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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52

In order to get a deeper understanding of these processes, valid

“disease models” are pivotal. A new cutting edge technique, named

brain organoids, has been highlighted as a promising candidate for

obtaining a better “disease model”.

Brain organoids derived from patients induced pluripotent stem

cells (iPSC) follow in vivo timeline development; they also have

the ability to recreate the right complexity of the brains, develop-

mental stages. On the cellular and gene expression level, organoids

demonstrate a high similarity to the developing brain in vivo and

can therefore recapitulate early stages of the neurogenesis. To

date organoids are the most relevant cellular in vitro platform

for the understanding of the mechanisms behind ADS pathology.

Investigations of “mini brains” at different time points in their

development will give a wider and more detailed picture of the

disease dynamic and thus the development of therapeutic and pre-

vention strategies. It is a tool that can be used for effective high

throughput screening of chemical compounds as potential drugs

(“in sphero” drug testing). Organoids are a good modeling system

for elucidating the role of epigenetic and environmental factors for

development of ASD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors declare that they have no com-

peting interest.

Symposium: Clinical and neurobiological impact

of physical exercise interventions in



The impact of endurance training on

brain structure and function in

multi-episode Schizophrenia

B. Malchow

Ludwig-Maximilians University, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Munich, Germany

Structural and functional brain alterations as well as cog-

nitive deficits are well-documented findings in schizophrenia

patients. Cognitive impairments affect the long-term outcome of

schizophrenia and are the main contributors to disability. Despite

their clinical impact, however, no effective options are available to

treat them sufficiently. Aerobic endurance training has been shown

to have effects on brain plasticity, gray and white matter volume

as well as functional connectivity measures and on cognitive func-

tioning in animal models and healthy humans. However, effects

of physical exercise in combination in combination with cognitive

remediation are unknown in Schizophrenia. 21 chronic schizophre-

nia patients and 21 age and gender–matched healthy controls

underwent 3 months of aerobic exercise (endurance training,

30 min, 3 times per week). 21 additionally recruited schizophre-

nia patients played table soccer (known as “foosball” in the USA)

over the same period. After 6 weeks of endurance training or table

soccer, all participants commenced standardized cognitive training

with a computer-assisted training program. We could show that

a 3-month endurance-training program combined with CR ther-

apy had positive effects on everyday functioning in multi-episode

Schizophrenia patients. Deficits improved frommedium to mild as

assessed with the GAF. Negative symptoms, short and long-term

verbal memory and cognitive flexibility also improved with train-

ing. We could demonstrate grey matter volume increase in the

left temporal lobe in schizophrenia patients undergoing endurance

training. A non-endurance and coordinative training stimulus like

playing table soccer led to a clearly distinct pattern of grey matter

alterations in Schizophrenia patients.

Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no compet-

ing interest.

Symposium: Current evidence for

pharmacological and psychological interventions

in the treatment of borderline personality

disorder–Findings from two-updated Cochrane



Short-term psychological

interventions for bordeline

personality disorder–What Works?

O.J. Storebø

1 ,

, J. Stoffers-Winterling


, J. Mattivi


, B. Völlm



M.L. Kielsholm


, S. Nielsen


, E. Simonsen


, K. Lieb



Psychiatric Research Unit, Psychiatric Department, Slagelse,



University of Mainz Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Mainz, Germany


Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Universitätsmedizin,

Department of Psychiatry and Psychoterapy, Mainz, Germany


Institute of Mental Health-Jubilee Campus, Division of Psychiatry

and Applied Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom


Psychiatric Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Slagelse,



University of Maintz Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Mainz, Germany

Corresponding author.


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a common

and disabling personality disorder associated with difficulties in

controlling emotions and impulses, self-injury, feelings of empti-

ness and abandonment. It is associated with problems in many

areas of life, most notably relationships. Psychotherapy is the first-

line treatment for people with borderline personality disorder

widely used; however, the evidence is not thoroughly investigated.

In addition, several specific short-term interventions have been

developed during the last decades.


We are currently updating this cochrane collabora-

tion review on psychological interventions for BPD. First findings

on the up-to-date evidence relating to short-term psychological

interventions will be presented.


We conducted a cochrane systematic review and

meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Any random-

ized comparisons of psychological interventions versus unspecific

control interventions, waitlist or specific psychotherapeutic inter-

ventions in adult BPD patients were eligible. Primary outcomes

were BPD core pathology as depicted by DSM criteria. Secondary

outcomes included depression, anxiety, general psychopathol-

ogy, dropouts and adverse events. Two independent researchers

selected trials, assessed quality and extracted data independently.


The current evidence of short-term psychological inter-

ventions in general and the different types of interventions for

which RCT evidence is currently available will be evaluated.

Disclosure of interest

The authors declare that they have no com-

peting interest.