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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52

Experiences of family withdrawal, integration difficulties, and

perceived lack of care may contribute to suicide within the refugee

populations. Identifying effective treatments and support to min-

imize the risk especially once the individuals arrive in their new

country is key to providing appropriate care. Barriers to mental-

health care including lack of knowledge about available resources,

communication or language barriers, cultural beliefs about origins

and treatment of mental disease, as well as a lack of trust in author-

ity, pose a challenge for health care providers and policy makers.

Research has been inconsistent in the findings for the prevalence of

mental disorders, suicidal behaviours, and suicide ideation among

refugees and asylum seekers. Thus far, research has been limited

to small scale, non-randomised, often qualitative analysis. Several

studies have found higher rates of mental disorder, whereas oth-

ers have found a similar prevalence as in the general population,

although, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder has more consistently

been found to have a higher prevalence amongmigrants. The lack of

early and thorough exploration of suicidal intent in this population

requires large-scale quantitative studies to evaluate the effective-

ness and feasibility of current practices in mental-health care and

suicide prevention.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.

Symposium: Reward processes in anorexia and

bulimia nervosa: a new patogenetic model and

future perspectives for treatment of eating



Functional connectivity of reward

circuits in eating disorders

A. Favaro

1 ,

, P . S




University of Padova, general psychology, Padova, Italy


University of Padova, neurosciences, Padova, Italy

Corresponding author.


Anorexia nervosa display alterations of reward systems

and some authors hypothesize the presence of a “starvation addic-

tion”. The aim of the study is to explore the resting-state functional

connectivity of dorsal and ventral striatal nuclei.


51 subjects with lifetime anorexia nervosa (AN) (35

acute and 16 recovered) and 34 healthy controls underwent high

resolution and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imag-



The AN group showed a reduced functional connectivity

of the putamen in comparison to healthy women and this reduc-

tion appeared to be stronger in patients with lifetime binge eating

or purging. Both acute and recovered AN groups showed larger left

accumbens area in comparison to healthy women. Moreover, the

functional connectivity of bilateral nucleus accumbens and puta-

men showed significant negative correlations with the number of

obstetric complications in the AN group.


the present study supports the hypothesis that AN

is associated with structural and functional alterations of striatal

networks and unveils a possible role of obstetric complications in

the pathogenesis of striatal dysfunction.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Emotional eating in eating disorders

and obesity: Sensorial, hormonal and

brain factors involved

F. Fernandez-Aranda

, T. Steward , N. Mallorqui-Bague ,

Z. Agüera , S. Jimenez-Murcia

University hospital Bellvitge-IDIBELL, psychiatry eating disorders

unit and CIBERobn, hospitalet del Llobregat, Spain

Corresponding author.

Obesity (OB) and eating disorders (ED) are two complex

weight/eating conditions that share phenotypic traits, including

psychopathological variables, specific environmental risk factors

and biological vulnerabilities. Both OB and ED are associated with

maladaptive eating styles that may be relevant to their develop-

ment and maintenance. In abnormal/excessive eating behavior,

a complex interplay among physiological, sensorial, psychologi-

cal, social and genetic factors influence appetite, meal timing, and

the quantity of food intake and food preferences. Neurobiological

functioning has also been found to be altered in extreme weight

conditions, namely with regards to reward processing, emotion

regulation and decisionmaking. In this presentationwewill discuss

the relevance of such components as well their interaction using

findings from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies conducted

in extreme eating/weight conditions, when compared with healthy

controls. The development of innovative treatments considering

neurobiological factors will also be covered.


Researchers supported by FIS (PI14/290) and


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Eating disorders and sexuality: A

complex relationship

V. Ricca

1 ,

, G .


1 , L. L


1 , F. R


1 , A.M

. Monteleone

2 ,

M. Maggi



Florence university school of medicine, department of

neurosciences, Firenze, Italy


University of Naples SUN, psychiatry, Naples, Italy


Florence university school of medicine, department of

experimental- clinical and biomedical sciences, Firenze, Italy

Corresponding author.


The relationships between Eating Disorders (EDs)

and sexuality are complex, and of interest for researchers and cli-



To identify psychopathological and clinical factors

associated with restoration of regular menses and sexual function

in EDs patients.


To evaluate the role of sexuality as a moderator of the

recovery process after an individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy



39 Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and 40 Bulimia Nervosa

(BN) female patients were evaluated by means of a face-to-face

interview, self-reported questionnaires, including Eating Disorder

Examination Questionnaire and Female Sexual Function Index, and

blood sample for hormonal levels and biomarkers. The assessments

were repeated at baseline, at one year follow up, and at three years

follow up.


After CBT, both AN and BN patients showed a significant

improvement of sexual functioning, which was associated with

a reduction of core psychopathology. AN patients who recovered

regular menses demonstrated a better improvement across time

of psychopathological and clinical features, and were more likely

to maintain these improvements at follow up. Recovery of regu-

lar menses and improvement of sexuality at the end of CBT were