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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S465–S520


– 3 Comorbidity of cancer and psychiatric illness: Findings from

North Norway.

– 4 Cardiovascular disease is prevalent among people suffering

from depression and anxiety.

– 5 The importance of the use of antipsychotic medication for phys-

ical health.

– 6 Coercion and general health among psychiatric patients. The

importance in continuity of care.

– 7 Substance-use among psychiatric patients. Implications for gen-

eral health and care pathways.

– 8 Psychiatric patients use of general practitioner medical treat-


Table 1

An overview of the information that will be retreived from

the registries.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Walker ER, McGee RE, Druss BG. Mortality in mental disorders

and global disease burden implications: a systematic reviewand

meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry 2015;72:334–41.

[2] Reininghaus UR, et al. Mortality in schizophrenia and other psy-

choses: a 10-year follow-up of the SOP first-episode cohort.

Schizophr Bull 2015;41:664–73.


Psychopathological consequences of

introducing psychopharmacological

treatment in patients with ADH with

comorbidrug use. A preliminary study

L.A. Nú˜nez Domínguez

1 ,

, O. Arbeo Ruiz


, L. Barrado Los Arcos



Centro médico, psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Centro de Día Zuría, psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain


Mental health net, psychaitry, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.


There exists a high prevalence of SUD among

patients suffering ADHD and the consequences of this comorbid-

ity are that AHDH and SUD may exacerbate the outcome of SUD

and vice versa. The presence of both disorders increases the risk of

chronicity and the level and/or the number of symptoms.

Themain objective is to evaluate how the introduction of treatment

correlates with a better control of symptoms.

Material and methods

We select a group of patients with both

diagnosis treated in aMental HealthDay Center in Pamplona, Spain.

We employ several scales to evaluate the sample: SCL-90, SF-36,

Weiss Scale and a Scale of Satisfaction, in three times: at the begin-

ning, one month and three months. We employ urinalysis to detect

level and number of substances.


The sample is comprised by 12 patients, main age of 42.6

years. 8 patients are cocaine addicts. The majority received Atom-

oxetine (main dosage 36.0mg)

Our data shows an important decrease in the score of Neurotics

groups of symptoms and Hostility. We observe a decrease in score

of items correlated with physic health and an increase in emotional

aspects of daily life.

Eight patients gets abstinence and the punctuation of craving

decrease from 21 to 5.2.

The level of satisfaction with treatment was very high.


The psychopharmacological treatment of patients

diagnosed of ADHD with comorbid SUD implies a great improve-

ment in the symptomatology and quality of life of the patients, with

a low level of craving.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Life is in the air: Inhalated methanol

poisoning. A case report

N.I. Nú˜nez Morales

1 ,

, M. Gómez Revuelta



G. Montero González


, M. Zubia Martín


, L. García Ayala



C. Martín Requena


, N. Gómez-Coronado Suárez de Venegas



C. Gómez Sánchez Lafuente


, P. Pérez Martínez de Arrieta



A.M. González-Pinto Arrillaga



Hospital universitario de Álava, psychiatry, Vitoria, Spain


Hospital Zamudio, psychiatry, Zamudio, Spain


Hospital universitario Virgen del Rocío, psychiatry, Sevilla, Spain


Hospital universitario Virgen de la Victoria, psychiatry, Malaga,


Corresponding author.


Methanol poisoning is uncommon but potentially

lethal. The way of poisoning is usually oral. However, in a small

number of cases, inhalated methanol poisoning was described.

Most of these occurred among patients suffering a disorder by use

of this substance. This type of poisoning has an insidious presenta-

tion, that complicates its diagnosis. This poisoning may be lethal.

It may produce a chronic and severe affectation of the central ner-

vous system in those who survive to the poisoning. After diagnosis,

it is compulsory to act quickly, and it often requires advanced vital

support and hemodialysis.


Educate the Mental Health professionals about a type

of disorder by consumption increasingly more frequent in some

cities across Europe. This is a high fatality related poisoning that

emergency and general psychiatrists should know as it is increas-

ingly common in Europe.


We present the case of a 20-year-old patient, treated at

the emergency department of our hospital in context of metanol

inhalation. The patient regularly attended to our Dual Pathology

outpatient unit due to a severe inhalant use disorder. Several stays

at the intensive care unit had been recorded and he already pre-

sented with severe optic nerve affectation.


In recent years there has been an increase in inhalant

abuse in Europe, which is still underestimated by our poor knowl-

edge about its potential toxicity.


Inhalated methanol poisoning occurs with a typical

presentation, andmay appear after suicide trial or overdose. Mental

health professional should become aware of its potential lethality

to approach properly to these patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.