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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Symposium: Early detection and early

intervention for psychosis–the European status

and perspectives


The current European status

N. Maric

1 ,

, S. Andric


, A. Raballo



M. Rojnic Kuzman


, J. Klosterkötter



A. Riecher-Rössler



School of medicine- university of Belgrade, clinic for psychiatry-

clinical centre of Serbia- Belgrade, Beograd, Serbia


Belgrade, clinic for psychiatry- clinical centre of Serbia- Belgrade,

Belgrade, Serbia


Norwegian centre for mental disorders research Norment,

university of Oslo, Oslo, Norway


Zagreb school of medicine, Zagreb university hospital centre,

Zagreb, Croatia


University of Cologne, department of psychiatry and psychotherapy,

Cologne, Germany


University of Basel, psychiatric university outpatient department-

psychiatric university clinics Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Corresponding author.

In the last two decades, both early detection (ED) and early

intervention (EI) programs and services have gradually become

important and innovative components of contemporary mental

health care. However, it is unclear whether ED/EI programs have

consistently been implemented throughout Europe.

Here, we report results of the EPA Survey on ED/EI Programs in

Europe in 2016.

A 16 item questionnaire was sent to representatives (presidents

and secretariats) of 40 EPA National Societies/Associations (NPAs),

representing 37 countries. The representatives were also invited to

recommend a person for additional information about ED/EI ser-

vices/programs in the country.

The response rate was 59.4% (22 NPAs). Fifteen out of 28 NPAs were

from developed, and 7 out of 8 from economies in transition. ED/EI

services have been implemented in 54.5% of the included countries,

mean duration 10.0


4.9 yrs. Mostly, neither ED were separated

from EI, not the adults from adolescents. National plans to develop

ED/EI were reported in four countries. Although national guidelines

for schizophrenia exist in most of the countries (73.9%), specific

chapters focusing on ED/EI and/or at-risk mental states were not

included in the majority of them. Duration of untreated psychosis

was unknown in 63.6%. In those who gave the estimation it was

12–100 weeks (median in weeks: 33 developed economies; 44

economies in transition).

The fields of ED/EI have been unequally developed across Europe.

Still, many NPAs are without the development plans. EPA and its

Sections should address the identified gaps and suggest how to har-

monize services for the full range of assessments and interventions.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Diagnostic procedures for prediction

of psychosis - Achievements and


A. Raballo

University of Oslo, Norwegian centre for mental disorder research

Norment, Oslo, Norway

Individualized prognostic predictions in people at clinical high

risk are crucial to tailor suitable interventions and personalized

prevention. Furthermore, in recent years, the synergy between

fast-pace technical sophistication in neuroscience (e.g. neuroimag-

ing and neurophysiological) and novel bio-statistical tools (e.g.

machine learning algorithms) has accelerated the development

of more inclusive predictive models and magnified the potential

for such individualized risk stratification enriching classical psy-

chopathological tools. However, the clinical translation of such

research insights is still circumscribed and, despite incremental

optimization of assessment tools, increasingly accepted criteria to

characterize at risk mental states and tumultuous advance in the

field, the prediction of psychosis at such individual level remains a

not fully accomplished target.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Intervention in clinical high risk

states - Current status and future


S. Ruhrmann

University of Cologne, department of psychiatry and psychotherapy,

Cologne, Germany


During the last twenty years, international efforts

advanced the prevention of psychosis considerably. However,

improved predictions as well as well-tolerated and needs-tailored

interventions are still required.


Prediction and Prevention of Psychosis

Aims Presenting the current state and new developments, includ-

ing the European Union funded multi-center project PRONIA with

regard to prediction


, 7


Framework Programme

grant agreement n

602152) and the German multi-center trial

ESPRIT funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

(BMBF grants 01EE1407 C and 01EE1407I) with regard to preven-



Results of meta-analyses will be presented and dis-

cussed with regard to achievements and challenges. Possible

advances by current projects will be discussed.


Pharmacological as well as psychological prevention has

been shown to reduce the incidence rate of psychosis in the respec-

tive samples considerably. However, particularly social and role

functioning, which are prognostically most important, are still an

unsolved challenge. Furthermore, new interventions providing an

improved tolerability and acceptance by the patients are required.

On the level of prediction, a further improvement of predictive

validity, particularly with regard to individualized risk estimation

is desired.


The achievements in the field of prevention of psy-

chosis are impressive, but further progress is needed. This should

be achieved by studies like PRONIA, which aims at improving

risk estimation by an advanced assessment concept as well as a

sophisticated data analysis, and ESPRIT, which compares the effects

of N-Acetylcysteine with an innovative, modular psychological