algorithm that can be used

in the emergency room to guide the clinical decision.


Increase the number of avoided suicides.


PubMed database was searched and articles with the

words “emergency”, “suicide”, “attempt” “screening” and “preven-