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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52

symptoms are an integral link in cognitive pathways, with con-

nections between cognitive processes weakening as disorganized

symptoms increase. Thus, it seems that when disorganized symp-

toms are present, people with schizophrenia are no longer able

to effectively utilize the neurocognitive abilities necessary for

performing social cognitive or metacognitive tasks. It is also in

line with models of disorganization in schizophrenia (Bleuler,

1911) that a “loosening of associations”—similar to current con-

ceptualizations of disorganized symptoms—is at the core of these

cognitive disruptions. Previous research has linked disorganiza-

tion to cognition (neurocognition and SC) and cognition to social

functioning, although in separate studies. The present study was

conducted to explore a model, where disorganization predicted

social functioning both directly both through indirect effects on

other determinants (neurocognition, SC and negative symptoms) in

a large, andwell-characterized sample of patients with schizophre-

nia recruited in the context of a multi-center study of the Italian

Network for Research on Psychoses (NIRP).

Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no compet-

ing interest.


Neurobiological correlates of the

treatment of emotion processing in


G. Sachs

1 ,

, H. Felsberger


, J. Furtner


, A. Erfurth



Medical university of Vienna, department of psychiatry and

psychotherapy, Vienna, Austria


Medical university of vienna, department of neuroradiology,

Vienna, Austria


Otto-Wagner-Spital, 6th psychiatric department, Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author.


Mentalizing ability is impaired in patients with

schizophrenia. Most studies in schizophrenia report hypoactivation

of the core-mentalizing network including the medial prefrontal

cortex (mPFC) and bilateral temporoparietal junction (TPJ). In our

study, in patients with first episode schizophrenia treatment as

usual with atypical antipsychotics (TAU) was compared to the add-

on effect of amentalization-based treatment program (MBT) on the

mentalizing network in the brain.


12 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to

DSM-IV-TR criteria participated in the study (6 males, mean age:

30.43, SD = 9.35 years, years of education 13.23, SD =2.45). A mod-

ified treatment program for psychoses was used based on the

mentalization-based therapy developed by Bateman and Fonagy

(2009). Before and after the treatment fMRI analyses (fixed effects

analyses) were carried out (3 Tesla, 5 blocks on/off, 36s, TR = 3.62,

SPM) using the n-back task.


Preliminary results show single analyses due to the small

sample size. Comparing the fMRI scans before and after treatment,

increases in the activation patterns were found in first episode

patients treated with MBT. In patients with TAU a reduction in the

activation patterns was demonstrated (mean changes in the acti-

vation clusters in the MBT group was 5.53, SD 12.79, in the TAU

group -5.80, SD 6.91).


Mentalization-based treatment is a promising

approach in the treatment of schizophrenia and can have an

impact on social networks in the brain. Further studies are needed

for a better understanding of social cognition and the related

neural mechanisms in schizophrenia.

Disclosure of interest

The authors declare that they have no com-

peting interest.


Neurocognitive predictors of social

cognition in subjects with

schizophrenia and their first-degree


A. Mucci

1 ,

, S. Galderisi


, P. Rocca


, A. Rossi


, A. Bertolino



M. Maj



University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, department of psychiatry,

Naples, Italy


University of Turin, department of neuroscience- section of

psychiatry, Turin, Italy


University of L’Aquila, department of biotechnological and applied

clinical sciences- section of psychiatry, L’Aquila, Italy


University of Bari, department of neurological and psychiatric

sciences, Bari, Italy

Corresponding author.


Social cognition is a complex construct that refers

to the functions required to understand other people’s mental

states and behavior. In people with schizophrenia, social cognition

deficits account for a proportion of variance in functional out-

come, independent of symptomatology. However, the relationships

among social cognition, neurocognitive functioning and functional

outcome are still unclear. Previous investigations had several lim-

itations including small sample size, heterogeneous and limited

measures of social cognition and neurocognitive functions.


Within the study of the Italian Network for Research on

Psychoses, we investigated factors influencing outcome in patients

with schizophrenia and their unaffected relatives. Psychopathol-

ogy, including depression, neurocognition, social cognition and

outcome were assessed using instruments designed to overcome

some of the previous limitations.


Structural equation modeling was used to test direct

and indirect effects of neurocognition, social cognition and func-

tional capacity on vocational and interpersonal functioning. Tests

of facial emotion recognition, emotional intelligence and theory

of mind were included to assess social cognition. The MATRICS

Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) was used to investigate neu-



In both subjectswith schizophrenia and their first-degree

relatives, social cognition was found to be independent of negative

symptoms and to have a direct impact on outcome. Neurocogni-

tion was a predictor of functional capacity and social cognition,

which both mediated its impact on outcome. Social cognition was

independent of functional capacity and negative symptoms.


Better understanding of how neurocognitive dys-

function and social cognition deficits relate to one another may

guide efforts toward targeted treatment approaches.

Disclosure of interest

AM received honoraria or advisory

board/consulting fees from the following companies: Janssen

Pharmaceuticals, Otsuka, Pfizer and Pierre Fabre SG received

honoraria or advisory board/consulting fees from the follow-

ing companies: Lundbeck, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Hoffman-La

Roche, Angelini-Acraf, Otsuka, Pierre Fabre and Gedeon-Richter.

All other Authors declare no potential conflict of interest.


Differential neural correlates of

dimensions of negative symptoms in

Schizophrenia during

social-emotional appraisal and effects

of treatment

A. Aleman

Department of Neuroscience, Umc, Groningen, The Netherlands