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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52


Recent mass movement of human beings in various parts of the

world has brought several challenges. Not only refugees from

Syria and Libya to Europe but also refugees, migrants and asy-

lum seekers in Latin America bring specific set of issues with

them. It is critical that clinicians are aware of both the vulnera-

bility of individuals to mental ill health as a result of migratory

experiences but equally importantly their resilience. The impact

on the mental health of those who may be involved directly

or indirectly in delivering care along with those new commu-

nities who receive these groups need to be taken into account

when planning and delivering psychiatric services. It is essen-

tial to recognize that experiences of being a refugee or asylum

seeker are heterogeneous. Being an asylum seeker carries with

it legal definitions and legal imperatives agreed at international


Policymakers and clinicians need to be aware of differential rates

of psychiatric disorders in these vulnerable individuals and spe-

cific needs related to language, religious values and other cultural

factors. Mental health problemsmay be related to experiencing cul-

tural bereavement where individuals feel that they have lost their

cultures, relationships and cultural values. Judicious and careful

use of trained culture brokers and mediators should be encouraged

as these individuals can inform the team about community needs

and inform the community about the team functioning and its

principles so that community expectations can be managed appro-

priately. Such approaches may also help reduce stigma against

mental illness.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Symposium: Child maltreatment and

unfavourable clinical outcome


Prevalence and consequences of

bullying: What could healthcare

services do for intervention?

D. Wolke

University of Warwick, department of psychology, Coventry, United


Bullying is the systematic abuse of power and defined as aggres-

sive behavior or

intentional harm doing

by peers that is carried out


, and involves

an imbalance of power

between the victim

and the bully. One in 3 children report having been bullied at some

point in their lives, and 10 - 14% experience chronic bullying lasting

for more than six months.

Longitudinal research indicates that children who were victims of

bullying are at higher risk for common somatic problems, inter-

nalizing problems and anxiety or depression disorder, psychotic

symptoms and are at highly increased risk to self-harm or think

about suicide in adolescence

[1] .

The mental health problems of

victims and bully/victims remain in adulthood. Indeed, we showed

that peer bullying in childhood has more adverse effects on diag-

nosed anxiety and depression disorders than being physically or

sexually abused or neglected by parents. Victims also report to

have more trouble with making or keeping friends in adulthood

and were less likely to live with a partner and have social support.

In contrast, bullies had no increased risk for any mental or general

health problems, were healthier than their peers, emotionally and


Sadly, many bullied children suffer in silence. To prevent dropping

out of school, violence against oneself (e.g. self-harm) and reduce

mental and somatic health problems, it is imperative for health

practitioners, families and schools to address bullying.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


[1] Wolke D, Lereya ST. Long-term effects of bullying.

Archives of Disease in Childhood 2015;100(9):879–85, .


Adolescent mental health outcomes of

early adversities: Not a simple story

A. Oldehinkel

University medical center Groningen, psychiatry, Groningen, The



Living creatures are shaped by the their experiences

in a constant process of adaptation. These experiences accumulate

and so their relative weight diminishes across the lifespan. In chil-

dren, the relative weight of new experience is high, and children’s

developing brains are programmed to learn like in no other life

phase. Early adversities can thus have a major impact on later men-

tal and physical health outcomes. However, the nature of impact of

exposure to adversities early in life on further development is less

straightforward than it may seem at first sight.


In this presentation, I will address and illustrate a cou-

ple of issues that manifest the complexity of this association.


The data will come from TRAILS (Tracking Adolescents’

Individual Lives Survey), a longitudinal study on the development

of mental health from preadolescence into young adulthood, with

bi- or triennial assessments from age 11 onwards, for a period of

over fifteen years.


Results from various analyses indicate that early adversi-

ties do not lead to unfavorable outcomes in every person, and that

the consequences of early adversities depend on their timing.


The experiences that individuals encounter during

development are incorporated in a continuous process of adap-

tation that shapes them and keeps on doing throughout life.

Considering the complexity and individuality of these processes,

it is inevitable that research findings are often heterogeneous, and

effect sizes small.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Symposium: gaming, gambling, behavioural

addictions: challenges in diagnosis and treatment


Pathological gambling, impulse

control disorder or behavioural

addiction: What do the data indicate?

K. Mann

1 ,

, T . L


2 , F. K


2 , M.




Central institute of mental health, university of Heidelberg,

Mannheim, Germany


Central institute of mental health, department of addictive behavior

& addiction medicine, Mannheim, Germany

Corresponding author.


The reclassification of PG as an addictive disorder is

under debate for ICD-11. Data on psychiatric comorbidity and fam-

ily history might provide the basis for a well-informed decision.